CEO Joseph Frick of Independence Blue Cross, the biggest health insurance provider in Philadelphia, used his recent colon cancer diagnosis to fuel this ad campaign by Tierney Communications.
The height chart at left lends a practical, and sort of charming, picture of how needs change as the mortal coil unravels. (Nagging question: why is 5'9," "Mammogram Reminders," followed by 6'1," "Senior Fitness Programs"? I thought people shrink when they get old? Is Independence just that good?)
Tagline: "Just a few ways we're here for you every step of the way" -- a little clumsy, but it gets the idea across.
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Hoping to milk the star (?) for all his worth, Nationwide has released behind-the-scenes footage of its ad featuring Sanjaya Malakar. Shot in India, footage depicts the American Idol castaway singing in the face of a firmly shut door (what a metaphor!). You'll be pleased to know Sanjaya's hair is as wack as ever.
Nationwide loves a talented media whore, and Sanjaya certainly fits the bill, so it was just a matter of time before the two found each other eventually.
To learn more about his partnership with Nationwide, read a recent Sanjaya interview.
To generate interest in a product that isn't very interesting -- office printers -- Konica Minolta borrowed from a topic that makes everyone's ears perk up: the office affair.
Print ad Episode 1, "When efficiency flirts with flexibility," ran in Government Purchasing Guide.
And while bizhub, a "quick pleaser," probably won't fit under your desk, it'll get email and FTPs scanned ... fast. Feeling flushed? Wait 'til you've heard what it does with heavy card stock.
-Dior has dumped Sharon Stone as spokesperson for comments she made about China while at Cannes: "I'm not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And then the earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?"
- Psst. "Dunkin' Donuts is one of our sponsors."
- New York's tourist campaign has been dubbed too white and misrepresents the ethnic make up of the city.
- That Coors Light Perfect Pour dude is back with even more goofy pour stunts that, so totally unbelievable.
You've probably seen it a dozen times already, but I'm up late thinking it's awesome how you can watch the whole Indiana Jones movie trailer from right inside an expandable ad. (It's the one at right.)
Rich media is amazing. Well, it can be, anyway.
It's sort of thoughtful that State Farm feels compelled to pander directly to both mainland Asians and Pacific Islanders.
The question I really want answered is, who left that rug in the middle of the driveway?
Via Gawker and Multicult Classics.
- Crocs launched a travel site, Cities by Foot. Designated Crocs-wearers explore cities like Denver, New Orleans, San Francisco and Vail. Every once in awhile you get a close-up shot of their feet.
- This guy travels to India to remedy his PC pop-up problem. Hijinks ensue. My favourite line: "Just tell them to unplug it, and PLUG IT AGAIN!" Cut to the song.
- Apparently 50 Cent is social media savvy.
- The British government tries scare tactics to keep kids away from knives. They also plan to give out postcards featuring mutilated body parts.
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Emo heartthrob Kazutaka Nomura of PWRFL POWER gets animated, woos the uncatchable Erin Esurance, and teaches her a powerful lesson about self-esteem. In song.
Not that she needed it. She does, after all, prance around in spy clothes to sell car insurance.
This is part of a partnership between Esurance and the Monolith Music Festival at Red Rocks. The website, linked above, also includes a bio and an interview with PWRFL POWER, as well as tour dates.
The beauty, and success, of Crocs shoes (no, we never owned a pair, thank God) came mostly from word of mouth and the desire to be cool because you wore strange looking shoes that squeaked. It's sort of like the Flip Video camera which used to be packaged in those impossible-to-open, hermetically sealed plastic packages that hung from hooks in Wal-Mart until it experienced a Web 2.0, "Must. Vlog. That.", iJustine-fueled rebirth.
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- Wired interviewed the director of Weezer's Pork and Beans music video, which is a whiplash-inducing tribute to 'net-ebrities.
- Apptera promotes The Incredible Hulk to callers who request information on Iron Man.
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! launched a site called Now We Know Better. Scroll over the vintage homemakers to see them magically turn into ... modern homemakers! The site's a dream destination for daytime TV addicts: game shows, girl talk and margarine.
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