Click Here to Try Drugs


This work for the Oslo Department of Health which asks people to "click here to try drugs" is amazing. When you do click, you are taken through representative experiences of using marijuana, cocaine and heroine. It's all very trippy, complete with random confusing pop ups and a mouse that simply won't respond to your commands.

Very nice work which, to use fave buzz word of the day, engages quite nicely.

by Steve Hall    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Cause, Online

Twitter. Still Free. Still Seeking Business Model. Still Getting Slammed


As only Simon Dumenco can, Twitter gets yet another lashing from an unbeliever. While Dumenco may be a non-believer, not one to drink the cult's Kool-Aid, he a makes a few good points. Twitter was launched in 2006 and still has yet to institute a business model steering the company towards anything more than its current status as plaything for social media-obsessed digerati.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-27-08    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Social

OMG! The Blue Are Extinct! Mick Jagger to the Rescue!


As if it were in danger of becoming extinct...oh wait, it is, the National Blue Foundation is out with a couple of videos that attempt to illustrate a world in which blues does not exist. OK, the videos are fun but, seriously, does anyone listen to the blues anymore? OK, OK...apologies to the two of you that still do but really, Was Mick Jagger the best they could come up with?

Ames Scullin O'Haire created.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Video

Your Apathy Could Put McCain in Office. Oh, Noooooes.


Hot damn. As November 4 nears and political ads grow increasingly more negative, -- which has a knack for instigating a fight -- whips out its own ammo.

Non-voters are the target. This faux news video can be customized to include the name of any potential non-voter. Plug your name in to see it defamed across Facebook, in church marquees and among angry middle-aged protesters. (It's a surprisingly heady sensation. This must be how Heather Mills feels every single day.)

Aside from that sidebar about McCain bombing goats, the best part is when George W. Bush thanks you for your service. I think it gave me hypertension.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-27-08    
Topic: Cause, Online, Political, Spoofs, Video

Sony Ericsson: Be the Star of Your Own YouTube Video!


Because everyone knows that's tough to do.*

Check out Ericsson's Darkside campaign, where you plug your likeness into a pre-made spooky YouTube video.

Brando, the left-of-center agency responsible, even provided one-click ways to "viral it out" via Facebook and email. So, like, wow, you don't have to do jack to get your face on the front of the internets.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions

Hmm. Maybe America Should Be More Hip-Hop.


Mos Def joins a whole train wreck of celebrities encouraging everyone in their sphere of influence to get out and vote. Unlike Hayden Panettiere and Serena Vanderwoodsen, however, he doesn't make the case for McCain or Obama.

Here he explains what he'd do as President.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Political, Promotions, Video

'Dream of a Truly Free Marketplace' Can be Realized -- with Gas Masks


And if you're willing to buy that, also consider Anarkon's Molotov cocktails and concert series DVDs. Options include revolutionary titans like (suck in your scoff!) Anthrax and Rage Against the Machine.

Finally, an affiliate network with imagination. Just wish it were clearer what the service offering is. But I guess that's the kind of thing you telephone for.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Specialty

Great Milk Comes from Happy Cows. And the Happy Cows are Casting!


The California Milk Advisory Board is screening for its next bovine star. And guess who gets to pick her? You! Between October 13 and September 30, trawl audition vids and cast your vote.

Of 10 total, only two videos, "Alicia" and "Jenn," are currently available to view. Alicia reeks of The Real World, and little Jenn's being constantly goaded on by her attention-starved mom.

Videos of the hopeful heifers will be repurposed as TV spots. I hope one of Silk's renegade soy cows enters, because no audition series is complete without some wacked-out anti-establishment radical.

Lisa P. Maxwell Exposes Agency Members to Outside Interference


Nodding to the transparency craze, last March Modernista created the most transparent website imaginable. Instead of telling people about itself, it used public websites -- over which the agency had little or no control -- to relate the story instead.

For its own redesign, agency Lisa P. Maxwell tackled "transparency" from a different angle. Visit the site for unfettered access to all its creatives. There they are, live on streaming webcams, waiting for a chat buddy who hopefully won't shriek "SHOW BOOB."

Weeeeird. Could the Zeitgeist (that's us!) be the "Big Brother" George Orwell so feared? I smell a dissertation!

by Angela Natividad    Oct-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Strange

Pair the Agency Ego to His Celebrity Doppelganger!


Vote for the most uncanny likeness between men in advertising/media and men in Hollywood. Because if we can't be somebody who matters, it's sorta comforting to look like someone who does.

This effort's among several other irresistible list-candy posts that Glam is using to promote, the men's network it launched last week. Other lip-smackin' slices of data pornography include the Brash Hall of Fame (50 legendary men!) and the Brash 100 (men still changing the game).

by Angela Natividad    Oct-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity, Online, Promotions