Insurance Company Skills Compared to Olympic Athletes


Likening its ability to the human body's "amazing display of co-ordinated movement," Philadelphia's Independence Blue Cross, with help from Tierney, is positioning itself as the only company that can make the messy business of health insurance move with alacrity.

Shot by production Santa Monica-based Gartner in high contrast black and white, three spots feature a swimmer, a skateboarder and a hurdler performing their sport flawlessly. A fourth combines the three. SPots will air during and after the Olympics.

Television spots will be supported by radio, magazine, newspaper, billboards, transit, banners and a microsite.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-27-12    
Topic: Campaigns

Robert Griffin is Ad Guy of the Week


Not quite akin to seeing Kate Upton in what seems to be every single commercial aired in the last three months, Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin, within a week, has made appearances in an adidas an and, today, in a Gatorade ad.

The TBWA\Chiat\Day LA ad is routine famous athlete stuff. In this case, it's Griffin vigorously training in various scenarios with help, of course, from Gatorade.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-20-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Kimberly Clark Addresses Menopause Head On


A new campaign from Kimberly Clark aims to open up the menopause kimono with personal stories from women going through menopause. Created by Organic, campaign also introduces five new products designed to address symptoms associated with peri-menopause and menopause.

Frank, personal stories from women going through menopause address issues and symptoms such as changes in intimacy, hot flashes and general change in lifestyle and mindset.

The campaign includes a new website which houses these stories along with in-depth, informational Q&A and product demos. The effort carries over to social media where a new Facebook page encourages engagement, a YouTube channel shares the stories and a Twitter account enables conversation.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-19-12    
Topic: Campaigns

Nationwide Gets Serious With Julia Roberts


Nationwide is ditching its "world's greatest spokesperson in the world" funny man and will take on a more serious tone with a new spot, Anthem, featuring voice over by Julia Roberts. Kicking off on NBC during the Summer Olympics, the one minute commercial, created by McKinney, will have Roberts asking viewers to "join a different kind of insurance company."

Bolstering the television will be radio, print and online efforts fueling the increasingly crowded insurance marketplace currently dominated by Allstate, Progressive, Farmers and Geico.

Of the campaign's shift, Nationwide Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Matthew Jauchius said, "When you have a competitor spending over a billion dollars on ads, which we do, you have to break through the clutter in a relevant way. We are going against the grain in the marketplace by taking a more sincere tone, an authentic tone...rather than just a yuk with a phone number, which seems to characterize our category today."

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by Steve Hall    Jul-19-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity

Nooner: Slim and Stacked Get Support, Life As Pregnant CEO


- Ladies, are you, as they say, slim and stacked? Well this new ad campaign and product line are for you.

- AKQA Founder Ajaz Ahmed rallies the troops post-WPP acquisition with a motivational internal email.

- Digital KPIs Research has found marketers are currently tracking between five and ten different digital KPIs, 24 per cent of respondents are already monitoring 10-15 and eight per cent are tracking of 16-20 while just 12 per cent keep an eye on less than five indicators. 72 per cent of respondents thought their current data load was about right but 20 per cent conceded that it was too many.

- Yawn. Man proposes to women using billboard.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-19-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Research

GoDaddy Gets Even Hotter Girl For Post-Hot Girl Campaign


When GoDaddy announced it had decided to work with an ad agency and selected Deutsch as its first, many assumed that would put an end to the brand's penchant for drooling all over the internet with its long-running, hot chick-focused advertising.

But, we are told, the campaign is more "evolution" than "revolution. So it would seem the hot chicks are here to stay. At least for a little while. Deutsch's first ad, entitled Otter (thankfully, not Beaver) features, perhaps, one of the hottest women ever to appear in a GoDaddy ad. Charlene, as she is called, "is how GoDaddy attracts domain name customers."

It's a smart wink-nod to the brand's past work and to the fact that, whether or not sex actually sells, it certainly does attracts eyeballs.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-17-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Fiat Delivers New Breed of Italian Immigrants to America


We like this new Fiat work from The Richards Group. Entitled Immigrants, the work leaves behind Jennifer Lopez and Fiat hot chick Catrinel Menghia and, instead, focuses on the vehicles themselves likening them to a new wave of Italian immigrants.

Whether or not the vehicles are actually Italian immigrant or transplants from factories in Mexico and Poland can be discussed on your own time. For now, we're just going to ask you to appreciate one of the finer automobile brand ads we've seen in a while.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-17-12    
Topic: Campaigns

Buying Geico Insurance More Fun Than Smashing Watermelons


Just when you think every last insurance ad concept has been done, The Martin Agency comes up with Happier Than, a humorous campaign that compares the happiness factor of buying insurance from Geico to, well, comedian Gallagher whacking watermelons at a farm stand.

This first spot will begin airing tonight during Letterman. Additional apost will feature Christopher Columbus driving speedboats and Slinky having his way with an escalator

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by Steve Hall    Jul-16-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Strange

Susan Glenn Revealed! And Kiefer Sutherland is in Love With Her


For the past month or so, a woman by the name of Susan Glenn has been popping up. First on Buzzfeed then on various message boards, a blog and even on the OnlineSlangDictionary where one of the definitions defines her as "That girl that you like so much but you never actually flirt with because you are too worried about messing it all up"

In the Facebook group Suxorz, a group that collects epic social media failures, BlogAds Founder Henry Copeland wondered whether or not this is just "a lame seeding for some movie... or just the first of some supersmart social campaign?"

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by Steve Hall    Jul-13-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

Humorous Mantherapy Tackles Suicide Prevention


Speaking to us on behalf of the Carson J. Spencer Foundation, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Office of Suicide Prevention, the very manly Dr. Rich Mahogany aims to help men deal with life's curve balls with Mantherapy.

Sitting in his, ahem, mahogany-filled office, complete with buck head, trophies, diplomas, and leather-clad arm chair, Dr. Mahogany, who cleans his desk with a leave blower and warms his hands by stuffing them down his pants, explains men have a certain way of doing things. And when it comes to divorce, depression or suicidal thoughts, men should have a certain way to deal with these issues too.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-11-12    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online, Video