For the print component of the Kia Soul campaign, David & Goliath go an eye-catching, if tired, route: See pawns. See Soul. A new way to roll.
At first glance, we involuntarily thought, "Kia: synonymous with pawns." It took a few slow neuron-firings for us to be all, "Oh, wait. Kia: the break from the norm." And even then, we were like, "...nah."
Not super thrilling work. Then again, when was the last time a Kia got you hot? Variants include Sheep and Fish.
Gerber shocks parents into submission: In "Really?" parents on the street discover that the "vegetable" consumed most by the average rosy-faced US toddler is ... wait for it ...
French fries!
After this revelation, each Designated Caregiver looked appropriately shocked and appalled. Yeah, didn't see that coming. It's not like we have a nationwide obesity problem or anything.
Visit for more "Heart-warming. Thought-provoking. Hilarious!" reality checks.
For client G4, Hal Riney took a little man-on-man BDSM fun and turned it into skin-crawly bruise-based animation.
Each guy was given a stencil of a character, whose likeness was bruised onto their skin in various creative ways: mousetraps, big rubber balls, ass paddles and the like. (If only mummy and daddy were that creative.)
The bruises were then stitched together in consecutive shots and enlivened by the brain-rending voice of YouTube's The Kid from Brooklyn.
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You, little dish-fitter. You bring us ... Pets Do the Funniest Things. In HD!"
We love the sobering Braveheart feel of "Bowtime," in which downtrodden blue collar men are reminded of their crucial contributions to Life as We Know It -- and the reward that follows once they've rolled their daily millstone uphill.
Strongbow Beer.
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Well, there's at least one good thing about the Geico Kash campaign; it's given the Mysto & Pizzi version of Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me a big boost with 80,000 downloads each month since the campaign launched in January. And what 80's has-been doesn't like to see a re-birth of their work like this?
The spots? Well, they're OK too. Kash, courtesy of The Martin Agency, continues to randomly appear coming to the aid of those in need of a few extra bucks worth of savings.
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Youthfully charming Adify Media launched two promotional vids to illustrate that extra-special intra-personal something you'll get when your remnant ad inventory is placed in its warm, able hands.
The creative is formatted like eHarmony testimonials. Adify's merits are described in a leisurely, quasi-intimate way as both client and account strategist finish each other's sentences, make silly gestures, touch inappropriately and give each other weird sidelong looks when one coolly mentions having tried other algorithms before.
It's all just creepy enough to pass. Our only complaint is that everybody's already done the service-as-soulmate, let's-all-laugh-at-eHarmony thing, so it's got a mildly uncomfortable two-years-tardy feel.
That's cool though. No idea's original, yeah?
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There comes a time in a vodka's life when it has to:
1. Remind us that it's from somewhere else, and
2. Diversify its flavour set.
Grey Goose tackles both milestones in one smooth pill. That potshot of the dewy citrus brought Tropicana to mind, though, which I guess works out well because what could be more festive on a Friday than a screwdriver with an accent?
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It's not like Burger King commercials could get any weirder. I mean Square Booty? Seriously? But these new ones are up their on the weird scale.
So how does BK make people aware they're open late and have all sort of BK Burger Shots to sell? They wake a guy up with an air horn. That's how.
We know exactly how this ad was concepted. It's just too easy. A couple of CP+B creatives walked into the office of another and found the dude sleeping. They grabbed the dude's air horn (everyone has one in their office, you know) and scared the shit out of the guy. Then, one creative said to another, "Dude, this would be perfect for the late night menu thing!"
And there you have it. And here's the NAACP-mandated African American version.
So Geico's been running this quirky campaign featuring a character called Kash, a (literally) glaring pile of money that represents the approximately $500 you could be saving as one of its clients.
In March, Geico partnered with the Numa Numa guy to generate buzz for a spin on the Kash tale: moving forward, the staring wad of benjamins comes with its own theme song, Somebody's Watchin' Me.
The spots, which appear below, are simple enough: ordinary people grow discomfited by the sensation they're being stared at, then they see Kash and the music drops. It flirts with the sinister but never quite gets there; this is feel-good stuff, just meant to reinforce Geico's mantra, "save money (it's easy!)" with attentively tame but left-of-center humour.
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In a new Arnold-created campaign, truth did some fake job interviews with real people. The interviewees were asked questions by a trained actor who posed as a recruiter. The whole thing was recorded by a hidden camera. In the interviews, the actor slides in a few tobacco-related facts and questions just to see how the interviewees react. The results are mildly amusing. Take a look at the spots here.