It's your world. Sorry about that, says the latest Second Life satire.
With all the ado about Second Life and everything we can do on the internet now, somebody just had to ask: what's the world like outside the monitor?
Get a First Life answers that question in addition to other critical ones, like What's this body thing, and what do I do with the dangly bits? Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind? Penguins, spoons and you -- what's life like among the flightless? Even teens can get involved - in this zany analog world outside high-speed, you can experience the angst of gym class in real-time, get acne and experiment with recreational drugs.
Of course a service hawking the answers for these types of existential questions, including the one between the lines (that being, why is inet life so much catchier than a stroll in the park or a one-night stand?), can't quite get away scott-free. There's already mad bitchin' going down about the problems with the game of First Life, like laggage. Granted there isn't a server, so to speed up, users may just have to run.
Since we are often accused of featuring items on Adrants purely for their prurient, female-focused nature, we thought we'd tip the scales a bit and bring you some pruriently male-focused news. Undergear, an online retailer has been given a website makeover by NetPlus Marketing to offer a "cleaner, bolder, fashion-forward look and feel." We're also told the "enhanced site boasts a modern, sophisticated look and feel, as well as updated navigation and shopping tools to make the online shopping experience easy and enjoyable." Screw that. Check out those abs, people!
For Recruit Ireland, agencies Head Gear in Toronto and Chemistry Dublin create Beep and Creak, two took-for-granted everyday noises who depart answering machines and door hinges in favour of the big-time. Now Beep censors F-bombs and Creak adds a creepy extra something to coffin doors.
If your lowly house noises can pursue the bigger picture, why not you? Just one catch. To use Recruit Ireland, you have to beep and creak in a twang. And it's too bad we're not Irish considering even our employment boards have been bit by the consumer-gen bug. You know what would be awesome? A little bit of beep and creak for some Creative Directors. Because we need new ones. Badly.
For her MFA thesis in Design/Tech at Parsons, Alexis Lloyd brings us the ad generator.
The ad generator mixes corporate slogans around and pairs the new phrases with related Flickr images. The results come out clean and surprisingly provocative most of the time.
The object is to show how ad language reflects cultural values and desires, and simultaneously demonstrate how meaningless it can be as the message is generally unrelated to the product being sold.
We've seen similar mix-and-match ad generators but this one is impressively seamless. We dig the idea of scavenging to create a new whole because that's how we often create new stories or render old values coherent again. Good job Madame Lloyd.
The Fame Game, an all-online talent show where the talented and not-so-talented vie monthly for money and stars, enlists Cake to create a catchy viral. The result? Kitchen Diaries.
For a good Electro Funk Daddy Superstar Break, a quirky beat-boxing chef throws together a satisfying ingredient list of ripped noises. After creating an awesome break, he recommends nixing the fish (a popular addition) and sticking the mixture in an oven to bake for three years at 700 degrees.
Awesome work and a tasty listen. Take a look at the wannabes who've already jumped on board. We recommend you not skip the Elvis impersonator who beat-boxes on the john. Definitely pimp-throne worthy, yeah?
YouTube gives birth to at least 15 would-be celebs per day. Stars lamenting the loss of private lives seem undeserving of their place in our hearts when so many are willing to sacrifice theirs for virtually nothing.
That includes less prevalent royals like Venetian Princess, who claims to be far from the average Echo Boomer dancing around in her bedroom.
An Italian dauphine over whom Brad Pitt and XBox-loving husband Hector are fighting, the Princess conducts tours of her castle and stoops to plebeian levels to do her own graphics and video editing.
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Wieden+Kennedy/London art director Gwen Yip sets forth a feel-good series of comics about her journey from Hong Kong to London, and her consequent search for ad work. It is cute. It is allegedly also inspiring, as according to AdCritic Yip peddled her work the old-fashioned way before ultimately landing a role at W+K. Everybody loves a good Horatio Algier story.
If you're into following the top online viral videos, a new tracking site has launched called Vidmeter. It tracks videos from Atom Films,, Daily Motion, Google, iFilm, Metacafe, Myspace, Revver, vSocial, Yahoo, and Youtube. It ranks the top 100 daily and keep a running tab on the top videos of all time. While there's other video tracking sites out there, this one seems to be more complete, less infiltrated with paid plants and simpler to use.
We know Microsoft wants us all to think its new Zune MP3 player is the MP3's answer to social networking what with its questionably easy method of song sharing and such . What we didn't know was just how social the staid monolith would get in order to convey its apparently very friendly social skills. Look at this banner ad for Zune found on Metacritic and ask yourself exactly what this particular sort of social activity has do to with song sharing. And before all you conservative types jump out of your seat and scream "Adrants goes for cheap salaciousness again!", ask yourself why Microsoft or the art director behind this creation cold not have chosen from 3 million other shots of a woman making love to a microphone before choosing this image which alludes to an entirely different kind of love making. Click the image to increase the size of the love making.
We stood behind Rosie after that Donald Trump nonsense. We like that she stuck by what she said even when the Trumpster threatened to fling a lawsuit in her direction on one of his ninja-star toupees. But this makes us feel funky about her.
Kimberly-Clark hits The View to push their room makeover sweepstakes. Rosie gets exhaustively excited and right when we think she can't look more insane she does a Broadway number complete with dancing K-C products. And that's not something we could have made up even if we tried really, really hard.
Rosie, we hate to be the ones to tell you, but you're not funny anymore. We can't remember whether you ever really were. You're a bit cartoony. And not in a neat Jim Carey way. You're more like, well, that Roger Rabbit villain who tried to kill the other cartoons with Dip.
He gave us the horrors. And these days, you do too.