Julia Stiles Debates Merits of Commercial Versus Indi Film Making


When you write about advertising every day, suffering de ja vu every once in a while comes with the job. Today, Julia Stiles is the cause of our ailment. She's in a new Stoli commercial in which she talks to herself and debates the merits of going commercial versus staying indi.

Though the ad is new, we could swear we've seen it before. Maybe it's because we couldn't stand watching Hugh Hefner talk to himself and we conjured Julia instead.Anyway, anytime we can see Julia Stiles is a good time so we're not going to complain.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 6-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

Microsoft Kills Kin, Ends Rosa's Travels


Rosa, we hardly knew ya. And, from what we saw in your introductory video, we were hoping to see a lot more of you. Because, well, there is a lot of you. And we really, really wanted to see you travel the country in search of your friends using some device from Microsoft no one's heard of called the Kin.

Alas, that dream will never come to fruition. Your plug has been pulled. Your Kin commandeered. Your travels halted. We'll never really know the full extent of your mission to meet your 824 Facebook friends in person. But, and we think you already knew this, most of them aren't really your friends anyway. So stay at home. And enjoy your true friends and family.

Oh, and one last thing. Go out and buy a real phone. We hear the iPhone4 sucks but you can get a really cheap 3GS.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Is That A Verizon Tower in Your Pants or Are You Just Happy to See Me?


One day about 20-30 years from now when people start dropping like flies from cancer caused by the incessant use of wireless technology, some enterprising lawyer will launch the world's biggest class action lawsuit against Verizon and every other wireless-related company for irradiating our brains until they turn into one giant tumor.

That lawsuit will, however, fail. Mostly because we've been told this could be the case for years but we choose to ignore it. Instead, we laud the proliferation of wireless availability and, in one particular case, Verizon's superior coverage leading to it's perpetual placement as top provider of network availability and coverage in survey after survey.

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by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Specsavers Offers 'Goal Line Technology' to World Cup Refs


Now this is just funny. Specsavers has taken advantage of the controversial disallowed goal during the England Germany World Cup match Sunday. It will run in The Sun, The Daily Star, The Daily Express and The Daily Mail today.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Newspaper

Burger King Gets Juicy With Xenia Tchoumitcheva


Hmm. Since when did Burger King ads go high fashion? Well, whenever one has the chance to put a hottie like Swiss-Russian model Xenia Tchoumitcheva in a campaign, anytime sounds about right to us.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Cannes Lions: Richard Gorodecky on Tansu, Clones and Life as a Hologram


Last week, before all the Cannes fun and games were over, I scored an interview with ECD Richard Gorodecky of Amsterdam Worldwide (@amsterdamww).

You remember AW as the agency that did the Tansu shoe for Onitsuka Tigers, which won Design Gold at Cannes Lions in the Corporate/Brand Identity category.

Some background: this giant shoe is composed of multiple cupboards and openings in the Japanese Tansu style. Users that are able to unlock the compartments get to keep what's inside. The agency also made a digital version with revelations that include product information and free stuff.


A little context on this interview: he, Kerrie Finch and I took seats on the terrace of the Majestic. We made small-talk and every once in awhile they'd randomly mention suckling pig.

"I don't get this reference," I said after about the eighth time.

"Let me explain," Kerrie said. "You know that question, 'Is TV the new hearth'? We were saying earlier that it can't be the new hearth because you can't roast a suckling pig on it."

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Cannes Lions: Film, Film Craft, Titanium and Integrated Lions Winners


Last night at Cannes was the ceremony everyone stays up for, and the one I missed, to my infinite regret. Crucially, it also marked the first year a Film Craft category was incorporated into the Lions.

Some really good stuff was awarded, material that was a pleasure to watch repeatedly over the course of the year. All in all, a crisis isn't a bad backdrop for the ad industry. Some beautiful, deeply human things have come out of it - work that makes us dream again.

Take a look down yonder. I am only listing Grand Prix, Integrated Grand Prix and Titanium Grand Prix winners. To see the rest, click on the category.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-27-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events

Cannes Lions: Design, Press and Cyber Winners


I'm about 24 hours late on this, because the universe of Cannes seems to have priorities (and possibly a wormhole?) of its own, but here are the Grand Prix winners from Wednesday night's ceremony at the Lions.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events

Solidarites International Reveals Menace in Water


Q: If water could talk, what do you imagine it would say?

A: It depends on whether or not it would like to kill you.

Just wanted to give this "Water Talks" installation some coverage because it's gripping and chills-inducing work. It went down in the last two months or so. I'd never seen it, and neither had Adland's Ask "dabitch" Wappling. (We were both self-righteously upset by this.)

Here's the video.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Outdoor

Cannes Lions: Media, Radio and Outdoor Grand Prix Winners


Last night at the ceremony I livetweeted all Gold and Grand Prix winners in the categories above. If you weren't following along at @luckthelady, here's a breakdown of the Grand Prix winners.

Click on the category to see the full list of Gold, Silver and Bronze winners.

Media: Leo Burnett Sydney for "EOS Photochains," Canon EOS DSLR cameras. A cadaver exquis-style execution where users can post images, then other photographers take a piece of that image to continue the chain with a photo of their own.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Online, Outdoor, Radio