Banking on last year's success, Starbucks is recycling its Pass the Cheer campaign and last year's microsite, It's Red Again.
A Wieden+Kennedy-orchestrated print campaign, which by now should look pretty familiar, will be running in the December issues of Bon Appetit, CN Traveler, Esquire, InStyle, Lucky, O, and The New York Times Magazine. See more cavity-sweet creative: Mint Messenger and What is Cheer?
If we didn't know better, we'd say the copywriters consisted of elves. Or, at the very least, Paul McCartney. (Come on. He wrote Silly Love Songs, didn't he?)
After the success of last year's Elf Yourself campaign, Toy New York and EVB have revived it for this year's OfficeMax holiday effort. (The URL is, helpfully, the same.)
Apparently it generated over 11 million self-made elves and -- get this -- "kept users glued to the site for the equivalent of over 600 years," says the pressie.
This year we get more elves (up to four self-made dancing elves at a time; make stunted green-garbed children out of your whole family!) -- and a grizzled, miserable man, too. Check out Scrooge Yourself. Pretty self-explanatory, that.
Sigh. According to a Huffington Post rep, Madame Arianna met co-chairman Rich Silverstein of Goodby, Silverstein and Partners -- allegedly single-handedly responsible for "Got Milk?", and asked him how the Democrats could get people to respond to their finger-pointing and whining -- er, issue framing.
Silverstein suggested a "visual blog" that metaphorically TiVos the last six years and plays them back "without comment" so the American people can connect the devastating dots.
With Silverstein's help, Huffington gives us three posters that consist of, well, finger-pointing and whining. Granted, in a very sassy typeface. See creative: Names, Slogans and Events. The tagline is, "Haven't we had enough?"
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These images (1 at left, 2, 3) are part of a Nike campaign called I AM FORGED BY THE ELEMENTS (yeah, all caps). It was put together by Cole & Weber United and will run in Sports Illustrated and on ESPN.
The ads illustrate the carnal athlete who perceives inclement weather conditions as partners rather than as obstructions.
Inspirational and all, in Nike's usual style. No big shocker there. Maybe we'd feel differently about the whole thing if we flipped open a health magazine during one of our psycho winter diet binges and saw a shot of some dude pumping iron in the snow. Tough call outside of context, though.
Signature Marketing Solutions has brought back the Subservient Santa from last year. We asked him to kill his reindeer friend and we enjoyed his pretended adamance.
This year Santa comes in kid-friendly and naughty versions. Knowing what we know about kids, we hope they made the "naughty" one kid-friendly.
A slew of new languages also includes Pig Latin. Glad that version of Latin never went out of style.
Tomorrow on VH1, MTV and Comedy Central, among others, Converse will be launching the first leg of "Disruption."
Guided by Anomaly, the campaign consists of nine :15 and :30 spots that marry "disruptive" -- or at least interesting -- messages to a passel of new artists.
We dig its simplicity, lack of major time investment on users' parts, and the jam-pack of little factoids. For a taste, see Three Chords. It's powerful, in its own little way. The featured little girl is from a band called Care Bears On Fire.
A contender for the Velvet Underground? Why not -- at least post-Nico.
Pity the peppy pepperoni and the odoriferous onion who, in a backhanded celebration of Hungry Howie's flavored crust pizza, have to take a backseat to the chain's "completely unique," eight flavored delight which surrounds its pizza's, Yes, once again, pizza makers will do anything to get people to eat the lowly crust. But at least Howie's, in light of every other pizza chain tweaking its crusts, can do it in a "yea, whatever" way that you have to admit is at least a little bit funny, right? Tattoo Projects created.
Gotta love a politician who points a derisive finger at "aliens" that molest our hallowed borders and threaten the American dream (taking our jobs! Terrorizing innocent people worldwide!).
"Because someone needs to say it." You said it all right, Tom. You said it like the fucking Red Scare.
Over the course of this online video for Samsung, we got uncomfortably intimate with a hairy stranger's body. And so did somebody with a ballpoint pen.
Sketchy feelings aside, "How We Met" is a story about how two lovers met. It's part of Samsung's Zoom in to See effort. According to The Viral Factory, it's earned 31 YouTube honors and has been favorited 9,646 times.
Guess Samsung felt the need to bust out with the YouTube numbers after LG got all competitive with theirs.
Anyway, cute spot. We would never have guessed it was a teaser for the G800 camera phone (with "unique 3x optical inner zoom," OMG!!!11111), and well, neither would we have cared.
This microsite is for Debitel AG and it was built by Robert & Horst. We've deduced it has something to do with getting a new mobile number every 30 seconds. Maybe.
The million-dollar question is, why does the lei'd pig get laid until she's red-faced after a disembodied voice says "Hello"? That really puzzles the shit out of us.
Update: Adrants reader Angela from Germany has kindly elaborated. The text reads, "Every thirty seconds a cheap number." But the expression used for "cheap number" also means "quickie," which is why the pigs get down and dirty after 30 seconds go by.
Thanks, Angela.