Even More Exciting Than A New Refrigerator!


If you replace the words "laundry detergent," "washing machine," and "dryer," this video for Purex would take you in an entirely different direction. We can't wait for the spoof. Anyway, there's some interesting stuff brewing in the world of laundry detergent and Purex is on the front lines.

Change is coming to laundry, the campaign touts. So what's the big deal? The product, which isn't shown, is a stiff version Bounce. It's three in one action performs the duty of detergent, fabric softener and antistatic agent.

We just wish this campaign was running in the 50's or 60's. Can you imagine how much more elated the women in the ad would be? Yea. Back in the day, women would practically have an orgasm when they got a new refrigerator. We can't imagine the reactions to a new laundry product as cool as this.

by Steve Hall    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Video

Apple Claims It Can Make You Mama's Favourite.


Fresh out the Flagrant Email pile comes this subject line from Almighty Apple: "Last chance to give iPod for Mother's Day." We were like, okay, let's see how they work this angle, and popped the email open to meet eyes with the following header:

"Give Mom a reason to play favorites."

Need a blunter innuendo? Cast your gaze leftwards to see an iPod lovingly engraved, "No wonder you always liked me best."

Mac confidence at its most engorged state. Props to the shameless email marketers at Apple, whose capacity to self-promote -- for any holiday, or none at all -- knows no inhibitions. Might be time to swoop up another Shuffle; as things stand, we're lucky if Mom tells us we look nice in the morning.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

You're a Nameless Troll. What Do You Need Rights For?


Yesterday AgencySpy reposted an op-ed by Alan Wolk that generated a shit-ton of loose-cannon commentary.

There's a lot to be said about the culture of anonymous commenting -- that it lets people say things they wouldn't normally, which can be both good and bad.

But imagine a world where everybody who ever wanted to talk to you had to reveal all his name and contact information first. Sure it'd minimize a few random acts of verbal cruelty, but is a full-disclosure world one you'd want to live in? And can the ideal be scaled to the 'net in a practical way?

We went over other grays in this discourse last week while Wolk's post was still hot, but the topic's so milkable we figure this merits a poll.

Should anonymous comments be banned from the 'net?
pollcode.com free polls
by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-09    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Sasquatch is Back For Jack Link's Beef Jerky


Three years ago, Sasquatch wandered the woods for Jack Link's Beef Jerky. Now he's dancing atop an iPhone for Living Sasquatch, a site on which you can make your own Sasquatch movie. Somehow this sell beef jerky. We're not quite sure how though.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-09    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Subway Does Singing Auditions Thing for $5 Footlongs.


Subway's whoring for musical auditions to promote its $5 footlongs over the interwebs. And while the topic matter makes every entry cheesy by default, that's not to say all them are bad.

Vote for favourites or unlock "bonus exclusive bloopers."* There's a line fresh out of the buzzword generator. =P

more »

by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Video

I'm a Little Short, Can You Spot Me a Hug?

In an Absolute world, we wouldn't need money. At least in London with this latest promotion where Absolute exchanged hugs for real stuff. (Clip post-jump, Twitter here.) Not sure it would fly here, maybe though:

"Hello? Yes, this is he. Yes, I know. Two months late. No, yeah, we were going to send a check out soon as we can. Yeah, I understand. Looks bad on our credit history, yep. Collections? Whoa, hang on for a sec... sorry, had to check with my wife. You guys take hugs? You do? OH, but not over the phone. Gotcha. Yeah, makes sense. So then, guess smiles are out. HEY. What about jokes. You take jokes? You do? Awesome. Okay, two bill collectors walk into a bar."

more »

by Bill Green    Apr-22-09    

Contextual Sadness.

This stuff writes itself, doesn't it. *sigh* What's the penalty for being subhuman again? Oh yeah, eight years with time served. *double sigh*


by Bill Green    Apr-22-09    
Topic: Online, Strange

Green Eyed World, PhotoBucket's Delusions of Relevance, Adweek v AdAge


- Sprite + YouTube + Facebook + pop star = Green Eyed World, an orgy of Entirely Too Much BS.

- How to nail an interview. (Complete with hidden camera footage!)

- "It's not the shape of the thing, I just like the perfect blend of tech-speak and contraception."

- Pharma popped in PPC prevarication shakedown.

- PhotoBucket tries breaking TwitPic territory. Good fucking luck.

- Adweek v AdAge.

- Mattel, please keep your silicone-stained hands off Dora the Explorer. Oh no, too late.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Trends and Culture, Video

Candystand Makes Mah Jongg Game for Toyota Venza.


Because that makes perfect sense, yeah? Tap those old marmies where they like it best: on their itchy little gambling fingers.

Better that they play under the warm glow of Internets and not in the garage -- which should really be housing a Toyota Venza, not a cheap green foldout poker table.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online, Promotions

VideoEgg Introduces Expand-O-Matic Ad Unit Twig


"New Ad Stays in View While Users Scroll, Making Content Work Harder for Brand Advertisers" Well that, from a VideoEgg press release, ought to go over well. Um, no. So, yea, everyone has to make money and ads, though becoming less important, are part of that equation. Enter Twig.

VideoEgg CMO Troy Young explains, "Twig addresses a key challenge in the online media environment--ads that aren't in frame long enough to drive user engagement. By offering a unit that's always in view, VideoEgg provides bloggers and publishers with a powerful new way to monetize content. Like everything we do, Twig is performance based and expands to a highly rich full-page experience, so brands love it as well."

We were all ready to hate this new ad unit until we saw it in action. It's very subtle. it sits at the top (or the bottom) of the page much like the Google Friend Connect bar does here on Adrants. When you roll over it, it expands to a full page unit with video. For sure, many will hate it. But there are far worse ad units out there compared to this one.


by Steve Hall    Apr-16-09    
Topic: Online