Watching Someone Eat His Feelings? That Never Gets Old.


It's funny about York Peppermint Patties. They're delish -- but, as with Andes Mints, I never actually ate one unless it came out of a complimentary candy bowl. Who actually buys them for casual snacking purposes?

Anyway, here's a Fark spoof for York. Something about a dude being bummed over his girlfriend, and life being better in black and white. Mainly there's eating and soft, soft whimpering.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Spoofs, Strange

McCain Girls Outed, Gnarls Barkley Refurbed, AgencySpy Critiqued, AmEx Does Travel (BETA!!!)


- The new Honda Accord is so lame that RPA had to use an image of its own creative team, gawking at the car, as part of an outdoor wallscape.

- American Express has launched Members Know, an "insider" travel community that, in trademark AmEx style, manages to be both elitist and bland. Also, there are INSIGHTS. And TAG CLOUDS. And the word BETA.

- Interactive firm ROKKAN redid the Gnarls Barkley site to reflect the duo's dynamism and harmony. (You know, like OutKast, but without Andre's mood swings.) The site includes a pretty awesome pop-up video player. In fact, it's pretty awesome all around.

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Copyranter Beats the Blues, Joins AnimalNewYork


Less than a week after calling blogging quits unless someone decides to pay him for it, Copyranter got his wish. (Damn. That's some serious range.)

Pop the champagne. Our beloved ranter of copy scored a blogging gig with AnimalNewYork. And since he'll be blogging anyway, he plans to continue updating the Copyranter site (sporadically, he claims, but at this point we know he's full of crap. Expect to see updates FIVE! TIMES!! A DAY!!!).

Probably my favourite comment on his "I'm back!" post so far:

Let the day drinking begin! Seriously this is why we have wakes because sometimes the departed isn't dead after all!

That, and the one about Copyranter being "like the goddamned WHO."

by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Opinion

Cause Group Targets Triggers to Tackle Smoking


They came for the smokers, and I did not speak up because I wasn't a smoker.

They came for the caffeine junkies, and I did not speak up because I drank neither coffee nor tea.

Then they came for sex, and chocolate, and my sluttiest Halloween costume, and there was no one left to speak up for me.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Cause, Guerilla, Online

Liberty Mutual Uses Sentimental Camera Eye to Explore Responsibility


Remember Chicken Soup for the Soul before it got all commercial and had spin-offs for grandparents, moms, kids, and your apathetic father? Imagine if it were audio/visual, and that would get you The Responsibility Project, a series where four RSA directors try interpreting what it means to be responsible. Commissioned by Hill Holliday for Liberty Mutual.

See Mandy and Lester by Lena Beug. You may find it bears a slight resemblance to your childhood -- if you're squinting, and your neighbors were named Kevin and Paul.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

But Heineken, I See No Good Here


Apparently Heineken has started a radio and (cheese-tacular) TV campaign that directs people to a subsite that isn't even up yet. (We tried. Still doesn't work.)

Try your luck at Jetpacks, who seems sort of traumatized by the radio spot, went out of his way to check the Who Is data behind Share the Good (registered to Brian Citron, Associate Brand Manager for Heinie) and see if it works on other browsers (no).

UPDATE, 10:10 EST: The site is up now. And it only took all morning. Good going, guys.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online, Radio

Foreheads Branded, Chuck Mocked, Sony Teases, World Orgasmified


- Score about $10,000 to get a logo tattooed across your forehead. Add another $2000/year to keep it there. Got anything better to do?

- BlackBerry is profiling executive-level users on its website and in print ads. See the interview for Jason Pomeranc who seems kind of like a ... never mind.

- The Wall Street Journal killed Chuck Schwab. Well no, not really, but this WSJ parody site did point out his untimely passing. If Chuck is dead, we don't want to talk to anybody ever again.

- More behind-the-scenes Foam City stuff for Sony. Will you just SHOW US THE AD already?!

- Orgasmify my world? Hell yes! Oh, you meant "organify." Um, awesome.

- The TreeHugger guy said we'd "get a kick/sigh" out of this. We're really just perplexed.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online, Spoofs, Strange

Barbarian Group Reimagines Agency Website


A little bit blog, a little bit news, a little bit portfolio. It's the new Barbarian Group website. Leaving behind the usual agency Flashturbation, Barbarian Group has crafted their site to include employee blogs as well as the usual agency website stuff such as portfolio, capabilities and jobs section. There's also a section called Barbaripedia, an information-rich section of the site that contains everything anyone would want to know about the agency which was the true hero behind Burger King's Subservient Chicken.To use a McDonald's-ism, We're Lovin' It.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

The World is Plastic. It's a Plastic, Fantastic World.


VBS.TV is broadcasting a 12-part series called "Garbage Island," which follows the adventures of angry kids that scoop up, examine and lament the drifting artificial refuse we've forcefed Mother Earth.

It's an interesting series. But dude, what's going on with the visual litter all over VBS.TV? It seems incongruous to make us feel glum about depositing commercial waste everywhere while blatantly selling us commercial waste. Those Stussy ads chafe my eyeballs.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Bad, Cause, Good, Online, Video

It May Not Hurt Kerouac, but Danielle Steel Might Feel the Burn


While the IS F tears up the open road, the young lovers are on a path to tear their relationship apart. In the chapters that follow, eight additional authors have their way with Terence and Julia.

This is the kick-off for "In the Belly of the Beast," a collaborative story for Lexus Magazine (with logistical help from Story Worldwide). Participating authors include Jane Smiley, Pam Houston, Brian Antony and other scrivs unduly flattered by the Lexus pressie, titled "FORGET KEROUAC -- GO ON THE ROAD WITH LEXUS ORIGINAL FICTION."

The IS F: a great shag, and literary too? Mercy, I feel a Lifetime tie-in.

See last year's effort, "Black Sapphire Pearl."

by Angela Natividad    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Publishing