Just Another Vampire 'Viral.'


Hot American teens meet online, go to "London!", drink all day, dance all night, then start eating each other in various suggestive and predatory ways. It isn't clear whether anybody's actually a vampire or if the kids just like biting each other, but it's all the same to the lonelyheart goths, I guess.

Watch trailer for Highgate Vampire. Gets pretty freaky at the end. And if you wanna play their little hunter vs. hunted game, visit Gothic Picnic.

I kinda dug True Blood more.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions

'Beyond Your Expectations' Ain't Quite Up to Snuff


Mexico invades Chicago O'Hare in a zealous attempt to show middle Americans it's "Beyond Your Expectations." Curious? Wander through Terminal 3 -- which serves 38 percent of O'Hare's traffic -- for a taste of this technicolor fiasco.

Through October, a Colonial-style kiosk will serve as soapbox for the Mexican Tourism Board. Pretty girls in Nano-chromatic sheaths will pass out flyers and obscure your line of sight with videos of, I don't know, tourists getting drinks made in their mouths. Or possibly pyramids.

Oh wait, this is all supposed to be beyond expectation. God, what a poverty-ridden tagline.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla

BB Plugs Celebs, Droga5 Bags Method, Mountain Dew Abbreviated, Frequent Hooker Miles


- Among its minions, BlackBerry brags about celebu-users. How very AmEx. (Props to Adrants reader Atif for this.)

- Droga5 becomes agency of record for method! Kick-ass.

- The McCain campaign asked YouTube to stop taking down its campaign videos. (The videos purportedly violate copyright because many contain snippets of music that the campaign did not have permission to use.) And YouTube was all, "Bitch, please." What, McCain? You're all for Joe Plumber but can't pay licensing fees?

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Grab the Fridge! There's a Guinness Truck on the Street


In "Fridge Magnet," a Guinness truck stops in a Buenos Aires neighborhood, gets all magically magnetic and starts drawing refrigerators to itself.

Notably, one random guy looks down at his glass of Guinness, which appears to be frothing mischievously. There's a beer with some naughty ideas ... and possibly a deep-seated affection for puns. "It's alive inside," the ad concludes -- half-joking, half-not.

By Irish International BBDO. I liked Saatchi & Saatchi's "Spoken Word" better, but "Fridge Magnet" is more in line with the casual "beer" persona. It also manages to pull that off without forsaking Guinness's sense of playful enigma. Nice.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

'Goddess of Money' Throws Weight Behind White Collar Lunch Hour


This may sound improbable, but "goddess of money" Ivanka Trump (don't you love PR people?) gives a damn what you have for lunch at work every day. Enough to blog about it, even.

She's partnering with ConAgra for something called the Lunch Trade. I'm not sure what it entails (Handi-Snacks but bigger? City-wide buffets? Mass sandwich-swap? Anything goes!) but it'll reportedly "impact" 15,000 employees across NYC and Chicago.

Wow. Sounds almost like genocide. Keep reading her blog for more details.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-15-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Events, Guerilla, Promotions

Painting Pilot Finishes Off Wordless Billboard


Air New Zealand's running a new campaign called "Is it just a kiwi thing?", characterized by unusual guerrilla stunts. (See cranial billboards. Yes, the PR woman says, those are real tats. I'm shaking my head right now.)

To promote its launch, a B747 pilot alighted upon an unfinished billboard in London, sporting a paintbrush and some splashy blue paint.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Promotions

Love Diesel for its Mind, Not Just its Brain*


Maybe it thought "SFW XXX" gave people the wrong idea. Alongside new buddy the Accompanied Literary Society (which seeks to revive the culture of literary salons), Diesel asked celebrity authors to produce some short stories for its latest outdoor campaign.

The so-called "Flash Fiction" was broadcast on the face of One York Place, NYC, over the course of three days.

Totally falls into the shadow of HBO Voyeur (BBDO/NY). And while I like the idea of reviving the literary salon, I'm inclined to think people -- myself included -- are more receptive to illustrative storytelling. Especially when they have to read them off the side of a building.

By Idealogue and PanOptic Motion.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Guerilla, Outdoor

Is a Chevy Anything Like a Hailstorm of Shoes?


Here's a spot comparing the Chevy Traverse to "a sudden downpour of shoes." It's the latest in a campaign that debuted during the Beijing Olympics. (Remember the ad with the half-nekkid man ironing shirts?)

Facile premise: the Traverse is everything you've ever wanted. To illustrate that point, stereotypes of everything "we've" ever wanted are used. Hot men that iron? A hailstorm of shoes?

If nothing else, this spot's more coherent than the last. In August, I spent at least eight minutes on Twitter trying to figure out Shirtless Man's relation to folding seats.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Bulgarian Ad Objectifies Woman, Reduces Her to Pair of Melons


Belgian born Peter Forret, who recently took a trip to Bulgaria, noticed an ad campaign for Mastika, an aphrodisiac used as an ingredient in mixed drinks or in the yogurt drink Ayran. He remarked the standard of advertising in Bulgaria appears to be far different than that of his home country, Belgium.

The print campaign employs visuals of scantily clad women foisting their curvaceous features towards the viewer. A commercial has two guys ogling a girl who passes them by on the beach and casts a shadow on the sand suggesting a figure of, shall we say, larger than normal proportions. Sadly, the commercial employs the tired, much over used male arousal tactic.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-14-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Racy, Strange, Worst

Celebs, Scribbles, Gap Try Stimulating Youth Vote


What better way to get self-conscious Millennials to the ballot than with a bunch of celebs being gratuitously cool, slightly ironic and occasionally almost (but not quite!) deep?

Look, look, it's Bill Maher in a blazer, prattling about elitists. It ends with "Vote for BBQ" -- except BBQ is written in a Mad Libs sorta way, so you know the "vote for" is open to whatever motivation, however bizarre or irrelevant, you've got.

Because hey, that's democracy.

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