That Pot of Boiling Water Scalds Again


Just as various groups did the car crash thing over and over and over and over and over again, it seems we're in for a graphic workplace safety trend as well. Following last year's effort from Canadian group Prevent-it, Australia's WorkSafe Victoria is out with a series of ads in which a guy misuses a nail gun, a cook carries a pot of boiling water that's too heavy and a woman has a bit of trouble using a bagel slicer.

The focus of the campaign urges workers to ask for help if they don't know how to use a particular piece of equipment. The ads will air in two versions. One will will air prior to 8:30PM as a PG version. After that, the full blown gross out version will air.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 7-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause

Badonkadonk. Badinkadink. Hungry Yet? Oddly, I Am


What would happen if a Thickburger jumped into a cold swimming pool? "Shrinkage" -- one ad among many for Hardee's Little Thickburger. Despite its focus on (small) size, (wide) breadth and general meatiness, it is radically devoid of gigantic titty jokes or other innuendos.

Each spot sports its own overly cute Thickburger-vs-Little-Thickburger comparison and ends with the same glib line: "It's a Thickburger, but little."

If Daria ever went into advertising, a slogan like that would've been her magnum opus.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct- 7-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Doritos Adds Haunted Hotel to Virtual Universe


Just in time for Halloween, Doritos launches Hotel 626, a haunted virtual hotel that's only open between 6pm and 6am. (You'll literally have to make a reservation if you try to penetrate it before then.)

Users are encouraged to visit the site in the dark with headphones, a camera and a microphone, which can be used to complete challenges. The hotel is 13 rooms big, including a morgue and a dark room (like, for developing photos?).

Part of Doritos' sponsor-heavy online universe, Snack Strong Productions, the effort will be promoted on specially marked bags of Doritos. By Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 7-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions Dolla Make You Holla!, Political A-Listers, Blogging sans Byline, Gyro's Self-Aggrandizing Promotional Oeuvre


- A handful of rich-ass celebrities use reverse psychology to cajole MySpace users into voting. What, does Jennifer Aniston not do it for you? Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio's poverty-ridden excuse for a blog will.

- The wife of David Warthen, founder of, is facing tax evasion charges on money she made while working as a hooker to pay for law school.

- Three thought-provoking reasons not to blog anonymously if you're gonna blog at all.

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Miniature Women Apply Kiwi Shoe Polish


In an odd approach to selling shoe polish that's not unlike methods used to sell cars by draping a woman across the hood of a vehicle, Kiwi, with help from Grey Hong Hong, has crafted a print campaign that's seemingly designed to elicit a collective "huh?" from anyone who flips a magazine's pages to the ad.

If Grey Hong Kong was going for that collective "huh?" and guaranteeing the page wouldn't be turned too quickly, they have, indeed, achieved that goal. After all, its not often you see miniature woman working diligently atop a pair of shoes to insure pristine shininess. In fact, it would be downright creepy to open the closet door in the morning to see these tiny polishers scampering about one's shoes. It's be enough to cause one to question one's mental faculties and run directly to the doctor's office.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 6-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Racy

It May Not Be as Fast as a Tsunami, But It's Still Coming


To demonstrate how global warming will one day turn familiar surroundings into aquarium props, Offsetters suspended lifeboats off the side of buildings and lined Vancouver's streets with water safety gear: life vests under park benches, and a life guard, on duty, in the middle of a promenade.

Efforts included clear "" labeling. See more of the work on the website.

Nice way to get attention, ignite imaginations and play with surroundings instead of cluttering them. By Rethink.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 6-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Guerilla

Kangoo Be Bop Draws Influence from a Lighter, Peppier Era


Isobar just built a new site for Renault's Kangoo Be Bop -- "a quirky car, filled with space and light." Once you've chosen your country (France or UK), hit "BeFun" and watch the film for some '60s-style frivolity.

Light and loose, bright but easy on the eyes. Very Target, but period-specific. It's like everything the Ford Fiesta wanted (but failed!) to achieve with the love factory.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 6-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

Pantene (Boobs) Launches (Boobs) Distracting (Boobs) Campaign


Wait. What? There's haircare product in this ad? Damn! All I saw was a pair of colossal boobs bulging forth threatening to explode from the skimpy confines of a cleavage-bearing top. After stuffing my eyes back in their sockets and coming to the realization this was not, in fact, a Wonderbra ad, my eyes finally traveled to the lower right hand corner of the ad where, yes, bottle of Pantene product were displayed.

The ads are said to have been created by MastosGrey in Brazil. Sadly, they look like every other fake ad that employs the massive image/minuscule type approach to creativity. We may never know and, really, who cares. They're fun to look at. Let's just shut up and enjoy ;)

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Racy

Gossip Girl (OK, Kristen Bell) Urges People to Vote


Kristen Bell, along with Mark Cuban, Olivia Munn, John Picard, Minka Kelly, Bill Maher, Matt White, Norman Lear, Perez Hilton and others are part of GAP's Vote For campaign. In the PSAs, the celebrities urge people to vote for those who can't, not to stay silent because an individual vote might not matter, to vote green whether or not you are red or blue, to vote for cleaner energy, to spport the troops and other bipartisan messages no one can really disagree with.

It's a nice effort. It's subtle. It's well crafted. And, thankfully, it's miles away from the usual, overtly leftist/rightist approach we see in so many other political PSAs.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 3-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Good, Political, Video

Life without Healthcare is Like Going Commando


Here's a comparison that's never been made before: lack of health insurance is like walking around with your bare ass showing.

May explain why down-and-out celebrities go pantyless so often. Could they be crying for help? "I'm uninsured, please pity me."

By the campaign for Jim Slattery of Kansas, who's running for US Senate.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 3-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Political, Television