Skincare Model Good Enough to Eat


We're not sure if the sexual innuendo was intended here but it sure seems blatant enough to us. These ads for Ella Blache Paris claim to help make "Skin good enough to eat" and feature naked women, with appropriate parts covered, draped over eating and food preparation implements. See additional versions of the ad here and here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Southern Film Festival Gets Southern Stereotype Treatment


Adding a southern twist to ads promoting the Carolina Independent Film Festival, BooneOakley "re-worked" movies posters from Breakfast At Tiffany's, Moonstruck, Red October and Scareface. See all the redneck action here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good

Fishing Magazine Helps All Kinds Fish Better


We like the double meaning of this print campaign from FCB Sao Paulo for Pesca Magazine, the encyclopedia of fishing. The images connote, at least to us, the animals in the ads - a bear, a cat and a seal - wearing glasses to both study up on how to better catch fish and to better see the fish they want to catch. See the other two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Shoes On Dead People Promote Footwear Retailer


Euro RSCG Chicago has created a print campaign for its footwear retailer client O&I Shoes. The ads, which break Monday and focus on the retailer's fashionable but practical to wear line of footwear, carry the headline, "Comfortable Shoes You'd Actually Be Caught Dead In." With images of fashionable footwear-clad women on a morgue slab and in a coffin, we're betting this campaign just might give cause for the reader to pause a bit before turning the page. See both versions of the ad .

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine

Jenna Jameson's Boobs Promote Adidas Adicolor


This is whacked - as in whack-a-mole. Calling attention to its Adicolor customizable sneakers, Adidas, working with ad agency Idealogue and seven directors has released seven colorific videos, the first featuring none other than Jenna Jameson and her saline balloons.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Laser Hair Removal Campaign Goes S & M

Priciderm - 2 - 2006.jpg

Distancing itself from the more barbaric forms of hair removal, Priciderm, with help from its Quebec ad agency Carte Blance, has launched an S & M themed campaign to promote its seemingly less painful laser hair removal process.Two of the ads use the queasiness of S&M to illustrate hair removal doesn't have to be a painful ordeal. A third execution, gets right to the point with blood in the sink. See the others two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Break Dancing Worm Grabs Attention in Visa Check Card Ad


We all know VISA's launched a huge, new campaign with the new tagline, which we like very much, "Life Takes VISA." We all know there's tons of TV spots supporting this campaign but one, which we saw a couple nights ago, just seemed to stand out from the crown. It's called Worm/Recycling and sort of makes you wonder what it is at first as it begins with line drawings of a worm breakdancing to electronica before it becomes obvious it's a commercial for the VISA check card.

The commercial was created by TBWA\Chiat\Day and the nifty special effects work was done by Brickyard VFX which did the special effects on the Comcast Slowskys ad.

by Steve Hall    Mar-29-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good

McDonalds' McMornings A Let Down


We were optimistic, though we're not sure why, the the McDonald's McMornings might be something special but the first thing we were greeted with was The Excuse Generator 3000, one of those lame, so five years ago, excuse letter generators for people without enough spine to stand up for themselves when their boss asks them why they were late to work. Of course that could all be due to some ingenious use of cookies automatically landing anyone coming to the site after, say, after 9A in a given time zone on that page.

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Campaign Portrays Dodge Caliber As Wise Ass Little Shit


Yesterday, we told you we really liked the Dodge Caliber print ad that had the car photocopying its ass and today we have two of the television commercials from the campaign. In a spot called Moon Dog, following the campaign's positioning that the car isn't for sissies and has a smart alwcky attitude, a dog in the backseat, while passing other dogs in other car's backseats...well...just watch the spot.

The second spot, called Too Tough, features a fairy who tries to turn everything in the city into some rendition of sugar plums and Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. She succeeds until she meets the tough little Caliber. Both spots do a good job saying, OK, this car ain't no lame ass little Toyota Carolla - this is kick ass American steel. Well, tiny, shin-kicking Tonka Truck tough American Steel at least. The campaign was created by BBDO Detroit.

by Steve Hall    Mar-28-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Television

Men Pretend to Be Women in Fashion Ad


Found on Supertween and The Cool Hunter and sent to us by Susannah Breslin, these ads, created by Red Cell, for Milan womans' boutique Antonia apparently want men to think the store's so cool, they'll do anything to get in. Or, it's yet another ad treating men like idiot metrosexuals. Or, it's just high fashion advertising for which there's never a good explanation.

by Steve Hall    Mar-28-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Strange