Paris Hilton and Her Black Mini-Dress Too Hot For Brazil


Remember back in 2005 when Paris Hilton donned a black bikini and slid her hotness over a Bentley for Carl's Jr.? It was pretty hot. There was a lot of skin and a lot of suggestiveness. It got talked about. It got Carl's Jr. some notoriety. But there wasn't much backlash.

Shift five years to a Brazilian Devassa Bem Loura beer campaign . In the campaign's commercial, Hilton does her sexy, sultry thing for the benefit of a voyeuristic photographer...and everyone else outside her window. She knows she's being photographed. She knows everyone is looking at her. No harm done, right?

Wrong. No less than three investigations into the campaign have been launched. It's too "sensual." It encourages excessive consumption. It's sexist and disrespectful to women.

All of this from Brazil. Where booty is supposed to reign supreme. What gives?

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Policy

Panama City Wants Frolicking Families And Drunk College Students


The annual ritual of Spring Break is upon us and, like a migrating bird, the communities which host this drunkfest change with the wind. And those which do decide to put up with thousands of hafl-dressed, drunkenn college students puking on their sidewalks do so with trepidation. And let's not forget the $40 billion that gets dropped on these towns each March.

Ft. Lauderdale and Daytona Beach used to rule. Now they look like senior communities compared to their former incarnations. There was Lake Havasu and others. Now Miami Beach, Cancun, South Padre Island, Punta Cana and Panama City rule.

But Panama City wants the best of both worlds. They want to be a family destination and, for two weeks in March, a top spot for Spring Break. And they're spending money to accomplish both goals. can they succeed? Can they sell the same place to two very different audiences? With campaigns and a social media effort, they hope so.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Ad Council Says Re-Learn Life Without Cigarettes


Having viewed yet another truth interview commercial and made the decision not to bore you with it, we decided, instead, to share a different take on quitting smoking. And it has to do with readjusting to a life without smoking.

From GSD&M Idea City (wasn't plain old GSD&M good enough?) comes this Ad Council campaign for Legacy called EX. Along with two television commercials (see below), there's a website on which those who hope to quit an share their successes and challenges.

There's also radio, posters and branded air fresheners. See all the campaign elements here.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-24-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Poster, Radio

Tebow Founds, Marijuana Dispensed, Moms Appreciated


- Tim Tebow now has a Foundation.

- Even medicinal marijuana shops need ad campaigns.

- P&G and Walmart love moms. The same way. In similar commercials.

- Who cares about your best ad. We want to see your first ad. And so does Freshman Ads, a new blog that highlights the first efforts of creatives the world over.

- Face it. Guys are assholes.

- Good God! Is there enough business babble speak in this interview with MediaVest's Amanda Richman?

- Tums tames overactive chicken. Saves guy from getting a a wing to the face.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause

Minnesota Lottery Gets Weird With Giants and Confetti


OK. This is a little bit dirty. We know the possibility of winning the lottery can, indeed, be exciting. But, Colle + McVoy, did you really have to allude to the creepiness of a guy self-pleasuring himself in his vehicle? OK, perhaps we're reading way too much into this but you have to admit there are people out there who think this way.

Think of our commentary as a service to you, Colle + McVoy. We just don't want to see anyone write the headline "Guy Jacks Off With Giant to Win Lottery" or "Minnesota Makes Merriment For Masturbating Macrophiliac." Honest. We're just trying to help.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Old Navy Wants You to Stand Still


So while Bennetton is searching the globe for its next model who, it would seem, has the ability to pose in many different positions for the brand's ad campaign, Old Navy, with its Supermodelquin Super Search wants, it would seem, a person who can pose in one - and only one - position.

Yes, the brand wants a human mannequin. To stand. And stand. and do nothing. Except stand. And stand.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions

Even Santa Can't Get Track-side at Nascar


UPS is out with a new campaign that broke this past Sunday during the Daytona 500. The campaign which includes three spots will run through the Sprint Cup Series on FOX. One of the spots highlights the fact UPS is "the only delivery company trusted track-side by Nascar.

In the commercial, we see the paperboy, a pizza delivery guy, the milkman, the mailman, the stork, an un-named major delivery competitor and even Santa Claus...who is so angry he can't get in, he starts to climb the fence.

the work comes from The martin Agency

by Steve Hall    Feb-16-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Nationwide Insurance Taps World's Greatest Spokesperson

nationwide_worlds_greatest_spokesperson.jpg there such a thing as the World's Greatest Spokesperson? According to Nationwide Insurance, yes, and they set out to find him living in a cabin on a snowy mountaintop. Apparently, the dude has a history. He's one work for Bears Are Dangerous and a PSA about the dangers of germs.

Of course, you've never heard of him because he's a fabrication. But he does have his own website, Facebook page, Twitter account (he's following no one...not good)and a T-shirt making application.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-15-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials

Vitamin Water's Steve Nash is 'The Most Ridiculous Man in the World'


We love the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man in the World campaign. Many people do. Because it's funny. And Weird. And, well, ridiculous. And Vitaminwater knows this. And so does Nike Trash Talk sneaker creator, philanthropist and Phoenix Suns' guard Steve Nash.

Nash appears in a series of Vitamin Water videos which spoof the Dos Equis Most Interesting Man in the World campaign. Nash's version is entitled The Most Ridiculous Man in the World. And it is ridiculous. And brilliant. Ridiculous and brilliant. When do you get to use those two words in the same sentence?

We love that.

by Steve Hall    Feb-12-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Spoofs, Video

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Says Rich Media Can Kill You


Remember back in the day when the click was king and animated banners were all the rage? Back when Geocities sites ruled? Yea, they were quaint times. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Well, some of us have. Not the Council of Responsible Advertisers Promoting Accepted Digital Solutions or C.R.A.P.A.D.S. No. C.R.A.P.A.D.S. thinks it's still all about the click and all this rich media stuff is, well, crap. After all, who wants bloated images floating across the screen?

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. wants us to appreciate the "beauty and effectiveness of traditional ad banners. Company Chairman Charles Letchwell says they're reliable and "better suited for real internet people."

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Creative Director Eldred Tosveck says rich media is "gratuitous and obscene" and "only 98 percent of the web browsers are enable with The Flash. Who's looking out for the other two?"

You'll be surprised when the responsible party behind this campaign is outed. We know who it is but we're not saying. After all, that would take the fun out of the hunt, right?

And now...FULL DISCLOSURE: This company advertises on Adrants. And they pay us money to do so. OK? We good?

Now come on, who can be the first to name the company?

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Online