If you're into the Phoenix Suns, you might like this new website called Suns Locker Room. On the site, you can snoop into player's lockers, check out Head Coach Mike D'Antoni's office, turn on his TV and read his email, and...yes, see the Suns Gorilla dry his ass with a towel. And other stuff but we got tired of stating at the flickering "loading" graphic every time we clicked something.
Finishing up its work for Porsche as the account shifts to Cramer-Krasselt, Carmichael Lynch, which landed Subaru without review in November, has released its last work for Porsche. To launch the Cayenne GTS in the states, Carmichael Lynch created a new TV spot and, along with Fabric Interactive, a new website which is currently counting down to the vehicles January 28 launch.
In the commercial, a Cayenne driver ascends the mountains overlooking LA and, in a nod to some sort of urban myth, revs its engine to which other Porsches respond. It's really that simple. The site doesn't have much on it for now other than the spot itself, a countdown clock and a little engine rev thingy. Hopefully, we'l see more January 28th.
When the vanity that is Hair Club for Men Hooks up with the vanity that is Playboy, it's clear we've entered a new chapter in the book of cultural vanity. When otherwise perfectly good looking but folically challenged men are paired with perfectly airbrushed (oh wait. that's so 70's. Photoshopped) Playboy Playmates, well, you have an online game, of course. Yes, really. After all, it's likely the only time you'll see a balding guy with a hot chic.
The game, Photo Hunt was created by Cowboy, an agency George Parker recently riffed asking, "Cowboy!!! Fucking Cowboy!!! They have to be kidding, right?"
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If you want to have some fun with your cube mates, check this Boneless Thursdays Wild Messages promotion for Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar. Click the sergeant. Click the referee. Click the stern looking, S&M-ish school teacher. See what they say. Go on. Try it.
Then you can create invitations using these characters, send then to your friends and enjoy a BWW Boneless Thursday.
PETA's gonna love this one. Ronzoni Smart Taste which contains as mush calcium as an 8 ounce glass of milk is celebrating its new pasta with the launch of Cow's Day Off, a site on which people can give seemingly overburdening cows a day off. There's just one big problem. If the creators of this had done their homework, they'd know taking a cow off its daily milking schedule would make it quite sick. You see, cows make milk. Cows have to be milked. Regularly. They can't just not be milked for one day. It just doesn't work that way.
And yea, yea, yea, we know it's just a fun little ad concept that only offers the cows a "virtual" day off but, much like cow tipping, it's just one more little thing that spreads mis-information about our bovine friends.
We all know contextual advertising has it's ups and downs. Well, mostly downs. At least here on Adrants. We've had Do we really need killer values from supermarkets offered next to articles about Amish killings. We've had turpentine ads next to bits about a teen drinking turpentine to abort a pregnancy. We've had Anna Nicole Smith's dead son put up for sale. And we've had "card shark" credit card copy next to an article about a woman killed by a shark.
So it's refreshing to see, thanks to Adrants reader Sarah, contextual advertising progress to the point where it can now match not only contextual messaging but, in some sort of new fashion fixation, match colors...and the need for new hair. In this case, we have a story featuring a balding prisoner in orange prison garb and an ad seemingly sympathetic to the prisoner's hair-challenged status. So sympathetic that the model in the ad is also wearing an orange shirt as if to say, "I identify with you man. Don't worry. We have hair for you here on the outside."
- January 11 is the deadline for entering MarketingSherpa'a 2008 Email Summit Awards which "recognize email campaigns that have outstanding measurable results."
- The Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP), announced today that entries are now being accepted for the 2008 AICP Show, The Art & Technique of the American Commercial. Entries may be submitted online here. The Show debuts on June 3rd at The Museum of Modern Art in New York.
- GSDM Creative Director Luke Sullivan has released the third edition of his book, Hey Whipple, Squeeze This.
- The Custom Publishing Council has announced its first custom content conference, Content '08: Re-thinking Branded Content in the Age of Engagement, held March 9-11 at the New Orleans Marriott.
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Those who watched 300 in a theatre full of high school kids know it was just a matter of time before the film sparked an epic spoof with a disco king-meets-Bring it On kind of feel.
And no, we're not talking about this.
The wait's over. Meet the Spartans. The trailer's almost as guffaw-inducing as 300 itself.
Loath to miss out on the open applications hype but too lazy (or busy hunting?) to build one, PETA is hosting a contest for people keen to develop a Facebook or OpenSocial app promoting PETA or its campaigns. (Does striptease State of the Union mean anything to you?)
"Remember: We're PETA, so don't be afraid to be racy, provocative, shocking, or even controversial if you want to," the contest info reads.
Winners get a $500 Apple gift card, which can get you an iPod touch or one-fifth of a 17-inch Macbook Pro. Entries due Jan 25 so if you're really into animal salvation, or just hate the crap out of KFC (which is as good an incentive as any), you better get crackin'.
There is just way too much complexity to ABC's Lost and everything that goes with it to actually attempt to describe and explain everything. However, while trolling Flickr, we found some images of billboards for Oceanic Airlines, the name of the airline that is featured in the series. A new alternate reality game, Find815, has been launched which features videos of a person, Sam Thomas, who is supposed to work for Oceanic and whose girlfriend Sonya was one of the flight attendants.
You have to be really obsessive about the show to like this sort of thing but we spent some time with it and found it to be quite interesting and comprehensive. So that you can all start where we did, here's the link to one of the billboard photos on Flickr. They are actual billboards which appear in seven American cities, Seoul, South Korea and Sydney Australia. Here's a link to a very minimal press release. And here's a link to a blog that appears to be tracking or is part of the campaign itself. Have fun.