Times Tough? Reward Your Stalwart Family -- with Upholstery!


"It's funny how new furniture has a way of restoring people. Add something special to your home and experience it firsthand."

Awww. Tent cities have hardly folded up and we're already being hawked side tables. The piece at left comes from "Is it Home Yet?", a campaign/sweepstakes meant to bring gunshy spenders back into furniture showrooms.

The World Market Center Last Vegas, a showroom and exhibition space for the furniture industry, is pushing the effort, with help from collaborators like the National Home Furnishings Association and the Western Home Furnishing Association. In addition to a nationwide multimedia push, it will receive still more attention from widespread celebration of "National Home Furnishings Month" -- September, a traditional (but cozy!) period of change.

Note the ornaments of an industry calibrated for battle: a couch that, according to its materials tag, meets or exceeds "comfort and happiness standards"; and a slogan that appears on a rustic welcome mat. You can also expect to be heavily exposed to soft-touch shots of smiling unbroken families, cushy stuffed couches and other timeless accoutrements of the resilient nuclear unit.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-09    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Online, Outdoor, Promotions, Trends and Culture

Candystand + Facebook; TimeOut Hooks Up; 4Chan vs, the Lord's Chil'ren


- "The hottest ads on the planet!" Ivan of CreativeBits contemplates the Eternal Mystery: whether sex in advertising sells.

- Candystand leaps aboard Facebook Connect.

- After hurting Toronto's feelings, DraftFCB Coors billboards get pulled.

- TimeOut NY wantsta hook up. Dolla make ya holla? Yeah, baby, yeah.

- More premium Twitter account talk. Some features already in pilot-mode.

- 4Chan attacks the Facebook Christians.

- tweetzi -- another Twitter search site. Results toggling features are pretty saucy though if your eyes ever manage to adjust to thick-ass Courier.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Social, Strange

Ye Olde Theatre: All Minimalist and 2.0-ey.


We dig the theatre, especially reworkings of Shakespeare and his frothy contributions to the perpetually-tragic human condition, so these posters for the Denver Center Theater Company hit us in a smushy spot.

Meant to promote a 10-play series targeted to more youthful play-goers, the posters each take a play (Shakespeare or otherwise), then interpret it in contemporary symbology and use a few words to encompass the heart of the drama.

The posters are two-sided. One side is for the imagery and the name of the play; the other side is for the text. At left, the eyeball and the drop of blood represent Othello. The other side reads, "Who can you trust when you can't trust yourself?"

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Packaging, Promotions

Kimono: Smooth Application for Your Head, Not Your Shoulders


Drawing a comparison between the silky texture of its namesake and its own, uh, "silky smooth sensation," Kimono Condoms dreamed up the print ad at left.

It features two smooth bodies intertwined; the man's arms bears the beautiful ornamentation you'd expect to find on geisha fare. The total effect invites a long linger.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-23-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster

Don't Be Fooled by the Desperation; Jack is Not a Nice Guy.


Australia's ANZ Small Business tapped M&C Saatchi to develop an ad both funny and sympathetic to its target demo: small business owners.

That doesn't sound like tons of fun, so we didn't expect it to be, especially when we saw the length of the clip: 1:40? And in sepia? Why not force our eyes open with steel rods, too?

The spot itself starts out innocuously enough: a suited man is walking down the street, somebody calls his name: "Jack!" He starts to run. As the spot progresses, the variety of people -- butchers, mechanics, a Chinese restaurant owner -- that catch sight of him and give chase increases, adding to the dramatic tension and making way for a few semi-amusing stunt scenes. You lazily wonder what the punchline is.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Hottest Body Promo Gets Cool Brush-Off


Speaking of MySpace, the hot mess at left was recently rejected by the social networking site for being too sexually explicit.

The ad is part of a campaign, "Hottest Body in the World," for Parfums de Coeur's new men's fragrance, Body Heat. It's a contest where users turn in photos, the hottest of which will be used on a Hollywood billboard. (The winner also gets $10,000.)

Featured prominently at center is a screenshot from a :30 commercial that will run across Fox TV stations and on Facebook. It depicts a shirtless man and some hot fawning ... fawns, one of which is edging down toward his waist.

Dot Box, which originated the idea, called the MySpace rejection an "odd development considering MySpace's less-than-prudish reputation."

But we're kinda with @RGA on this one:

Was this ad too hot for MySpace [dramatic pause, raised eyebrow]...or was it not trashy + poorly designed enough?

One ... two ... three ... Discuss.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions, Trends and Culture

Learn MySpace Profile Cheats from the Bloody, the Undead and the Occasional Witch


How completely insane. Here is a series of videos that purport to teach you how various indie emo hipster-looking people achieve their MySpace profile pic angles.

Sounds innocuous enough. Even seems to promise a spirited joke or two: how does the Crooked Bathed-in-Light guy get his gooseneck lamp to cast just right?

Click on one to view the how-to. What you discover is that each person, or group, is actually a disfigured or terrifying zombie/witch/monster thing. Then you're walked pragmatically through the process of how they covered blemishes and used various cheats on their cameras to make themselves as MySpace-worthy (and, uh, human-looking) as possible.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Trends and Culture, Video

Leaking Mad Men, Flipping for PR, Exorcist Mean Girls


- Prior to the premier, Mad Men season 3 leaks on iTunes just long enough for a bunch of madcap bloggers to publish stuff like this.

- Social media cool-kid Jeremiah Owyang leaves Forrester, calls his time there "a grand adventure!"

- Defending the PR merits of the Flip camera. (Via.)

- Back to '69 with the Gap, on all your social media platforms (even iPhone!), courtesy of AKQA.

- ...and after Juno, Diablo Cody gives us an exorcist man-eating queen bee. With requisite dorky hot friend.

- Grey: wedding football and the Phantom. (Via.)

by Angela Natividad    Aug-21-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Finally, an Incontinence Underpanty to Match My F-Me Pumps.


We dug the gimmick this time. And this time. And this time and this time. But this is one saunter-through-time too many.* And we're not standing for it!

Especially for a product like sexier incontinence underpants.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Television, Worst

Why Paint Around it When You Can Coat it in Liquid Death?


Clearex acne treatment gel works a lot like Clearasil acne treatment cream (or your fluoride-rich toothpaste of choice): you rub it onto your pimples at night, then pray they're dry enough to pop or scratch off by morning.

Grasping for a clever way to market the stuff, which you either do or don't have in your cabinet, agency Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Tel Aviv dreamed up this print campaign.

Each piece is an uncomfortably close close-up of a blemished individual. The offending red dots are camouflaged, age-five-at-the-boardwalk!-style, with festive but decidedly unsexy face art. Okay, the Pacman one was kinda rawkin'.

Tagline: "Don't hide it, clear it." Inelegant but straightforward.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Outdoor