Restaurant Helps You Inhale and Exhale


Ever been out to dinner and marvel with a gasp at the succulent beauty of your meal as the waiter places it in front of you? Ever gasped the same way but with a decidedly different feeling when the waiter rests the bill on the table at the end of the meal? Wouldn't it be nice if you could breath a sigh of relief instead?

That's the brilliantly simplistic message of this ad for the Salem, MA-based Sixty2 on Wharf Restaurant and Lounge created by Keith Lane Creative. It's part of a campaign to promote the restaurant's mid-week Really Happy Hours from 5PM to 7PM.

by Steve Hall    Nov-24-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Social

Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa 'Funk Off'


This comment may best sum up this recent work from LAVA Communications in Sydney promoting the December appearance of The Dalai Lama in Australia for a series of talks and teachings: "A band dressed up as old famous people. It's been done. Fail."

A video, called The Nobel Funk Off, is being sold as having been created by "An anonymous private supporter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama." In other words, it was created by the agency which also says it will "shift focus" in a couple of weeks to reveal more about the event.

Hey, it's all in good fun. right?

by Steve Hall    Nov-23-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Events

It's Chiquita Madness!


Of the egg-throwing variety. Because they have invisible arms and are adept at pranks, no window is safe from them, for they are bananas. Not even Facebook can hide. Or microsites. Or Twitter. Or mocumentaries.

(Good to see the 12-step meme is alive and well because I need a Bananavention.)

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by Bill Green    Nov-17-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Specialty, Video

Because Drunk Chicks Pole Dancing Make Everything Better


Trying hard to work in some party girl material before I leave, Heineken is back with the Know The Signs campaign and a Buzz Toolkit. They have a series of clips out where you can roll over parts of scenes which takes you to... more other scenes. Interactive! They have a series of different characters to watch out for. (Except I don't see drunk dad anywhere.) Ennyway, Drunk Pole Dancing looks like a lotta staged viral fun, after the jump. For my money, the Taxi spot is still the best spot I've seen for drinking responsibly.

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by Bill Green    Nov-17-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Video, Viral

Want Faster Download Times? Move Overseas


Truer than you know, Optimum online users. (Just check other countries' times against the U.S. Parts of Europe seem appear to offer four times the speed for half the price.) I digress however. Duval Guillaume points us to new print showcasing Telenet's broadband offering, after the jump.

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Campaigns

Waaaa, But It Doesn't Sell Gum, Waaaa

Shooosh. It reinforces Orbit gum's clean a dirty mouth premise by using "street" artist Goons to clean up... the streets. It's cool. Watch it. Then say hi to agency Evolution Bureau for coming up with it.

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online

Detroit--We Have Less Layoffs Than Those "Other" Guys?


Sorry, just trying out a headline or two. As part of a project to live in and report from Detroit for a year, Time Inc. asked five local ad agencies, to come up with ads answering the question: Why would anyone smart, young, and creative move to or stay in Detroit? why Detroit is a good place to live. Crowdsource that vote now before the ads run in Fortune next week. Two thoughts: 1) Too bad Time Inc. didn't ask residents who work for a living outside agency glass palaces for their ad ideas and 2) Cute how global shops are thought of as local! Ennyway, can you do better than these? Leave your lines in the comments-I know you will.

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Campaigns, Cause, Poster

Maliboom Boom Mix Madness!


"Boom boom boom, everybody say..." Release your inner island. Get your inner DJ on. DJ. Any of these *yawn* work for you? Malibu Rum continues the island vibe of its spots, its most irreverent of spots, in this Radio Maliboom Boom DJ Drink Mixer thing. (Wouldn't it be a music mix, not a drink mix? Digress, thy name is me.) Check it out here. Need instructions? YouTube it!

by Bill Green    Nov-13-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Specialty

Caribou Coffee Gets Real


Second-largest gourmet coffeehouse retailer and one of the thorns in Starbucks' side, Caribou Coffee is rolling out their first TV from Colle+McVoy below. Get Real covers on the chain's focus on handcrafted drinks. (Isn't anything prepared in restaurants crafted by hand? I think it must be!) But, the bigger jab here is right at SB with this "Real People" go to Caribou theme. Hmmm, at the risk of someone going, dude, seriously, it's just a TV spot, time to get a little more real.

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by Bill Green    Nov-12-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Food Prep IS Hell


Brian on Idaho Ad Agencies points out a new campaign for pre-sliced RoastWorks veggies from Stoltz Marketing Group. (HEY, it's not just about BBDO around here, freaks.) There's a requisite microsite with short short extolling the virtue of pre-cut so as to avoid a nasty post-cut.

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by Bill Green    Nov-12-09    
Topic: Campaigns