Asian Hottie and Eastpak Little Person Have Sex to Stop War


Last week when we reported the launch of a new Eastpak campaign, one commercial eluded us. Most likely because it;s the kind your not likely to see on TV. Which, of course, means it's the very one you do want to see. So here you go.

Little person. Seductively sultry and sexy Asian hottie. Anti-war message. Yea, that's it

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by Steve Hall    May-12-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Strange

Hornitos Tequila Makes You Horny For Cougars and Hotties


Spotted. That man/woman who plays that creepy Mormon gangster on HBO's Big Love. He/She helps a guy get off worked so he can...ahem...get off with a couple of hotties hanging at the pool table. Hmm. How very un-Mormon-like.

It's all part of a Hornitos tequila campaign dubbed Purer Than Your Intentions. In another commercial, a guy calls the cougar he met last night only to be surprised at who she turns out to be.

Short and sweet. Just the way we like it.

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by Steve Hall    May- 7-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Pedigree Wants You Save This Poor Pooch


How one can determine the number of abandoned dogs in a given nation is beyond us. But, that's besides the point. UK-based Hyper Happen wants us to know there are 108,000 abandoned dogs in the UK.

To do that, they've created Charlie's Story, a multi-part story of an abandoned dog sponsored by Pedigree Adoption Drive. Apparently the outcome of each video can be changed after 25,000 views. Way to get the view count up guys.

Also, Pedigree will donate £1 for every view. So go watch, people! And watch a lot!

by Steve Hall    May- 6-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Video

Agency Cuts Through Hair Loss Crap For American Crew


Here's a video summarizing the work Karsh/Hagan did for the launch of the American Crew Trichology Hair Recovery system. The agency and the brand wanted to avoid associating itself with all the other hair recovery crap on the market and be as honest as it possibly could about hair loss.

The campaign included, in addition to advertising, 100 videos featured doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers, single women and professional stylists who answered the 100 most asked (according to Google) questions about hair loss. The videos were housed on a destination site as well as on the usual video sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo as well as blogs and forums.

We're told the campaign reached 15 million men and site traffic to the American Crew site doubled. Watch the video here. Check out the site here and the YouTube channel here.

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by Steve Hall    May- 5-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Video

Eastpak Loves Little People


Hmm. After viewing this new Eastpak campaign from Satisfaction in Brussels, one might think it's an early tie in with the next Transformers movie. That or the brand is trying to become the latest fashion-wear for skateboarding little people who love to rock.

Or, take note cause groups, Eastpak is saying it's perfectly OK to stuff a little person inside a back pack and watch them do silly things as if they are some new form of entertainment. But hey, overseas, they aren't as outrageously politically correct as we are here in the States. They have no problem referring to the people in the ad as "our pint-sized cast of characters." So it's all good.

You can view the ads here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    May- 5-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion

If Only Benjamin Moore Were As Good As It Claimed


Branding is a powerful thing. Benjamin Moore used to be my paint of choice. After all, why not? Their ads, including this recent campaign from Cramer-Krasselt which highlights creative people from various practices, have always touted the brand as a quality product.

Then I started reading Consumer Reports.

Year after year after year, Benjamin Moore never performed well. Consistently Behr, a Home Depot Brand, always won. So who are we to believe? A marketer with a beautifully crafted ad campaign? Or a non-commercial entity whose sole responsibility is to impartially rate consumer products? We think you know the answer.

by Steve Hall    May- 3-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Opinion

ADC Showcases, Effie's Announce, Bono Pimps FIFA


- The Art Directors Club has launched YouTube Show & Tell, a "showcase for the best ad/marketing content on YouTube." The ADC will pick the content and a rotating panel of reviewers made up of top creatives and designers will lend commentary.

- Each agency participating in Portfolio Night 8 has created a video to hype the event in their city. Here are the first three from Ogilvy & Mather London, David & Goliath LA and Perfect Fools in Stockholm.

- If 500 people tweet "@SupercoolAgency #LoseTheCig" the agency will change their logo. On everything. Letterhead, web site, business card, etc. why wouldn't they just do it anyway?

- Here's the third and final Tony Stark Better Living Through Technology videos for the Tony Stark Expo, a promotion for Iron man 2.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-23-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Commercials, Video

People Know You Wear Diapers


My mother would be horrified at what passes for acceptable advertising subject matter today. Erectile dysfunction. Irritable bowel syndrome. And adult incontinence. So it's fair to say she probably wouldn't like this new campaign from Depends which follows the same boring concept of every other "ailment" commercial.

You know the concept. Show average people doing everyday normal things. Present them as if they were your neighbor (well, a normal neighbor). And then, at the end, drop some copy akin to, "People know a lot of things about me but no one needs to know about my condition" followed by the ubiquitous product shot.

That's pretty much what JWT New York did for Depend Underwear. There's print ads too.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

Stanley Steemer Calls Attention to Human Oddity


As with most things video, the fun is in the outtakes and that truism is no different with this new Stanley Steemer multi-spot campaign. The commercials chronicle the experiences of two Stanley Steemer technicians as they go through their days.

In one ad, a technician has an emotional breakdown when he pulls up to a roll of needlessly discarded carpet. Another spot highlights an alpaca, a living room and the importance of knowing where a stain comes from. And another features an unfortunate aquarium mishap.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-13-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Effen is F'ing With Us


Oh lets just come right out and say it, Effen. There's nothing more satisfying than fucking on a plane. Nothing warms me up like fucking by the fire. Everyone enjoys fucking in the penthouse.

But, hmm. The literal approach kinda ruins your attempt at witticism, right?

It would make your new Euro RSCG Chicago-created "Provocatively Premium" campaign "Perfunctorily Prosaic," right?

So go with the wit. Have fun with your wordplay. We'll pretend to enjoy the wink and the nod. And then we'll go hang with the fembots and drink Svedka.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-10    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns