Miracle Whip Brings the, Uh, Zing.


Here's a brand we haven't thought of in awhile: Miracle Whip. (That stuff still exists? YES! And the packaging ain't changed a bit.)

Blessed with the hefty task of building Miracle Whip awareness among the remaining 18-34-year-olds that don't have debilitating eating disorders, yesterday AKQA launched "Bring the Zing," a digital campaign that weds the white stuff to online activity.

"Zingers" is an archaic word for "witty comebacks," given new life for the malevolent purposes of the digital generation. At the Miracle Whip website, a wee app called Zingr Beta lets you leave comments all over the 'net via Facebook Connect. Naturally, each Zingr you sprinkle appears on your Facebook Newsfeed.

Give it a whirl and let us know what you think. As demonstrated by this post, we're clinically incapable of being witty this early in the morning.

by Angela Natividad    May-13-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Stop Soot, Non-Biodegradable Barbie, Comment Troll Etiquette


- Stop soot (by Underground Advertising of San Francisco).

- Big reveal on YouTube HD Camera Trick (kinda neat if you're an optical illusions kinda chap, plus lots of YouTube users got called out). The original video was an effort for Samsung.

- Create your own ville courtesy of Johnsonville, the creators of their own ... sausage.

- When to delete a nasty blog comment.

- Pretty paper dioramas.

- Who'd've guessed: "you guys shoulndt even put something about the barbies... they are NOT earth friendly.."

by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Online, Opinion, Trends and Culture, Video

Lost Tribe Craves Fry; Five-Second Rule Blocks Bounty


Two guys are in a car. The passenger, who's inconsiderately grubbing, mistakenly drops a McDonald's french fry between the seats, compelling the driver to turn to him with a short, harsh "Dude" -- shorthand for "You better pick that shit up and fast."

If you've ever wondered what happens to the stuff lost in motor vehicle ether, here's your chance. Spare change, ballpen caps and -- yes, mislaid fries -- become window trimmings in a universe composed of lost souls, toiling for the pleasure of a crazed, invisible god.

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by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange, Television

3G Prius Brings Munchkins to the Fore


Saatchi & Saatchi/LA busts out with "Harmony," a wee bit of weirdness in which a Toyota Prius drives leisurely through a dormant landscape and sets it blooming -- not just with flowers and and trees, but with what appear to be Munchkins.

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by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

New Coke Cans Celebrate Summertime


Coca-Cola kicks off barbeque season with a set of fresh and festive Coke cans. Each is red with the silver silhouette of something summery -- sunglasses, a grill, a beach ball -- and the logo, either peeking out of the image or interacting with it some other way.

The one at left looks kind of like Diet Coke masquerading as Coca-Cola Classic. (We'll leave you to make the aspartame-laced-wolf-in-sheep's-clothing jokes.) But this is infinitely less gauche than the limited-edition Ramadan cans.

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by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Packaging

French's Comes with 40% More Happy.


Provided your definition of "happy" is yellow and zesty.

With help from Euro RSCG/NY, French's -- which is apparently over a hundred years old -- kicks off its latest campaign with "Happy Starts Here" -- a tribute to how each bottle of French's now comes with 40% MORE FREE!.

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by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

To Plug Transparency, Air New Zealand Strips Staff Down


Air New Zealand promotes its no-hidden-fees policy with an ad where pilots, flight attendants and baggage jockeys sport nothing but paint in lieu of uniforms.

Maybe for morale's sake, CEO Rob Fyfe of Air New Zealand stars as one of the baggage lackeys/air traffic controllers. (He recently attested to being "absolutely flattered" after winning Hottest Businessman in a New Zealand BusinessDay poll.)

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by Angela Natividad    May-11-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good

POLL TIME! The Sexploitation Round.


This poll was sparked by an Amnesty International effort where a woman is smushed into transparent luggage to illustrate the cause of sex trafficking.

Compare with PETA's 2008 Covent Garden stunt, where a naked mom is put on display in a plea for pigs.

Are sex trafficking cause groups walking the PETA line?
What's wrong with PETA, bitches?
A little exploitation's cool if it gets the message across.
pollcode.com free polls

Granted, the causes are different -- sex trafficking versus animal rights -- but when are these types of tactics okay? Whether you do/don't have a problem with them, we wanna hear you. =P

by Angela Natividad    May-11-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Creative Commentary, Opinion

GOOG/Twit Search, Human Clocks, Horrors Make BeanCast


- Dollplay for Dollhouse, ARG-style.

- Sprint's YouTube-tastic human clock. (Saucy.)

- Calling all yelpers. No, not the hipster elitist resto-reviewers.

- Yahoo Sideline is an app that lets you keep track of Twitter searches you make often, updates them in real-time, and lets you skim them in tandem. Think TweetDeck for the buzz-thirsty. (More thoughts at Mashable.)

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by Angela Natividad    May-11-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Opinion, Social

Milk Saves Princesses from Bitchiness and Spinsterhood


Who needs Disney when you've got the California Milk Processor Board? Watch with conviction renewed how two princes-to-be win royal mates.

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by Angela Natividad    May-11-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television