FirstBank Scrimps. Like You.


To show how it's all home-grown and waste-free, FirstBank blew its ad wad on a poster tied to the end of a wee biplane. The creative reads, "This is the closest thing we have to a private jet."

"They're not into extravagances," explained CD Jonathan Schoenberg of TDA Advertising & Design. "They haven't taken any bailout money. And they're doing great."

That's about as charming as gingham. Other witty low-budget efforts have included this ski mask thing and this reusable holiday ad thing.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Outdoor

ad:tech Paris: Evolving Media with the BBC


Yesterday EVP/GM-Global Ad Sales Chris Dobson of the BBC conducted a keynote on what it takes to succeed in the rapidly-changing media landscape.

The BBC, of course, was his primary example; though whether you believe it's one of the most forward-moving brands in the stratosphere is subjective. (Frankly, I'll buy it when the iPlayer is finally Mac-ready.)

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Events, Industry Events, Opinion

Yawn. Debate Rages Over Britney Spears' Digital Enhancement


It's been a while since we've had a good healthy debate on the truth and merits of Photoshopping celebrities to wash away the ugliness of their realities and the less than ad-worthy attributes of their physical self.

Thanks to a sneak peak of the new Britney Spears Candie's print campaign, we can all, once again, wonder if Britney Spears is really as hot as she appears to be when she's not shot Paparazzi-style leaving a 7-Eleven.

Oh of course she's digitally altered. What would photographers and graphic designers do all day long if people weren't routinely manipulated to the point of perfection?

This is advertising, after all, right?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Irish Bank Think Brutal Truth the Best Policy


Oh yes, indeed. Life is most certainly more "interesting" when you tell the truth. That's the premise of this "The Truth" campaign for Ireland-based bank, RaboDirect. In these trying financial times, people want honesty, transparency and the brital truth. And that's what they get in this video campaign for the bank.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Strange, Video

There's No PMS in Fairy Tales!


While we don't speak Spanish and can't understand all the words in this California Milk Processor Board commercial, the message is clear: a glass of milk can cheer you up on a bad day. We could use a gallon right about now.

In this commercial, created by Grupo Gallegos and animated by Psyop, a prince saves the day as a Princess' mood reeks havoc across her world. It's a grand gesture and one that's best experience without actually understanding the words. Because if you did, you'd realize the whole thing is a metaphor for the Princess' PMS and how milk lessens that monthly blow.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Strange Takes More Piss Out of eHarmony.

Because can no longer poke and prod at any blatant sexual discrimination on eHarmony's part, it's decided to produce a banner about how eHarmony's still a bigot, even if it's been forced to launch a homosexual dating site.

Chem, get over yourself.

Oh, and in case anybody forgot: is a company. From the moment it launched, it would appear its entire raison d'etre is to kick shins without making Match look bad. And that's not to say eHarmony doesn't deserve a little shit for making life harder for our same-sex-love chums; that's to say this ongoing haterade campaign had its day, and the day's done.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Online

Alaska Airlines Shames Touchless Bathroom Technology


Isn't bathroom technology great? Urinals that flush themselves. Automated faucets. Automated soap dispensers. Hand-wave controlled towel dispensers. It all sounds like a germaphobe's wet-dream, right? Except for when these wonders of technology don't work. Which is like...all the time.

Alaska Airlines, with help from agency WONGDOODY (oh damn there is such a good bathroom humor joke in there), has launched a new campaign called North of Expected. The campaign juxtaposes bathroom technology FAIL with Alaska Airlines technology success and why the airline is so great because of it.

Supporting the television commercial are radio, newspaper, outdoor, transit and web.

Oh, and before we forget. Thank you Alaska Airlines. Thank you for taking us back to one of our earliest rants ever here on Adrants. Z-Fold FTW!

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Online, Outdoor, Radio

Pasty White Chicks and Desperate Virgins Need Vacation.


Hyatt's running a sweepstakes called The Big Welcome, where you can win a bunch of free nights in Unspeakably Awesome parts of the world.

That's cool and all, but the effort's being promoted with two wristslash-worthy attempts at irony.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Worst

'Hey, Guy, Take a Free PC for Being in Our Ad and Talking About How Special You Are.'


One of the biggest complaints about CP+B's wacked-out Gates/Seinfeld campaign was that it didn't really do much to push the product. In fact, it didn't mention the product at all.

As you recall, that effort was fast followed by "I'm a PC," which did mention the product, but not in any technical or deeply informative way.

Here's the latest suite of MSFT fumbles, labeled "Laptop Hunters." In this installment, an incredibly smug human being called Giampaolo shows us all how precious, how picky, how tech he is(n't especially) -- while on a quest to find the perfect (MSFT-subsidized) laptop.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Marketing 2.0 Paris: Paula Berg, Southwest Airlines


Marketing 2.0 took place at ESCP-EAP University in Paris this year. It spanned both Monday and Tuesday.

I moderated a few panels and the wifi was down both days, so there was no way to cover the event in the detail I would've liked. Before my camera died though, I tried this thing where I just recorded random snippets of speaker talks.

This post is devoted entirely to Paula Berg, Manager of Emerging Media at Southwest.

I don't have particularly strong feelings about Southwest, but seeing her discuss its approach to consumers -- in both good times and bad -- made me wanna do the cattle call after all. She's good people, and it seems like she addresses situations with humility and openness instead of just reacting. Her presence at Southwest speaks more for its corporate culture than for any social media strategem.

See the goods below.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Events, Good, Industry Events, Opinion