Mercedes C and E-Class Bear Ghosts of an Illustrious Past


"I think I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"You know my new Mercedes? It's haunted."



"You'll have to elaborate on that."

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Carlsberg Elevates Stature of Beer Babe Commercial


It's tired. It's old. It's predictable. But it speaks the truth. Yes. Beer. Hot women. And one track mind guys. Ah yes, the quintessential beer commercial. This time it's from Carlsberg Lite who entices three guys with the allure of white-clad fitness trainers...and beer. Created by Saatch & Saatchi Simko, the ad at leasts elevates the tactic a step or two above the Coors Twins or the famed mud wrestling beer babes of yore.

Ooops. it's sorta been done before. Sorry guys.

by Steve Hall    Apr-24-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary

'OMGWTFBBQ?!' is a Universal Sentiment...


...And Jagermeister's going for the glory. If in doubt, consider the curly straw action that ends each spot in these anti-Jager commercials. The logic, via Philipp and Keuntje GmbH:

For 6 years now Jagermeister has been positioned as the THE WILD DRINK. So our idea was to show the brand the way it is not, rather than the way it is. To do this, we developed a fictitious product - the exact opposite of Jagermeister: NotJagermeister.

"NotJagermeister." I guess Pixie Love Juice was taken. I only wish I'd been better prepared for the sparkly cock thrust. But that's the thing about zealous penises. They always hit you when you least expect them.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Alicia Visits Motherland, Fights AIDS, in Documentary Special


A soft-hued, angelic Alicia Keys appears -- on a first-name basis! -- for Alicia in Africa, a documentary following her efforts with Keep a Child Alive. (Not to be confused with that other video work she does.)

The film is streaming on the official site as well as on, which provided the video player; and on MySpace. (It's a wonder people still bother with that.) You can also download it for free on Spiral Frog.

But let's cut to the chase. KIDS! In AFRICA! With AIDS! Go DONATE.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Online, Sponsorship, Video

Liberty Mutual Uses Sentimental Camera Eye to Explore Responsibility


Remember Chicken Soup for the Soul before it got all commercial and had spin-offs for grandparents, moms, kids, and your apathetic father? Imagine if it were audio/visual, and that would get you The Responsibility Project, a series where four RSA directors try interpreting what it means to be responsible. Commissioned by Hill Holliday for Liberty Mutual.

See Mandy and Lester by Lena Beug. You may find it bears a slight resemblance to your childhood -- if you're squinting, and your neighbors were named Kevin and Paul.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Adidas: Bigger's Always Better, and Don't Forget the Aerosol!


To propel its classic kicks back into salience, Adidas made a gigantor pair of Superstars and gave one shoe to each coast.

I did The Eyeroll when a bunch of dudes started whipping out spray paint cans because the first thing a brand does in crisis is reach for a graffiti artist. (Adidas also did the tagging thing last year and the year before. Plus, Reebok and Converse have already peed on this hydrant.)

But the resulting footwear is (of course) pretty dope. If in doubt, a whole three seconds of the video is devoted to recording some dude in a doo-rag giving Adidas props.

Sam Flores and Upper Playground designed the left coast sneak; NYC and Surface2Air, Paris handled the right. Thanks in:fluencia for pushing the news our way.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Video

For McD's Swedish Clientele, Fairy Tale Cameos are No Big Deal


We're addicted to DDB, Stockholm's work for McDonald's. (See "WAKE UP!" and other randomness.) There's a strange and wonderful pixie magic about it that McD's lacks Stateside.

Check out the spots for "No Big Deal," a campaign brought to our attention by Ads of the World. Finding a geriatric under your hood, a knight at your doorstep, an artist who paints with his toes, or a troll playing games with your kid, doesn't even register on the radar against McDonald's humblest meals.

If those unnatural-looking meat patties tasted anything like how these ads look, we would eat them every day. Well, probably not. But we'd maybe have chicken nuggets once in awhile.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Foreheads Branded, Chuck Mocked, Sony Teases, World Orgasmified


- Score about $10,000 to get a logo tattooed across your forehead. Add another $2000/year to keep it there. Got anything better to do?

- BlackBerry is profiling executive-level users on its website and in print ads. See the interview for Jason Pomeranc who seems kind of like a ... never mind.

- The Wall Street Journal killed Chuck Schwab. Well no, not really, but this WSJ parody site did point out his untimely passing. If Chuck is dead, we don't want to talk to anybody ever again.

- More behind-the-scenes Foam City stuff for Sony. Will you just SHOW US THE AD already?!

- Orgasmify my world? Hell yes! Oh, you meant "organify." Um, awesome.

- The TreeHugger guy said we'd "get a kick/sigh" out of this. We're really just perplexed.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online, Spoofs, Strange

Starbucks Fights Corporate Swelling with More Corporate Crap


Early today Advertising Age ripped into Starbucks for its Pike Place coupons and throwback cups (in stores for six weeks, a barista told us). All part of an ongoing attempt to rekindle stale sparks with a costly ($100 million) promotional campaign, which is looking more Grocery Chain -- and less Indie Cafe -- by the minute.

Once upon a time, I loved Starbucks more than my hypothetical Firstborn-to-Be. It'll take a lot more than a buttery homebrew and gaudy vouchers to rein in the trouble of a brand that's just become too commercial.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Opinion, Promotions, Worst

It May Not Hurt Kerouac, but Danielle Steel Might Feel the Burn


While the IS F tears up the open road, the young lovers are on a path to tear their relationship apart. In the chapters that follow, eight additional authors have their way with Terence and Julia.

This is the kick-off for "In the Belly of the Beast," a collaborative story for Lexus Magazine (with logistical help from Story Worldwide). Participating authors include Jane Smiley, Pam Houston, Brian Antony and other scrivs unduly flattered by the Lexus pressie, titled "FORGET KEROUAC -- GO ON THE ROAD WITH LEXUS ORIGINAL FICTION."

The IS F: a great shag, and literary too? Mercy, I feel a Lifetime tie-in.

See last year's effort, "Black Sapphire Pearl."

by Angela Natividad    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Publishing