Employs Zoom Feature to Explore British Airways

british airways zoom.png has just prepared a new online campaign for British Airways. Visit Upgrade to British Airways to get the gist.

Using both flash and HTML, users click on the logo and find themselves zooming ever nearer to teeny weeny little images that seemingly make up the bigger picture. Once you get as close as you possibly can to each element, you learn a neat little fact about the British Airways experience.

In the same way the Tin Man subsite loops after about 10,000 scenes or so, images are repeated without hurting the effort much -- meaning you could pretty much sit there clicking forever.

If Tin Man and British Airways are any indication, it seems like Ad-ville is developing a preoccupation with ... what could you call it? Immersion? Digging deep? Life in macro? Vertigo?

by Angela Natividad    Oct-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

John Cleese Offers Friendly Advice For Iron Mountain


If there's anyone who can bring even the remotest bit of excitement to the mundane category of data security, it's John Cleese. As a follow up to Dr. Harold Trainwreck's The Institute for Backup Trauma, JDW Marketing has given us the equally humorous Friendly Advice Machine which aims to explain just how important data backup (with Iron Mountain, of course) can be. Written and directed by Captains of Industry and produced by Thunder Sky Pictures, a collection of videos feature Cleese answering data backup-related questions as only Cleese can.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 9-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online, Video

Nothing Says 'Support My Cause' Like a Cupcake

cupcakes for cause.png

We hold a special place in our hearts for little girls carrying cupcakes because of an ad for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that we used to see all the time when we were kids.

To this day, it still makes us hungry for multiple halves of love-smattered confections.

Along the same altruistic vein (except without the whole changing-religions part), Merkle launched an interactive bakery called Cupcakes for a Cause to raise money for Cancercare. Every virtual cupcake sold means $1 toward research for a cure.

But talking of cupcakes would be lame if you couldn't actually eat one. The campaign also involves bake sales with sponsoring homes and bakeries. Oh heaven.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Online

Morons And the Blind Ad Buys They Make


Here's some food for thought as you consider just how smartly your marketing budget is being spent. Recently, a media buyer refused to place a buy on a site because the site's content was deemed unsuitable. All well and good but then the same media buyer placed the same buy on a blind ad network (a buy that is made without knowing on which sites the ads will appear).

We bet you can guess what happened next. Yup. The ad appeared on the site that was deemed unsuitable because the blind ad network buys ads from the same, so-called unsuitable site. One, perhaps, can't fault the buyer since they had no idea the ad would appear on the site they thought should not be part of the buy but doesn't the entire blind buy thing seem idiotic? It's like, "Hey, let's throw some money at a stripper and see what sticks to her thong." Not the most efficient use of one's cash.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-07    
Topic: Online, Opinion

Tin Man Subsite Goes Deep Without Skimming Surface

tin man hole.png

This "Infinite OZ" subsite for the Sci-Fi Channel's Tin Man does little besides guide passive visitors deeper, deeper and still deeper into worlds sitting inside other worlds, kind of like those marbles at the end of Men in Black.

Entrance looks and feels like the rabbit hole Lewis Carroll's Alice fell into, except slower and scarier (vestiges of Pink Floyd, maybe?). Advertisers will also be happy to know that the first thing a person sees upon penetrating the refurbished Oz is a billboard.

Granted, it veers into a totally fucked-up, scary and apparently deserted world, but hey, this is very good news for those seeking a more interactive user experience.

And oh god. Did a disembodied female voice just say "There's no place like the O-Z"? You did not go there, Calle & Pelle Sjonell. (This is their last gig for Fallon, Minneapolis before they move on to BBH, NY.)

Tin Man premieres November on the Sci-Fi Channel. After traveling for 10 minutes into the void with no end in sight, part of us does want to see the show.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 8-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Television

Saturn Uses MySpace Ads to Trash -- and Bait? -- MySpace Users

saturn astra.png

We haven't heard a peep from Saturn since the Aura's mad diss by Bob Garfield. But the company hopes to reinvent itself with the Astra (try not to confuse the names), targeted directly at MySpacers.

To celebrate its call to "Rethink," users are invited to take a test drive. Try to work out what's going on with the laggy PowerPoint-esque site while trying to ignore the corny copy: "Go. Stop. Look. Turn. Repeat. Is this really how we fall in love with a car?"

It may not be the formula for falling in love with a car, but it sounds suspiciously like the directions on a shampoo bottle, except with too many confusing demands.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 8-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online

Icebreakers Takes Philosophical Turn, We Shy Away

icebreakers truth.jpg

This playful little campaign by Grupo W, Mexico is for Hershey's Icebreakers, and the object of each interaction -- for those who don't speak Spanish -- is to demonstrate how "The truth tastes better." Especially with Icebreakers.

There's also a companion site that roughly translates to The Flavor of Your Truth, where you can spell out your personal truth and create a new brand image out of pictures tagged with the words you used.

It all sounds very Dorian Gray. Do you really want to know what your truth looks like?

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 6-07    
Topic: Online

Save Sex, Insurance Excites, Conference Gets Virtual, 1984 Trashed


- Mini Cooper has a couple of new sites up. One provides better things to do with your lunch hour and the other...well, you have to wait until lunch time to find out.

- What could possibly be exciting about insurance? Right. Nothing and Insurance .com knows this so they've launched May the Best Win, a video competition.

- Why be bothered with the expense and annoyance of interacting with real people an an industry trade show when you can go to a virtual one while sitting at your computer in your underwear?

- For Boston's Hatch Awards, Arnold created this opening video spoofing the creation of a 1984-style Apple commercial and a focus group which trashed it.

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 5-07    
Topic: Online, Spoofs, Video

T-Mobile Gets Imaginative (Or Not) with Rich Media Foray

tmobile figure skating.png

How do you get a passel of users to interact with your ad? Give them a compelling scenario with a cliffhanger that demands they mouse over to learn more.

Not a bad strategy. But a conversation about figure skating...? Come on, T-Mobile.

Our best guess is they were trying to capture the kind of inane conversation you'd have on a landline. (That is, before the advent of "free nights and weekends.") But the "hours later..." punchline isn't that great, either.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 4-07    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Online

Miss America Devotes Site, Software to Protecting Kids Online


For those seeking a hero in a beauty queen, Miss America has created her own browser to protect young girls from online predators.

Each site the browser accesses is filtered and approved by the Miss America Organization and the Children's Educational Network. It also reads email out loud and can instruct kids to do laundry or homework, based on parental programming.

Par for the course if she can improve the ratio for the 1/5 Americans who can't locate the States on a map. Miss South Carolina failed miserably in that regard, but maybe that's why she didn't win the crown.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 4-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online