Four Ways to Differentiate Your Cold Beer From Every Other Cold Beer


We can imagine the the amount of head scratching that went on among Clemenger BBDO creatives after being briefed by Carlton on their new beer which is called...Carlton Cold. We're sure it was like, "Say what" Isn't all beer cold? How the hell are we going to differentiate this cold beer from every single other beer brand in the world?"

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-13    
Topic: Campaigns

There's Almost No Car in This Porsche Ad


Almost harkening the Hill Holiday-created Infiniti launch campaign in which the car was never shown, Fred & Farid Shanghai have created a print campaign for Porsche China that shows juts how difficult it is to keep up with a speeding Porsche. Even for a photographer shooting a print campaign for the brand. Witty

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by Steve Hall    Sep-25-13    
Topic: Campaigns

There Will be No Fun Until the Oville Redenbacher is Popped


A new Orville Redenbacher campaign from Venables Bell & Partners takes the importance of popcorn to new levels. A lot of people simply can't enjoy their entertainment unless they've got a giant tub of popcorn in front of them. Us, on the other hand, realize popcorn -- and, sadly, pretty much every other piece of manufactured food -- is just a collection of chemicals unfit for human consumption.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-23-13    
Topic: Campaigns

FedEx Thinks NFL Players Would Skip Games Just to Receive Packages


For the past ten years, FedEx has been an official sponsor of the NFL. Previous ads focused on the brand's sponsorship of the FedEx NFL Air & Ground Players of the Week. This year, FedEx, with help from BBDO New York, is shifting the focus of its football-themed spots to its new FedEx Delivery Manager product which allows customers more control over their package deliveries.

Two new spots, which debuted Sunday during NFL Football broadcasts, target NFL fans with silly but witty humor that squarely falls into the "you're an idiot until you're not" category.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-17-13    
Topic: Campaigns

Prancercise Lady Fronts Wonderful Pistachios Campaign


Oh the internet. It gives us so many wonderful things. So many things we'd would never have experience before like, well, like the Prancercise® Lady. If you haven't heard of her, her name is Joanna Rohrback and she does this exercise thing which aims to "create the most satisfying, holistic and successful fitness program one could hope to experience." And it has nothing to do with riding a horse.

Anyway, Rohrback, along with Dennis Rodman, an elephant, King Kong and, yes, Norman Bates, can be seen in the upcoming Wonderful Pistachios Get Crackin' campaign which debuts today.

The campaign, which began in 2007, has featured such cultural oddities as Honey Badger, Snooki, Snoop Lion, Keyboard Cat, The Village People and, yes, the Secret Service.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-16-13    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Strange

OMG! Subway Has a Bacon Sub!!!


Everyone loves bacon, right? Oh of course you do. Don't listen to those health nuts. OK, maybe just the Paleo nuts who argue fat is good and bacon is king! They'd love Subway's new Beechwood Smoked Back Bacon sub...well, that is without the bread, of course.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-11-13    
Topic: Campaigns

This Southern Comfort Ad Makes Us Long For A Fat Guy in A Speedo


It's hard to follow up on a classic. And Southern Comfort's original Whatever's Comfortable ad, Beach, was, indeed, a classic. Wieden + Kennedy miraculously made a paunchy guy walking down the beach in a Speedo actually look cool.

That ad was followed by Shampoo and Karate and now we have Dance. Dance is all about a guy "dancing like the entire internet isn't watching." And we really shouldn't bother watching because, well, it's boring beyond belief and carries none of the original panache.

Sadly, it appears the campaign is now being dialed in which is a shame given the potential the original presented.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-13    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

These Pearl Izumi Sneakers Are So Fast They Will Kill Your Dog


Haven't we all seen enough movies, TV shows and other forms of entertainment that take steps, often extreme and comical ones (think stuffed animals standing in for real ones), to insure we never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever, have to bear witness to animal cruelty -- even the most innocuous -- in any of the content we consume?

Whether or not one feels this is a bit of overkill is really irrelevant, the cause groups and their public have spoken. No harm -- even of the fake variety -- shall come to animals.

So it's really no surprise running shoe brand Pearl Izumi is catching heat for an ad if created which shows a dog that has just suffered a heart attack while on a run with its owner being given CPR.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 5-13    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Policy

Volkswagen. So Fast It Will Birth Your Baby and Make You Skinny


In a series of five new Red Urban-created ads for Volkswagen Canada, we are shown just how awesome the Golf GTD's acceleration is and how that acceleration can have sometimes good and sometimes bad effects on its passengers.

So, you have been warned. Be very, very careful the next time you get into your Golf GTD.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 4-13    
Topic: Campaigns

Creative Chocolate Bar Promotion Despised by Manufactuer


Well you've gotta love a great creative idea. And this Buzzman France-created work for French chocolate bar brand Milka is certainly creative. The agency put together a program based on the assumption the last square of a chocolate bar is the best.

Milka bars where then manufactured with one square missing. Those purchasing the bars were asked to decide whether they wanted that last square sent to them or to a loved one.
Great promotion. Although we're guessing the manufacturing folks weren't too happy with having to retool their production line to manufacture bars with one square missing.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-29-13    
Topic: Campaigns