We received these spots from a very kind and very knowledgeable public relations professional who knew we simply couldn't resist sharing them with you. The spots are part of a Wieden + Kennedy created campaign promoting ESPN's Fantasy Football. Leveraging every man's fantasy in which the perfect football team would be a bunch of hotties dressed in sexy pink outfits frolicking on a very pink bed in a very pink room, the spots certainly grab attention but not in a purely T&A fashion. You see, the models in the fantasy are in on the joke and know they are just pawns in the mind of a daydreaming football fan. Well done.
PETA has launched another anti-KFC ad and this one features Australian model Sarah Jane posing nude. Oh come on. What were you thinking? Of course all her parts you really want to see are covered. This is advertising, not porn, though there doesn't seem to be much difference these days. Anyway, Tian pointed out it was odd the ad is predominantly written in Chinese and wondered whether it eluded to the popularity of KFC in China. Tian was gracious enough to send us a translated version of the ad which you can view here.
See more of Sarah's full-sized hotness here.
For her second season as spokesmodel for Bongo jeans, Nicole Ritchie will be joined by her fiance, Adam Goldstein who, along with Ritchie, will promote a new line of men's apparel. Breaking in September, the two will appear in semi-candid ads shot in New York's AER Lounge. Several of the ads are available here.
Stirring the pot again, the United Church of Christ, the church that, earlier this year, ran ads mocking other churches showing a bouncer who refused entry to minorities and gays is planning a new ad. The first ad, "Bouncer," part of the $3 million "God is Speaking" campaign, was refused by ABC, NBC and CBS. The church promises the second ad will be in the same vein as the "Bouncer" ad.
Hoping to help us forget the not so smashing Jason Alexander version of the new Chrysler Lee Iacocca spot, the car company has paired Iacocca with Snoop Dogg in an ad set to air this weekend. With the usual old guy/young rapper dude culture clash, the post hopes to appeal to those under 40, many of whom have no idea who Iacocca is.
Without her involvement or consent, Hilary Clinton is getting promoted as a candidate from president in 2008 via an ad campaign created by a Florida-based Gay rights group, called Hilary Now!, run by Bob Kunst. The campaign consists of an animated television commercial showing Hillary driving a "Bush's Mess" garbage truck. In the ad, Hillary is seen emptying into the truck trash cans in front of the White House labeled "Iraq," "War on Terror," "Health Care" and "Budget."
The campaign will air on New Hampshire cable news networks in the cities of Manchester, Portsmouth, Concord, Nashua and Salem.
MediaPost's Amy Corr has gathered together a few recent campaign launches in her Out to Launch column, one of which proves beer marketers haven't left scantily clad women as seducers...uh...sellers of its products. A new campaign for Milwaukee's Best (yes, they do need all the help they can get) has launched on TV, print, an on the web with the tagline, "Brewed for a Man's Taste." Taste in what, you ask. Taste in "finely tuned" woman apparently. The website has all the usual male stupidity such as an ogling game in which a man must avert his eyes from his best friend's girlfriend's cleavage but if that's not possible, the site also provides wallpaper and downloads of finely Photoshopped models to ogle on the privacy one's own computer screen.
While the site reinforces man's neaderthal tendencies, the commercials, which feature proverbially manly men acting proverbially unmanly, are actually quite funny and not far from reality.
Acknowledging old agency models are dead and to position itself as a leader in the "new way," Sydney agency, The One Centre, has launched a one million campaign, running in magazines, on TV and on the web, that places old models on the runway with the tagline, "Old models don't cut it anymore." While the analogy might be on target, the use of, very likely, wise and intelligent older women, basically says there's no need for wisdom and the only thing that matters is the new flash.
The One Center Founder and CEO John Ford justifies the campaign by citing his agency's in creating everything from glassware to furniture, T-shirts to shoulder bags, staff uniforms to print ads, websites to direct marketing programs, TV ads to packaging, retail stores to soundtracks, to designing multi-million dollar brand experience centers and concept bars.
Ford goes on, saying, "Advertising is bigger than just broadcast media. Advertising isn't dead. We just need to get more expansive about what we think of as media. We need to look for ways to express brand in everything." Oh, and along the way, if we offend and piss off an entire, and very huge demographic segment who has a boatload of disposable income, who gives a shit.
In its first use of a celebrity spokesmodel, designer jeans grand daddy Jordache has signed a deal with Hollywood actress Brittany Murphy, 27, to appear in the company's ad campaign, shot by famed photographer Patrick Demarchelier on an estate in Hariman, New York. Jordache hopes to breathe new life into the 30 year old brand that rose to popularity in the 70's. The campaign will break in September.
UPDATE: In Comments, Linda gives us a bit more background on the minds behind this campaign. Funny how press releases leave out so much information. Anyway, she wrote: "The creative mojo behind this campaign is ink&co, the hyper-cool SOHO agency that's done everything from re-fashion the L'eggs egg to design ALL the signage stuff for 7thonSixth every fashion season for the last 14, to creating CURVATION (that brand of VF Intimates with Queen Latifah as its voice), to creating the look and feel of the soon-to-be-released hit video poker game 'STACKED with Daniel Negreanu'. Sam Sohaili's winning ink&co creative even beat out BBDO and that other Sam (Shahid)... quite the coup. But wanna know the biggest behind-the-scenes surprise? Sam turned out to be one of those Redford-esque 'horse whisperers'... who the hell knew?! Sam...what else can you do???"
Spoofing his persona and conducting mock interviews with DC Shoes athletes, James Lipton appears in 18 commercials for the apparel and shoe company. The campaign, created by LA-based 72andSunny, is airing on MTV, MTV2, ESPN and ESPN2. Along with Lipton, skateboarder Danny Way, BMX rider Dave Mirra, motocross rider Travis Pastrana, snowboarder Travis Rice, surfer Bruce Irons, and street skateboard icon Rob Dyrdek appear in the series.
The spots, shot semi-unscripted, are just odd enough to be engaging bringing together two, seemingly, unrelated entities from very different backgrounds making for a funny, culture-clash campaign. The spots can be viewed on the DCShoes website.