Toddler Does a Dance! And This is Why You Should Buy Designer Water.


Remember the Ally McBeal days when the whole dancing baby gimmick was fresh and new, then companies like Etrade and Evian decided to leverage that same creepy phenomenon to sell things?

Yeah, us too. Anyway, Evian sent us its latest baby video, "Baby Moonwalk," which features a cute toddler that suddenly, randomly moonwalks. Consider this the fine water bottler's contribution to YouTube's amateur vid bargain bin.

Can't get enough involuntary baby manipulation? Watch for the Evian Live Young baby film -- coming to a monitor near you!

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Iran Gets SocNetted Up, Contextual Dating Sadness, Scowls Over CK


- Twitter delays scheduled downtime, following the Iranian elections, to give Iranian users a platform for protest/discussion/covert tweet-ups/etc.

- Not one to miss a hot show, Anonymous launches, a space for what it calls a "tech-savvy uprising."

- Okay, onto less serious things. CK orgy scandal action.

- "Contextual dating sadness."

- Swill from Lovemarks man.

- AgencySpy ponders the tough stuff.

- Harley Davidson gets all musical.

Find Freedom from Thirst ... in a Most Refreshing Seppuku.


"Insane Crash" is a coupla months old and continues Sprite's "Freedom from Thirst" campaign, which launched in 2005.

From what we can gather, a passel of sun-fatigued, thirsty teenagers sit around, baking in their boredom. Then, in a moment of Sprite-lubricated genius, two guys on opposite ends of the quad come up with a really fun idea: slamming into each other at high speeds and exploding into droplets of sugary dew.

The first slam sparks a chain of equally inexplicable -- but apparently thrilling! -- martyrdoms, and everyone is happy, and there is rock music, the end. This sordid piece of wasted time brought to you by Ogilvy/Asia-Pacific.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Your Car is a Chum, a Love Interest, a Family Member.


Our intimate dependence on cars -- and weird tendency to humanize them -- lies at the heart of AAMCO's "Romance of the Road" campaign, a $30 million effort that marks the largest in its 46-year history.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Recession Forces Agency to Hire Kid to Write Copy

MonteCarlo_PR_sm.jpg it's like David & Goliath tapped a super hot photographer (Nadav Kander) and then...gave the copywriting to, I don't know, a 12-year-old who just got her first cell phone? Hey, it's all we can think after seeing this new campaign for Las Vegas' Monte Carlo which is supposed to be "unpretentiously luxurious."

Hmm. Guess that explains the awkward mashup of IM-style clutzoid speech with high fashion photography. That or someone forgot to proof the ads after a spelling-challenged copywriter had his way with them.

See the other three ads here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns

Trash Guys Are Like Any Other Guys, Just With More Toys.

86it-junk.jpg is a Canadian service that checks out your junk, gives you a quote and hauls it away on the spot.

The service sounds both parts filthy and boring, but instead of confirming our collective yech by going down the cheap-homemade-ad route, the company actually invested in a pretty good -- wait, no, highlarious -- campaign.

Charmingly taglined "Taking crap. It's what we do," three spots feature two increasingly lovable junk guys, which stay sane amidst the trash by doing guy things: engaging in potentially fatal bets, sparring with blunt instruments, and just generally destroying each other's dignities.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Spare Change...? Your Conglomerate Needs You Right Now.


Michael Moore knows exactly how to hit the Inner Unhinged-Rage button. And however biased you feel he is, he addresses you with such a strong sense of complicity -- inflaming all the right wounds -- that the young and virile among us can't help but be swept up by the tide.

Promotional efforts for Save our CEOs, his latest documentary, are no exception. This is a caustic snapshot of how public funds were gleaned to save big fat slow-moving companies -- including the numerous financial institutions whose willful negligence in the loan acquisition process paved the way for your sweeping foreclosures and shortsales.

At theaters in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and DC, audiences got an unedited appeal from Moore himself, asking in a sarcastically compassionate drawl for viewers to donate still more cash to those coffers.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Guerilla, Promotions

If Corona's Not Tripped-Out Over Financial Ruin, Why On Earth Should You Be?


Corona demonstrates how to make good use of the newspapers that've spent the last six months foretelling our economic doom, bleeding woe like a car crash we have to relive every. single. fucking. day.

And as for that BlackBerry that you no longer need because of ad spend-related job cuts? Here's what you can do with that.

Life's too short to throw our well-being out with the bathwater. Good chill material by Cramer-Krasselt, which also handled the media buy. Also impressively in keeping with Corona's longtime creative positioning: those lounge chairs, that sea, nicely-chilled bottle just within your reach.

Ahhh. We want beach.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Crowdsourcing Creative, Ikea's Inner Creepy, 'Mad Men' Rides BMW


- BMW to serve as exclusive sponsor of Mad Men's season 3 premier.

- Cadbury Caramilk interpretive dance. Blame Saatchi.

- Something fun and new to add to your shit-to-worry-about annals: Twitter SEO.

- "Ikea releases more inner creepy."

- Amazon crowdsources TV ad campaign (via @martindave).

- Twitter makes the AP styleguide. This is not a test.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Sponsorship

Wouldn't It Be Neat if Every Purchase Were Accompanied by Bowing and Dancing?


The music in Palm Pre's "Flow" feels Stephen Spielberg epic, but the concept of the ad itself is a little weird.

In "Flow," a woman saunters into an empty field, settles on a giant rock and starts futzing with her Palm Pre phone. At the same time, an entire army of orange-clad martial arts-inspired dancers appear around her, illustrating her big internal soliloquy with their unified movements.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television