Obama Ascends to Stardom, Enfatico Falters, Good Good Goes Bad, method Makes Salad


- McCain puts Obama on the same "soar high, fall hard" platform as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Probably because they're the only celebrities he knows. I like how the ad cuts to happy floaty music and a soft McCain profile. What a guy.

- See Microsoft-paid blogger give transparency a go for the i'm talkathon. Yeah. You heard me. Transparency.

- Enfatico's having trouble with that whole "being creative" thing.

- method products: so much more than hand syrups and toilet bowl cleaners. Think of them as a summer salad that doesn't know how to capitalize proper nouns.

- TiVo says relevant ads don't get skipped.

- Wendy's cutesy "good good" ad is objectively disgusting.

Email the (Really Big) Long Tail of Social Media


In an effort to prove email is more than a medium for spam, eHarmony and Datran Media, next Wednesday, will release a Dynamic Logic study highlighting the branding benefits of email...dubbed "inbox advertising" by some so as to, apparently, leave behind all the baggage the word "email" carries.

The study reveled "inbox advertising" made more than one third of people surveyed aware of a particular eHarmony campaign. The study also found, nebulously stated, "unaided brand awareness and brand favorability increased by significant percentage points as well." I guess we'll all have to wait until the study is released to find out exactly what that means.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-31-08    
Topic: Online, Research

Blue Cross Makes Pets Talk


Seriously. And they have accents.

Put together by WWAV Rapp Collins London, the destination lets you stuff human vocal chords into one of the pets available, or upload a shot of your own pet. A "virtual newshound" reads news headlines from its host site.

All this is to promote All About Pets, a British pet charity run by The Blue Cross. (The site's really nice: soothing colors and curvy corners and tags and widgets. Petcare has come a long way.)

by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Cause, Online

Maybe It's a Think Piece on Life


Somebody sent us a link to El Lobo Rojo, an online video series that's airing all summer long.

Mostly it's just random shit, sort of like SickAnimation except nobody has a penis for a head, and nothing is funny. A guy sets his fake mustache on fire. Then some dude gets fired for not removing his tattoos. And then the prick that fires him sits around, talking schizophrenic nonsense through a promotional poster for The Love Guru.

If this is all we have to look forward to, please bring Dr. Horrible back.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Microsoft: If You Can't Win 'Em, Trick 'Em


Under the premise that if people could experience Vista firsthand, they'd love it, Microsoft decided to bamboozle a bunch of Vista-haters with The Mojave Experiment.

Groups of users were invited to try Mojave, the "newest version of Windows." After showering Vista with opinions of disdain, they gave Mojave a go and lavished it with compliments. Then they were told it was Vista.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Online

Nothing Says HP Like a Ditz Who Can't Operate a Shower


HP's latest online video campaign, aimed at the back-to-school crowd, launches with "Shaun White and Friends Fight to Help Shower Hottie." Created by Feed Company, the piece (which reeks of Axe) begins and ends with cheap fortune cookie wisdom: Practice Random Acts of Chivalry.

This from the same people that brought us "Hands" and "Maestro"? You gotta be kidding.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Work with Google. Then Let Google Work You, You Sexy Sexy Manhunk.


Under "From" name "Work with Google," Cassabananawide.com is pushing the following spam-tastic email pitch: "Have you heard? People are using their computers to make $1,000's every week with Google!" The headline is flanked by the glowing image of a blonde giving an ecstatic male laptop-junkie a shoulder massage.

I love how it says "No product required" right next to an image of the software container, which features a prominent Google logo and that same picture of the girl giving a massage. What's that all about?

The call to action: "Yes please rush me my Google happy ending software!"

by Angela Natividad    Jul-29-08    
Topic: Online, Strange, Worst

Obama Zombied, Nike Gets Courageous, Cuil Not Cool


- Obama gets some zombie-style YouTube video parody. With bikinis!

- Deep Focus has created a new site for Nike called Courage which has a social media component. People can upload their own video representation of courage.

- No one likes the new search engine Cuil.

- Writing in Ad Age, Marti Barletti, who has seemingly watched half an episode of Mad Men, makes a twisted analogy between the show and the supposedly awful state of affairs when it comes to marketing to women. In a nutshell, it's a puff piece to promote her book.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-29-08    
Topic: Online, Political

Sears Needs to Pull Out its Power Tool


Dear Sears,

Nobody likes a spitball, not even if it's online.

And while I get the "new year, new you!" idea behind your latest back-to-school campaign, "Don't Just Go Back; Arrive" still vibes kinda bootsy. Everything about it -- the crumpled pieces of wide-ruled paper, the scribbles that serve as navigation, the offer to bring Vanessa Hudgens (whom every 'net-savvy Disney fan under 10 has seen NAKED!) to a high school near me, seems forced, dated and focus-grouped-to-the-hilt.

Also, do we really need another show about dancing teens with big dreams and a bigger sense of hubris?

Come on, dream bigger. Be risky. Remind us why there's still a Sears in every mall. Throw us off-balance and keep us there.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-29-08    
Topic: Online

Dark Whoppers Recycled, Keys Blows Smoke, Scrabulous Cut, Mooches Called Out


- Because nobody talks male impotence (or teen sex) like Americans do.

- Seth Godin is launching a members-only social network for marketers called Triiibe. It's like Fight Club -- for ideas. "Spots are limited and early members get privileges and bragging rights" -- and discount opps for his new book. My God, Seth, who do you think you are -- Obama?

- To Indonesian fans: Alicia Keys is very sorry for doing a gig sponsored by Philip Morris. (So soon after all the goodwill gleaned post-Africa, too.)

- The Scrabulous app on Facebook is officially dead.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Games, Online, Social