IntelliTXT Thinks Bill Murray Hangs With Porn Stars


While it may be true that Bill Murray does, actually, hang with porn stars, we're thinking if he's good enough to hang with Scarlett Johansson, he probably doesn't need porn stars. Having said that, our favorite text-trashing text link poster child, IntelliTXT thought the "actors" Bill Murray was with when he played golf the other day might need a little help scoring their next gig and helpfully linked them to (You do know that's not a work-safe link, don't you?) Don't you just love contextual advertising fuckery?

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Racy, Strange

1-Click Answers Bubbles Up Info, Ads


We are no fans of in-text advertising from the likes of IntelliTXT and others but this new offering from Microsoft and, 1-Click Answers, is user initiated and offers more than just advertising. With 1-Click Answers, which is a recommended add-on in Microsoft's IE7, people who Alt-click on any word will be presented an "AnswerTip" information bubble providing relevant information relating to the selected word or phrase. Clicking a "more" button in the bubble will take the person to the site. 1-Click's advertising angle is the presentation of contextual text ads, currently provided by Google, at the bottom of the bubble. Broadening the use of the application - and reach for advertisers - 1-Click Answers will also work within any text-based desktop application. We probably wouldn't use it but we don't hate it.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-06    
Topic: Desktop, Online, Tools

Ms. Dewey Sexes Up Search


In one swift blow Ms. Dewey has effectively done away with the stodgy librarian and that other search engine persona that we could never see ourselves warming up to by a fire.

She's saucy, she's sexy, she even poses provocatively from time to time with a cute little notepad - but beware, like most hot chicks she is chatty as hell and gets a little needy when neglected (along the lines of "Hel-loooo? Type something here!"). Also, sometimes she sings. We don't get embarrassed often, but we got embarrassed then. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-18-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

History of Bling Promotes Absolut's Blinged-Out Bottle


Somehow associating bling with Absolut vodka, Swedish agency Greatworks has created a History of Bling-Bling video in which the genesis of bling is attributed to cavemen affixing rocks on their sticks, Egyptian's fixation with gold, Romans converting their chariot's into lowriders, Vikings' use of gold for dental work, the Ming Dynasty's origination of the word bling-bling and the era's vases becoming blinged out cups used in the hip-hop community, the Renaissance periods use of large gold clocks hung around their necks and how 80's yuppies perpetuated the obsession with Absolut, hence the brand's success. It's all to promote Absolut's limited edition Bling-Bling bottle in hopes the brand can kick Grey Goose's ass and get some of its bling back.

First, and we're no hip-hop expert, we've always been told it's bling and not bling-bling. Second, pronouncing oneself as cool instantly makes one uncool. Third, oh forget it, it's all just a big, witty, inside joke. Or at least we hope it is. Besides, Absolut has simply run out of bottle styles for its ads so this is all that's left.

by Steve Hall    Oct-18-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Video

Dr. Fardel 'Won't Rest Until Male Cramps Are Cured'


Looks like it's a good month for men and their menstrual issues. Catch Up Lady points us to Men with Cramps, a site about male cramping which has "directly or indirectly influenced all the most important events in our history." Sufferers are invited to participate in a study with the MacInnes and Porritt Institute which houses the illustrious Dr. Fardel. One participant confides that male cramps "Is like a tiny man playing a triangle in my stomach."

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-18-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Spoofs, Strange

True Records, Virgin Blings, Disney's Weak, Games Tracked


- Alluding to porn star Houston's apparent record of having had sex with 620 men in one day, Copyranter marvels at the capabilities of this True dating service model who can seemingly get 1,000 new singles an hour.

- Adverbox has a nice set of Virgin Money print ads which claim "Bling is King."

- Commercial Alert's Gary Ruskin says Disney's recent announcement of new food guidelines are weak and still allow for the marketing and advertising of to much junk food.

- Nielsen Media Research is launching GamePlay Metrics, a new rating service for video games. The service hopes to establish new metrics for the buying and selling of advertising in video games and to track the activities of gamers across other media platforms, such as TV and the Internet.

by Steve Hall    Oct-18-06    
Topic: Magazine, Online, Policy

Maxi Pads Do More Than Live Between A Woman's Legs


If you've ever wondered what a menstrual pad does when it's not between a woman's legs, this video might help provide an answer to that crucial question. In this video for Seventh Generation's chlorine-free feminine products, a guy dressed as a pad goes about his innocuous daily routine just so we can all feel...well...according to the press release "at ease with the topic of periods." Not that anyone educated past grade nine should really have a burning phobia about feminine hygiene but apparently some do, hence the creation of the supposedly educational video. Either that or it's some sick fantasy for guys who like nothing better than to spend the entire day between a woman's legs.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-17-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Peta Promotes Breastmilk with Baby Jesus


Something that may (or may not, depending on how you look at it) appeal to the vast expanse of red states in the country: PETA puts the heat down on non-human milk drinkers by reminding us that if Virgin Mary's vitamin-rich human milk was good enough for Jesus, so too should we stick with the good stuff.

This would be neat and even meaningful if not for the fact that, once you're over the age of maybe three, it's a social faux-pas for milk-lovers to latch themselves to a nipple and partake (depending on how you look at it). Then again, people get riled up over the topic of breastfeeding anyway so here's a sanction from us: guess it doesn't really matter how old you are. Suckle away. -Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-17-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Marketers Discover Too Late Gen Y Doesn't Look at Ads

myspace ads.JPG

Uh-oh. Guess now is a bad time to figure this out, considering social networks seem like rabid acquisitions that go for a pretty penny - like, gazillions of pretty pennies at a time.

But did we actually need to tell you this? Were you really ever under the impression all those ads slathered across MySpace's site were achieving anything? There's only one way to market on MySpace: save some money, throw together a somewhat clever site, and whore yourself out to where the eyeballs really go - the Top 8. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Online, Research, Trends and Culture

Napster Continues Stripper Fetish


Continuing its fixation with strippers and their apparent ability to convey Napster's marketing message, the once free-for-all now pay-for-all music service has trotted out yet another stripper to illustrate just how bad the iTunes buck-a-song premise is compared to Napster's all you can eat offering. We suppose the analogy works. After all, no one really wants to own a stripper. They just want to rent one for a little while until they're...well...finished.

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Racy, Video