Most Interesting Man Tries to Stay Interesting


Apart from the fact Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World conjures, somewhat, Charlton Heston's Moses (or is it George Parker?), he's well, just not that interesting in this second outing of the campaign. That's par for the course when a campaign initially breaks from the mold and then tries to maintain that break over time. What was once new and different now becomes "Oh, it's those weird Dos Equis ads again." which, in some respects, isn't such a bad thing in this era of continuously changing brand direction before the consumer has a chance to understand the initial direction.

Euro RSCG is behind the campaign which consists of three television spots which you can view here.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary

Snickers Offends Again!


Oh noooo!! Snickers is in for it now! Wait until Bob Garfield sees these new ads from NoS/BBDO Poland. Oh the horror! Animals digitally tortured and forced to take on human qualities! The indignity! The misrepresentation! The gender bending! The insensitivity! Someone call PETA! Or the Coalition for the Eradication of Bestiality! Oh, the horror! It's just too much to take!

by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Strange

Do Saturn a Favor and Kiss Its Astra


Entries for this contest is the only way Saturn's Astra is getting any love. Not to say people aren't getting Warholian with it.

Like all hopeful online efforts, the effort also sports a pretty sparse Facebook app. I tried running a search for it on Facebook and got "Did you mean: kiss my ass?" alongside results that ironically do feature a lot of car-smooching, just not the Astra kind.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-31-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Dell is Greeeen Today, Chirping with Joy Like a Cricket Song


We're not usually fans of ads about personalized colors for laptops. In the 21st century, is that the best you can do? But I like what Dell did in this gentle, feel-good spot, set to the tune of Colors by Kira Wiley.

Definitely better than the last ad in the "Colors" campaign, which hurt our heads and tried too hard. What tops it off nicely is that pretty little tagline: "Yours is here." I like that. It's like Dell is Build-a-Bear for computers, and just as snuggly.

The ad was put together by Mother, which is pretty much holding the fort for sweetly sleeping Enfatico.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-31-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Obama Ascends to Stardom, Enfatico Falters, Good Good Goes Bad, method Makes Salad


- McCain puts Obama on the same "soar high, fall hard" platform as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Probably because they're the only celebrities he knows. I like how the ad cuts to happy floaty music and a soft McCain profile. What a guy.

- See Microsoft-paid blogger give transparency a go for the i'm talkathon. Yeah. You heard me. Transparency.

- Enfatico's having trouble with that whole "being creative" thing.

- method products: so much more than hand syrups and toilet bowl cleaners. Think of them as a summer salad that doesn't know how to capitalize proper nouns.

- TiVo says relevant ads don't get skipped.

- Wendy's cutesy "good good" ad is objectively disgusting.

X-Files Bombs But Duchovney's Got Endorsement Gig Money


It's kinda sad to see X-Files fail at the box office. Back in the day, it was actually a great TV show. Sadly, that has not translated into box office success with the show's second movie outing. This past weekend, the movie placed fourth, after Dark Knight, Step Brothers and Mama Mia.

All is not lost for Duchovney, though. He's starring in Showtime's Californication and, yes, he's doing product endorsements. He's fronting a new campaign from Toth Brand Imaging for Johnston & Murphy. J&M wants to believe Duchovney will boost the 157 year old brand. Johnston & Murphy VP of Marketing Jason Dasal said, "We're thrilled to have David Duchovny as part of our ad campaign. David embodies success and confidence, along with a great sense of style, communicating the ideal image for the Johnston & Murphy brand."

Let's hope he can sell shoes.

by Steve Hall    Jul-31-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Microsoft: If You Can't Win 'Em, Trick 'Em


Under the premise that if people could experience Vista firsthand, they'd love it, Microsoft decided to bamboozle a bunch of Vista-haters with The Mojave Experiment.

Groups of users were invited to try Mojave, the "newest version of Windows." After showering Vista with opinions of disdain, they gave Mojave a go and lavished it with compliments. Then they were told it was Vista.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Online

Nothing Says HP Like a Ditz Who Can't Operate a Shower


HP's latest online video campaign, aimed at the back-to-school crowd, launches with "Shaun White and Friends Fight to Help Shower Hottie." Created by Feed Company, the piece (which reeks of Axe) begins and ends with cheap fortune cookie wisdom: Practice Random Acts of Chivalry.

This from the same people that brought us "Hands" and "Maestro"? You gotta be kidding.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Real French Fries Shame Fake Breasts


Riffing on the increasingly fake aspects of culture from implants to injections to extensions, Toronto agency Zig created a print campaign for New York Fries which draws a dichotomy between fakeness and the all natural goodness of New York Fries.

Witty campaign but what's really sad is the fact an actual ad campaign is needed to sell something that is supposed to be fried potatoes and nothing else. Food - and everything else in this world - has become so processed, hardly anything is real anymore.

For example, breasts. Big breasts are great. Every woman seems to want them and every man seems to want to ogle and fondle them. Fine. Nothing wrong with obsessing over big breasts (well, OK, maybe it is a bit degrading to reduce a woman to a body part) but fake big breasts are exactly that. Fake. Not real. They don't look real. They don't feel real. They aren't attractive to look at. They aren't real. And fake isn't fun.

Neither are fake French Fries. Two other fake-focused ads are here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Sierra Mist Refreshes Your Mind. (Should You Take Pedro's Word for It?)


Efren Ramirez, better known to us as Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite, appears in a new series of ads for Sierra Mist's "Refresh Your Mind" campaign. The format: he walks into a bar, tells a story, concludes, "It's a crazy world; it helps to refresh your mind," and downs some Sierra Mist.

The first spot, "Wedding Girl," is about a girl so desperate to get married she'll put bridesmaids in a coma to catch a bouquet. (Honey, there are easier routes than superstition. Speed dating, for example.)

more »

by Angela Natividad    Jul-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television