Bacon Professes Love to Egg 'Love Atually'-Style


So the movie, Love Actually, is becoming a Christmas classic. And who can resist the sicky sweetness of that scene where Rick Grimes professes his for for Keira Knightley using flash cards? I mean, really. It rivals the boombox scene in Say Anything, right?

Well, Erwin Penland is putting that scene to good use for Denny's this holiday season with an animated gif in which a piece of bacon professes his love for am egg. We all know bacon and eggs should be together, right?

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by Steve Hall    Dec-20-13    
Topic: Online

Why Marketers Shouldn't Panic About Email Filters - At Least Not Yet


Email filtering is a hot topic right now. And it's not hard to understand why. We spend more time reading and sending emails than we do at almost anything else. How much time? The average person spends a mindboggling 28% of work time reading and responding to emails. No wonder we always feel like we can't get enough done.

The latest big headline comes from The New York Times, which recently ran an article about retailers who are freaking out about Gmail's new folder for promotional emails. The new feature automatically filters most branded emails into a separate folder but also places a "Promotions" tab atop the main in-box so that the quarantined emails are only a click away.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-15-13    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Research

3 Ways to Make Content Marketing Meaningful


Over the last few years, much of the marketing world has turned to content marketing: the idea that the best way to engage with audiences and raise your visibility is to share robust, usually educational content for free. This content takes many forms - blogs, videos, podcasts, books (and particularly ebooks, given their ease of distribution), material on social media, and more. Basically, anywhere and any way that folks learn.

Recent studies have, time and time again, shown the the same thing: content marketing works. It works in large part because there's a hunger for substance in marketing - for folks to talk to one another, teaching and sharing knowledge, rather than talking past one another with fluffy pitches. But as the research has shown, it's not just a feel-good strategy, but a serious driver of growth. So how do you go about implementing it for your own organization?

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by Steve Hall    Sep-26-13    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Publishing, Research

Mother Sells Daughter's 'One Direction Tickets on eBay As Punishement


Well this one's going to sting for life. After finding out her daughter lied about sleeping over with friends at an older boy's house, the girl's mother placed four One Direction tickets she had bought for her daughter and some friends for sale on eBay.

And she didn't just place them on sale. Accompanying the ad was a scathing letter publicly chastising her daughter for her behavior. While punishment in this case is likely warranted, doing so publicly is questionable. Yes, it sent a strong message to the daughter but does she need to be scarred for life for committing a "crime" her mother basically admits to doing herself when she was a kid? Or at least that the mother's friends did when they were kids. Of course, this doesn't make what the daughter did right.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-20-13    
Topic: Online

Swiss Agency Studio Total Places Belarus 'Teddy Bear Drop' Plane For Sale on eBay


If you haven't heard the story, back in July, two Swedish ad executives from Studio Total piloted a plane to the capital of neighboring Belarus and dropped 879 teddy bears attached to parachutes and wearing signs which called for free speech. The stunt was aimed to rile the feathers of Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko who is said to be quite erratic and authoritarian.

Apparently the stunt worked as Lukashenko fired his chiefs of the air force and border service for allowing the plane to enter the country's airspace undetected. Lukashenko even expelled the Swedish ambassador, withdrew his country's envoy from Stockholm, closed his embassy in Sweden, arrested a journalism student who posted pictures of the airdrop as well as a real estate agency who rented a flat to one of the Swedes involved in the stunt.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-13    
Topic: Guerilla, Online

Ted Dhanik, engageBDR CEO, Touts Ad Serving's Need For Speed


As you may have heard, real-time time bidding is a burgeoning practice in the interactive space. And, since we're talking real-time here ans in, you know, real-time, making sure your ads get served as fast as possible is, well, kind of important. In this interview, engageBDR CEO Ted Dhanik explains why speed is important and why it's crucial to a brand's online advertising.

In the interview, Dhanik note that brands running global campaigns from servers in the US risk the possibility of consumers leaving the page before ad load.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 3-13    
Topic: Online

Inbound Marketing: How (And Why) to Get Started


This article originally appear on the Central Desktop blog.

It's a foregone conclusion that people hate advertising, right? More accurately, they hate interruption. They hate anything that takes them away from what they are doing in any given moment. Yet that's the premise of most forms of advertising.

When the internet presented itself to marketers, many thought they could just replicate what they did offline in the online world. In other words, create video pre-rolls, interstitials and banners. All that accomplished (barring the first few years when everyone clicked on everything because, well, it was novel and new) was banner blindness and a rabid hatred of anything that got in the way of one's online activities. Couple that with the DVR offline and things began to look bleak for marketers.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-27-13    
Topic: Online

Nate Silver Trashes New York Times Sales Force


For a man who has the ability to predict presidential elections, Nate Silver's recent comment about the sales staff at The New York Times was shortsighted and displayed a surprising lack of understanding of the tectonic shifts that are occurring in publishing and advertising. It's as if he hasn't realized that the disintermediation of the ad sales process through trading desks, RTB and other forms of ad tech has had a decimating effect on CPMs and, hence, the ability of a publisher and its sales force to generate healthy revenue.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-13    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Publishing

Samsung Does Survivor With 'SOS Island'


It's not the first time Survivor has been copied nor will it be the last. After all, who doesn't love watching a collection of hot and not, smart and dumb, strong and weak compete with one another for our own vicarious pleasure?

TV star and "survival expert" Les Stroud will train 16 contestants to compete in SOS Island: Survival of the Smartest, an online video series sponsored by Samsung. It will be shot and live-streamed from the remote SOS Island in the Caribbean. Viewers will vote for a winner with the last remaining contestant winning the grand prize: their own island.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 6-13    
Topic: Online, Social

Google Ads Favicons to AdSense Ad Units


- Google has added favicons to its AdSense ad units.

- Awesome advice for those looking to become a social media guru:)

- Here's more data that support Apple's latest ad campaign is a failure.

- Seems a couple of ad ladies are miffed over the fact Nike doesn't sell shoes in women's sizes and aren't designed appropriately for women. Need more pink, we guess.

- AOL plans to launch an ad-tech upfront with a focus on programmatic. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong says,"It's essentially a machine upfront. We believe you will have an upfront commitment cycle that will rival TV."

- Not everyone is a fan of the Dove Real Beauty campaign. Predictably, it's a fashion form founder who has become a vocal critic of the campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-13    
Topic: Online, Research, Social