Toronto Blue Jays Bring Back Tube Socks, 80s Frill


Isn't it fun to look back to the childhood days of your favorite baseball players? Sometimes but not when it involves 1970's-era shorts and tube socks. The Pretty in Pink-inspired 80's stuff we can deal with. Those nasty seventies, not so much.

It's all part of a campaign from Publicis Toronto for the Toronto Blue Jays. Director James Haworth comments on the work saying, "Set in the 70's and 80's and shot in Florida on Color Reversal film, a film stock that was prevalent back in the day, and it gives the viewer a feeling of how things were, visually, in that time - especially in the 70's."

Hmm. Sometimes we'd rather not remember. But if you really want to remember, you can see all three commercials here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-26-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Red Bull Makes Cola with All-Natural Ingredients


Hrm. While colas try brewing competitive energy drinks, Red Bull -- arguably the best-known of them all -- has decided to launch its own soda. We give you Red Bull simply Cola.

No word on when it's appearing in the States, but it's au naturel, with 23 unmolested ingredients and slightly more caffeine than most sodas.

To promote simply Cola, Red Bull is distributing leaflets that serve two purposes:

  • Highlighting the drink's ingredient list (none of which is the taurine that made them famous. Although there's mustard seeds and cardamom for kick)

  • Justifying its entry into the market. Because this isn't just any cola. It's special cola: strong and natural (says them, not us)

Well, hell. We'd drink it.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Packaging, Promotions

Abandoned Carts Have Feelings Too. Also, They Talk. Also, This Guy's INSANE.


Why would you abandon a shopping cart? Do you like raising their hopes and dashing them? Did someone once abandon you? Or is your heart cast entirely out of ice?

Cart whisperer Liberty Fillmore wants to know. Watch as he guides estranged metal baskets back into the sunshine and absorbs the therapy bills that, by all rights, YOU should be paying.

Oh, if Mother could see you now.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange, Video

Lovable Loser Challenges Celebrities for Cozy Cotton Underpants


With money to burn from Hanes, a scruffy guy called Dave -- who's clearly approaching midlife with misgivings -- is challenging celebrities to games like Rock Paper Scissors or wrestling. (Somewhat more entertaining than watching Sarah Chalke moan off a wedgie.)

Dave has so far lost challenges to Cuba Gooding, Jr., Reggie Bush and Nelly, among others. But he did win a Comfortsoft Pose-Off against Paris, who unwittingly forfeited the game when she just didn't bother to look at him twice.

We'll clarify. She looked at him once, then tore him to shreds with her stare and publicly forgot he existed. It was superhuman.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Guerilla, Online, Sponsorship

Quarterlifer Angst, Alicia Keys, Used to Sell Deodorant


Dove is using the (apparently) drama-rich life of Alicia Keys to appeal to women in their 20s. Dove Go Fresh and MTV give you "Fresh Takes," a heavily promoted series about three girlfriends figuring shit out while looking pretty (an acquired skill).

Hrm. Think Crossroads would've been better received if it was less about Britney Spears and more about pastel deodorants? Somebody at Camp Dove must have thought so.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Promotions

Under Armour Goes Pink, Allegedly for Breast Cancer, But Really for the XX Vote


Under Armour is looking for three women to become the faces of its 2008 Power in Pink effort. In addition to using their faces to inspire others, Under Armour will also share their stories of courage and survival from breast cancer.

The winners get an all-expense paid trip to Baltimore -- no, not the Bahamas, Baltimore -- where, when not dodging bullets, they'll be photographed and interviewed.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Online

Stressed About College Funds -- or Just Your College Kid? Shoot Both Into Orbit


NorthWestern has expanded -- or further limited, depending on one's viewpoint -- its Wreck Your Worries campaign. On Let Your Worries Go, the result of a partnership with Firstborn Multimedia (sacrifice yours today!), users can select from a limited set of personified worries and shoot them into orbit, launch them into the sky, propel them over land, or bury them underwater.

When you're done watching your self-imposed antagonists glide peacefully away, the Northwestern Mutual Foundation will commit to donate to a cause that addresses your worry. The more times your worry is picked between now and December 31, the more money they'll put toward it.

Here's a worry-easing suggestion. How about you guys fund our retirement? With social security shot down, we could use the love.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Online

Coke Brings Out Your Inner Egalitarian ... and If We Were You, We'd Stuff it Back In


The ads are French and they debut on the 26th of this month.

The tagline: "Avec Coca-Cola, on parle tous football," which translates to something like "With Coca-Cola, everyone speaks football," which is a roundabout way of saying Coca-Cola makes football buddies of unlikely pairs.

That's sweet and all. But we wouldn't embrace a brain-eating dead guy, or a head-smashing toy, or a displaced octopus for any refreshing beverage. If that's prejudice then we are guilty as charged, and happy to be thirsty.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

'But Sir, This Ain't Tobacco. It's Big League Chew.'


This anti-tobacco effort (via The Media Artist) appeared on gas station dispensers in Wyoming. Above a bottle dripping sludge, a bright sign reads, "You're not gonna sip this. But you'll kiss where it came from?" Campaign URL:

We didn't get it at first, mainly because when we think "tobacco" we think "smoking," and we spent a brainfucked eight minutes pondering whether there's a connection between cigarette toxins and fossil fuel. And then IT HIT US.

That sludge is SPITTOON FODDER from CHEWING TOBACCO. The office resounded in a collective "...Ohhh" as we all got it at the same time.

Chewing tobacco. Big problem in Wyoming? We thought only cowboys and baseball players did that. (Remember the gum?) Now we'll have something to ponder through Easter weekend as we smoke away the pain of being too old to participate in egg hunting.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-21-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Poster

'Bold Moves' Bullshit Begets "Ford. Drive One."


If there was ever a tagline shift from the nebulously ethereal do the blunt, "buy our shit now," it would be this new tagline from Ford, "Ford. Drive One." Is it possible a marketer has finally realized the purpose of advertising is to get people to buy stuff? Sadly, no. The new tagline was developed in meeting with car dealers who don't give a crap about how Cannes-worthy an ad is as long as it gets people into the dealership and cars off the lot. Who knew a great tagline could come from car dealers, purveyors of fine communication such as this disaster.

Ford CEO Alan Mulally put Group VP of Marketing Jim Farley, recently scooped from Toyota, on the job last fall and we're thinking the first stipulation he added to his employment contract was the ability to dump the "Bold Moves" tagline.

Of course, time will tell whether or not what appears to be a good tagline actually becomes one. If not, they can Farley could always go a bit further and institute "Ford. Buy One."

by Steve Hall    Mar-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Opinion