Serial Killer Threats Win Best Viral at BIMA


Remember that one time we thought a serial killer was out to get us, but the threat turned out to be a customizable online promotion for Showtime's Dexter?

That promotion just won Best use of Viral Marketing at the BIMAs this year. Put together by Ralph & Co., London, it generated 300,000 unique Dexter emails and over 750,000 pageviews.

See the UK campaign, Ice Truck, or the US campaign, Slice of Life TV.

Gotta love a viral campaign that makes your friends feel like they're the targets of an unhinged, virtually un-catchable sociopath. We know it gave us a happy rise.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Viral

Speed ProStreet Calls Online, Offline Turf Wars Equally Crucial


Ooh, fun. Heat, SF shot us this ad for Speed ProStreet, a game by EA Games.

The spot glides between real video imagery and gritty animation, which still exhibits a dull gleam of reality. And the music brings you back to the first time you watched Rebel without a Cause, when so much was on the line in that one game of chicken. You know, before James Dean started crying and shit.

The agency hoped to leave gamers with the sense that "every battle counts" on both real or virtual streets. (We're sure mom will love that manifesto when it's spouted over her kid's next speeding ticket.)

The spots will run on ESPN and other gamer-friendly stations.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Television

Chevy, Hulu, WTF?


For reasons having mainly to do with the writers strike, which is slowly sucking all the life and vigor out of TV (even online TV!), we ended up watching The Breakfast Club on Hulu last night.

We're not really sure what in hell Hulu is doing. We heard somewhere that they're trying to make their ads more intuitive and more in line with the online viewing experience. So tell us why the entire fucking film was jam-packed with the same mind-numbing ad for Chevy hybrid SUVs.

In said ad, unfortunate users witness the creation of an ice cream sundae. And it's ugly and horrifying. Everything from the elevator music, to the pallid vanilla, to the badly-poured chocolate, to the artificial whipping cream, filled us with glorious disdain for everything Chevy. (Especially the Lumina.) And, somehow, John Hughes, too.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Online, Worst

Bulbous Boobs, Animated Threesome Usher in 3D Avatar


Sex sells everything, from knit stockings to cheese to deodorant.

So why not 3D avatars, too?

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Online

To Spark Historic Sports Interest, Heinz Appeals to Steelers Fans


Hey Heinz, remind all the women in Pittsburgh why football fills them with resentment, why don't you.

This spot was created by Garrison Hughes, Pittsburgh for the Heinz History Center. Its purpose is to generate traffic for the Heinz History Center's Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum.

Here's another spot from the same campaign. We don't feel super turned-on by them, but maybe we'd feel differently if we saw the spots from the Jumbotron in Heinz field, which is one of the places these ads will be airing.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 2-07    
Topic: Online, Outdoor, Promotions, Television

World AIDS Day's A-Comin'. Please Get Appropriately Somber


We do love a broken record.

Seriously though, this spot is for World AIDS Day '07, which happens tomorrow. It reminded us of candles being lit in a church -- nice mental contrast.

The VP at Blattner Brunner assures us thus, and we thought we'd use it to assure you too:

"33,200,000 cases. Represented by one shot/one second. 86400 seconds in a day. Don't worry, though, the thing is only a minute long."

Far cry from the King of Condoms approach.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-30-07    
Topic: Cause, Online, Promotions, Video

Facebook Fucked Up


Did anyone really think they'd get away with plastering people's images alongside ads as mini-endorsements? 50,000 people didn't and signed a petition forcing the company to change is Beacon system so people have control over whether or not they participate in it.

Why, in the first place, they thought everyone would willingly become a buzz agent is mystifying. Is there a social network out there that can can the right mix of human interaction and capitalistic commerce?

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-07    
Topic: Online, Social, Tools

42Below Vodka Gets Wicked with Would-Be Virals We Want to Watch


We're crazy about these new spots for 42Below vodka. Mainly because they feel the same way we do about slavery. ("And MACHINES!")

See Good Thought, Canada, Bestest, Wallaby (flippin' awesome), Feijoa (New Zealand's claim to fame?), and Cows (a message about drinking responsibly).

If we didn't already have a vodka to snuggle close to us at night, we'd pick you, 42.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Video

Reality Rejects Segregate Candies to Win Hearts


Catch Sweet Child O' Mine, episode two of's Reality Rejects. Here, hypothetical rejects from reality TV separate candy colors at the request of a girl with big-ass hair.

Observing that there's nothing interesting about insurance (besides maudlin statistics, uptight salesman and these ads), decided instead to start an online series loaded with mediocre characters, catty comebacks and competitive fervor.

In other words, it's everything we love about modern TV, minus the flying boy.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions, Spoofs

Snow, Piss and Marriage Proposal Make For Stupid Fun


Of course you know exactly what's going to happen in this Keta Keta-created video for James Allen Jeweler five seconds into it but there's nothing like a mixture of snow, piss and a marriage proposal to bring at least half a chuckle to your morning. And there's nothing really new about a contest that asks people to submit videos of marriage proposal ideas because, after all, absolutely everything that has to do with getting married is fodder for endless idiocy, wackiness and humor. So if you plan to make a marriage proposal soon why not at least enter the contest for a chance to win a $3,000 diamond engagement ring. After all, you're cheap and you know it.

by Steve Hall    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Video