Bryan Murphy Found, Helio Hits, Nike McFlies, Orbitz dances


- On July 22, ML Rogers Art Director Bryan Murphy had some fun with his Find Bryan Murphy Project for which he posted images of his location in Manhattan, placed them on his blog and challenged people to find him. Of course it was all tied to a Yahoo and Dell promotion.

- Cool, new not-a-phone-company Helio has a couple of spots racking up some decent views on YouTube (here and here). They've always got a gatefold print campaign running in Entertainment Weekly, GQ and others.

- This is so incredibly bad but so is the compulsively obsessive belief anyone would actually want a pair of sneakers that came from a mid-eighties movie.

- Orbitz has a wedding microsite where you can upload a photo, choose a wedding dance and send it to a friend. Of course, along the way, you'll be told about travel deals on honeymoon destinations and general wedding travel.

- Hmm. Yet anoher ad blog launches.

- Chicago's Beachwood Reporter pokes holes in the math behind a Wal-Mart campaign opposing a city ordinance that sets special minimum wage for large retailers.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Online

Burger King Serves Burger Babes


Yea, yea, yea. We know we're late on this but we were involved with actual live hotties for the past few days so we think you can forgive us for telling you about these virtual Burger King/Maxim hotties a few days late. Yes, Burger King, hoping to lure the drolling set has nabbed three of Maxim's Hometown Hotties to appear on the site and converse with visitors. Dennis Digital and worked with Burger King to provide the eye candy. We do, though, think it's a bit weird these Maxim Hometown Hotties seem to be sitting in the kid's playground section of Burger King. We wouldn't want those pre-pubescent boys to get all worked up and embarrassed now would we?

UPDATE: To give credit where credit is due, Adrants reader Ariel points out the concept was VML's idea and the agency produced all but the sweepstakes portion. Funny how that stuff gets left out of press releases from other companies involved in a multi-company project.

by Steve Hall    Jul-26-06    
Topic: Online

Truth Campaign Fuses with Fuse For Warped Tour Documentary


Television music network fuse has joined with the truth anti-smoking campaign, , for a documentary, called Warped: Inside & Out, which will look at the alternative music and extreme sports event, Vans Warped Tour 2006. The documentary will cover the three month-long music tour and will feature truth brand presence by incorporating the orange truth truck and its crew. The series also includes the tour¹s creator Kevin Lyman and his staff, roadies, guitar techs, tour bus drivers, members and managers of the 100+ bands that will be on the tour.

The documentary will include a supporting campaign with content accessible on fuseMobile, fuse On Demand and online at which will have a micro-site designed to give tour-goers and non-attendees the details on Warped. The site will have a bunch of clips from Warped, along with photo galleries and blogs that will cover the tour.

by Steve Hall    Jul-26-06    
Topic: Cable, Events, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Sponsorship

Creative Blather Concludes 'Creative In Non-Linear'


Apparently, as indicated by this very sparsely attended ad:tech Chicago 2006 session, not many people are intrested in listening to creative types hyping their most recent creative endeavors. Moderating the collection of creatives, Click Here ACD Brian Linder, DesignKitchen CD Sam landers, Arc Worldwide Group CD Tim Irvine and AvenueA Razorish Disciplne lead (whatever that is) Brooke Nanberg, was Program Partners SVP David Hutchinson.

Landers, the most "creative looking" of the bunch, took the audience though the very Flashtastic work he had done for Motorola to promote the brand and, well, I'm not sure what else. The most telling bit of education here was the utterance by Landers, "oh, it's still loading." Linder shared the work his agency did for high end tequila Patron. Unfortunately, the campaign consisted mostly of low brow humor - not exactly the approach to position a high end brand. His agency also created a site,, that carried the campiagn's theme of debate but enabling people to take two side of an issue and post it for others to comment upon.

Irvine shared work for Cadillac that attempted to take the "old" out and inject the car with some "badass" as one critic said while describing the new Cadillacs. Irvine created a fairly cool online car racing game that appeared to be engaging. Within the first month of the campaign the site got 170,000 page views, 57,000 visitors and 150,000 downloads. Nanberg, in explaining her work for AT&T's Digital Lifestyle center - a site that illustrates how AT&T integrates with life, suffered the unfortunate side effect of Flashturbation. Pages took forever to load. Pages hung. Pages froze. And the kicker is the site actually has a Troubleshooting link right up top as if it was in the plan that many people would have trouble viewing this site. The one shining nugget she left us with as if it were an earth shattering insight was "creative is non-linear." Um. OK.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-24-06    
Topic: Bad, Creative Commentary, Industry Events, Online

The Internet Is Ripe For Multicultural Campaigns

Susan Bratton kicked of the 2006 Chicago ad:tech conference by introducing the new ad:tech chair, Drew Ianni, who will take over for Susan who will remain with ad:tech as Chair Emeritus. Keynote speaker Kay Ferguson, Co-CEO of Burrell Communications Group, a multicultural agency recently honored by Ad Age as the Multicultural Agency of the Year.

Ferguson's major point during her keynote was to inform the audience multicultural audiences are on of the Internet's fastest growing segment. Ferguson cited 77 percent of African Americans have Internet access at home, 64 percent have broadband and the segment spends 5 hours online each day, all figures higher than the general population.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Trends and Culture

St. Louis Is Blue, Mother Makes Footballers, Bikinis Sell Bikes


- I guess you'd be interested in this if you cared about the St. Louis Blues.We're not and we don't.

- I guess you'd be interested in this if you cared about the World Cup and agencies that like to make footballer action figures.

- I guess you'd be interested in this if you cared about people pulling their intestines out of their abdomens just to deliver a "no guts. no glory" message for the grafika awards show.

- I guess you'd be interested in this if you cared about bikinis and bikes. Not that bikinis and bikes have anything to do with each other aside from the gratuitous combination purely to sell bikes.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-06    
Topic: Online

In-Game Ad Ratings System Announced


In-game advertising company IGA Worldwide and Interpret LLC have announced an in-game ad ratings system using Interpret's Gameasure. Gameasure will provide advertisers such game title, demographics, reach, frequency, duration and deoth of engagement metrics for all of IGA's video games. Ideally, it will best what Nielsen is trying to do for television now and actually provide real ad viewership and interaction data.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Research, Tools

YouTube Owns Your Creative Ass


BoingBoing points to a Wired Music Blog post that highlights some changes to YouTubes terms and conditions that could give them complete control and ownership over anything that is uploaded to their site. In theory, the blog points out, YouTube could sell any uploaded video or take a musical track and sell it, royalty-free. This change will make certain organizations think twice before handing over all revenue making ability derived from created content. It's nice to get wide distribution of your work but it's also nice to maintain some control over it as well.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Online, Policy

Verizon Beatbox Unleashes Dunkin' Frustration


Sort of like creating a Honda Choir spot on your own, Verizon has launched Beatbox Mixer, a site, created by R/GA, that lets you combine various beatbox clips along with videos of the artists "performing" to support Verizon's "Richer, Deeper, Broader" broadband push. If one is so inclined, one can use the site's tools to create a customized, full blown sound and video extravaganza to play for one's grandmother who will then look at said creator like some sort of gastrointestinal alien was emanating from the bowels of said creator's stomach and quickly call the ambulance thereby calling into question the purpose for creating the thing in the first place.

WTF? Where did that whole grandma thing come from? Who writes this crap? Anyway, we're sure this will appeal the the creative types out there who assume they, like Ashlee Simpson, can slide into fame's limelight on the coat tails of other's talent. And whoa! Where did that nastiness come from? Hmm. Oh wait. It must have been that morning trip to Dunkin where we had our "America Runs on Dunkin" latte and were C blocked from angling our way into a conversation with the beautiful, tiny but oh-so-plentiful up top beauty standing next to us in line.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Promotions

Site Helps Dump Girlfriend, Promotes Movie


Looking almost like one of those Dharma Initiative video from Lost, Jetset Studios and 20th Century Fox have launched BeMyEx, a promotional site for the Uma Thurman/Luke Wilson film My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Riffing off the film's "Leave Happy" mantra, JetSet Studios created the first clip for the site which focuses on the movie's themes. On the site, there's a quiz you can take to determine how close you are to becoming an ex and videos that help insure you never become an ex. There's also a list of the top ten places to end a relationship which include a Johnny Depp fan club meeting, a KISS concert and Mardi Gras - definitely a place where all fidelity is lost.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Good, Online