Ken Leaves Barbie Over Compulsive Deforestation


Remember Greenpeace's zealous campaign to get KitKat parent Nestle to stop killing orangutans? New year, new take on the mission.

This time, the target of Greenpeace's gleefully effective marketing is Mattel, whose low-cost packaging options contribute to deforestation in Indonesia. The weapon of choice? Barbie's off-again, on-again beau Ken, who, well, isn't into dating "serial killers" (no, not even the kind with exploding conical bras).

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Online, Spoofs, Video, Viral

ING Direct's Fables Probably Won't Survive a Retelling


Beattie McGuinness Bungay's fables campaign for ING Direct UK are inviting at first glance, bearing a vague resemblance to The Wind in the Willows, but are most readily compared to Aesop's Fables -- except with "morals" only loosely tied to unmotivated plotlines.

The ads try compensating for this with an occasional stab at tongue-in-cheek humour, but that fails to compel. (Maybe it's the British/American divide?)

Otherwise, the work is beautiful -- typical Psyop. There's a lesson for you: without actual substance to the idea, even the best production firm can't save you.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 7-11    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Television

Will 30 Betty Whites in Kitsch Regalia Get You to Join AARP?


Here's the unholy union that you knew was coming. The AARP appeals to the self-deprecating golden-agers of 'morrow in a kitsch-ass ad called the "Get-Over-It-a-Thon," starring Betty White, Betty White and wicked senior poster girl Betty White!

The premise is simple: You're not too young to register for AARP, and it's only $16, so bite the bullet.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 7-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Television

Vintage Barbie 'Fronts, Gaga-Style, for Nokia N8


This isn't creepy at all. To plug its aggressively pink N8 smartphone, Nokia's produced "Freedom," a music video that Influencia describes as "a mix of Lady Gaga, Rihanna and The Exorcist." Its frontliner is none other than Mattel's Barbie, circa 1950s or around the time the pointy bra was born.

Barbie appears in all her plasticine antiquated glory, outfitted in a pink the same shade as the N8, sometimes with garishly coloured hair, other times with Sharpie tattoos, at least twice with Nokia signs covering her mammaries, and a few times -- disturbingly enough -- lounged on top of an N8 amid a circle of her own disembodied limbs.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 7-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Strange

Nike's 'Chosen' May Choose You for an X-Games Kinda Life


Nike's ads are epic so often it's almost banal. But this latest, "Chosen," is an anthem like no other. Filmed over two years across seven locations (Hawaii, Florida, New York, Los Angeles, Whistler, Aspen and Bali), it whets your appetite for adventure with bruising sports too often relegated to boyish recreation: skating, surfing, BMXing, snowboarding.

Famous faces include skater Paul Rodriguez, snowboarder Danny Kass, and surfers Julian Wilson and Laura Enever. But as good as their cameos in pro form is the brand finale: the swoosh, and Nike's "Just Do It" slogan -- symbols tattooed into our cultural roots -- brought to the fore in flames. Perhaps the advertising you would expect from Volcom clothing , but this is a new step for a company such as Nike.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Games, Good, Online

Global Chaos, Gunmetal Violence, Power Ballads Collide in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, TBWA\Chiat\Day Los Angeles and The Ant Farm produced four geo-specific teasers that reflect strategic Western-World locations, aired in their respective real-world counterparts and elsewhere.

The teasers ran globally offline and online, driving seething viewers who will likely never go to war -- but will fantasise about it anyway -- to watch the NBA Western Conference Finals and Champions Leagues Finals, where the :90 World Premier was aired.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Games, Good, Online, Television

Festis Unbores with News-Vomiting CGI Alarm Cat


Here's one of those wack ideas masquerading as something novel. "Unbore Anything!" is an ongoing campaign for Carlsberg's still beverage Festis, whose name is already quirky enough to invite ideas of the same ilk.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 6-11    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Mobile/Wireless, Strange

Jennifer Aniston Goes 'Topless' For SmartWater


Recently, Jennifer Aniston appeared in a new print campaign for SmartWater. In one ad, she lounges in white shorts in a chair, In another, she is seen getting out of a car in a black cocktail dress. Now, a third ad has been released and, much like every other celebrity who has something to pimp, Aniston appears nude. Of course, that would be quotation-mark nude as her hand covers her breast as she rests on one elbow and looks longingly into the camera.

We have to wonder. Is this just business as usual? Should we assume that at one point or another every celebrity is going to get "nude" and sell us something? Or is this an "I'm still hot!" cry from Aniston? Who knows what Aniston looks like when she rolls over in the morning but she sure still looks hot all dolled up in these ads. You decide.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Nissan LEAF's 'Green' Commercial Makes No Sense


Here's the issue we have with "green" commercials like this one from TBWA\Chiat\Day for the Nissan Leaf: they make no sense. In this commercial, a world is envisioned in which everything is powered by a gasoline engine. Except at the end when Robert Downey Jr. wonders what it would be like if everything didn't because we call drove a Nissan Leaf.

Uh, where the hell do people think the energy comes from to generate the electricity needed to charge the Nissan LEAF's batteries? Currently, mostly fossil fuels which power the electric plants. have you seen an electric plant? They have smokestacks. Which emit fumes. Which harm the atmosphere.

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by Steve Hall    May-31-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion

Hot Wheels Come to Life at Secret Test Facility


In conjunction with the upcoming Hot Wheels Indy 500 promotion, here's the first of several global brand commercials from Mistress Creative and the Bandito Brothers which will tell the story of a secret Hot Wheels test facility where supposedly life sized representations of the childhood toy will be built.

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by Steve Hall    May-23-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials