Coke Super Bowl Spot, Surveillance Beetles, Ingestible Syke


- Creatives Chris Yi and Jesse Epstein spent a month and $2000 producing three spots for that Doritos Super Bowl ad contest. Obviously they didn't make the cut, but hey, can you ever have too much material to compare your own to?

- AOL to cut 10% and forgo merit pay increases in '09. Join the club, guys.

- Coca-Cola's contribution to the Super Bowl: Heist. 'Tis cute.

- Print and TV ad tropes invade the online contextual ad space, and this is the kind of crap we get.

- Hey ambitious marketers, here's a radio controlled live beetle. Use it for something magical ... like whispering jingles into the ears of impressionable window-shoppers, Jiminy-Cricket style.

- One reason to spend $9, plus the popcorn fees.

- New energy drink! Syke. No, seriously though.

Here's Something You've Never Seen Before.


Escalator advertising! How novel.

For Norwegian airline Avinor by Medialoop/Norway.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Outdoor

Like a Well-Bred Debutante, Bud Saves Punchlines for the Big Day


The press folk representing Anheuser-Busch sent us a passel of teasers for this year's Super Bowl. Slapstick takes a backseat to dramatic setup; all punchlines have been saved for Sunday.

Here's three:

"Clydesdales: Generations," an American immigration story starring last year's heavy-hoofed underdog. (They're milkin' this bad-boy for all its worth. The Clydesdale appears in at least two more spots: one circus-themed, another featuring his old Dalmation buddy.) By Waylon Advertising/St. Louis.

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Never Hide: Out of Hiding.


Cutwater continues the more-or-less successful "Never Hide" effort for client Ray Ban. Here's four new online vids to kick off 2009.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Fiat Faux-Pas, Burger Bed, Hulu's Super Bowl Foray


- Hulu will be launching an ad campaign on Super Bowl Sunday. It's promised to "reveal the secret behind" its, uh, Huluness.

- Something about sharing fluids.

- Burger Bed. For some reason we instantly think Burger King (maybe the Whopper Virgin influence?), but it has nothing to do with that, actually.

- AgencySpy is unhappy with Fiat.

- Don't just rock that rosary, rawk it. Popin' it up on YouTube.

- Interested in movie marketing? No? Youwill be.

- M&Ms is giving away a trip to Paris. Go win it. Then we can sit around together and stare sullenly at the rain while the wifi blinks in and out of operation.

- Trust Me's Eric McCormack on being an ad man.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Online, Television

adidas originals Mark High Stakes in Hold 'Em


Kevin Garnett and Young Jeezy place bets with the reckless abandon of toddlers with Lincoln Logs in "Poker Game."

The stakes are high from moment one, but we couldn't help smiling when Jeezy sprinkles the pot in chips and goes, "S'nothing. I got basketball money too." Rich black people! Always so quotable.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Online

Proof that Sex and Celebrity will Always Get You on Somebody's List.


In a 2001 spot called "Proof," Kylie Minogue shimmied into a garter belt and rode a velvet mechanical bull under the watchful eye of a creepy old woman with a paperback novel.

Their objective: to prove Agent Provocateur was the world's most erotic lingerie by giving movie-going chavs big hard woodies. It's cheeky shit, but what erotic spark it lights is quickly dampened when the geriatric refugee from Grimm's Fairy Tales starts laughing maniacally.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

IKEA Gives Every Girl Her Space


You just need to battle its hordes, brave the lines and spend a weekend alone with a Philips and a hammer to claim a little Pax for yourself. =P

Work by St. Lukes Communications and production company Outsider.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

'Your Cadillac on Sex Steroids!'


"Sex Car" -- another one of those I-wish-I-were-rejected-from-the-Super-Bowl-but-the-truth-is-I-don't-wanna-spend-money-on-the-broadcast-time spots.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Super Bowl 2009, Video

Because America Can Never Have Enough Burt Reynolds. Or Stale Coffee.


Denny's promises to "bring dignity back to breakfast" in this teaser for "Thugs," a :30 spot slated to run in the Super Bowl's third quarter.

This represents its first-ever Super Bowl spot, and it's guns a-blazin: narrated by Burt Reynolds with a little Sopranos going on, mixed with Pulp Fiction cafe grit and some hipster sans-serif, but all in all we got a hankering for IHOP.

The work -- directed by Canada's Perlorian Brothers for the charmed folk at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners -- looks promising. But based on way too much experience, no amount of advertising can convince us that Denny's isn't one of the most depressing places in the world to visit.

Their mozzarella sticks are cool though.

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