Mr. T Tells Wimp to 'Get Some Nuts'


Does Mr. T ever age? Every time we see him, he looks that same as he did back in like the 1920's (or however long ago it was) when he did that A-Team thing. Now he's driving a tank to deliver a Snickers bar to some whiny-ass soccer player who's faking an injury. Rather than let the wimp continue feigning injury, Mr. T delivers his famed 70's-style "I'm gonna get you sucka" machisimo yelling, "If I ever catch you acting like a crazy fool again, yo're gonna meet my friend, pain," while throwing a Snickers bar at the shocked pretender.

by Steve Hall    Apr-30-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Good

Consumer-Generated Confessions Come Clean For Mom


Damn! Just when we thought this consumer-generated trendlet was dying down, online video network Capessa and Dawn had to go and partner to create Come Clean For Mother's Day...The World's Cleanest Video Contest. Now we have to watch random people confess to their mothers such gems as stealing wine from the fridge (oh, the horror!), eloping three months before the real wedding (that's pretty shocking), dating mom's co-worker, getting a tattoo (Angela?), Lake Acapulco cliff diving and all sorts of other mundane escapades. Thankfully Mom doesn't have to watch all these videos but she does get a year of free maid service if her kid's confession is the best. Even so, we're thinking Mom would much prefer to watch Xtra-pine's Cleaning Hunk rather than their sons and daughters copping to their adolescent dirty deeds.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Video

Nair to Unleash America's Ass Cheeks With Return of Short Shorts


When a press release finds its way into our inbox which proclaims short shorts, the rage in the late 70's and co-opted by Nair in their famed Who Wears Short Shorts campaign, are back in fashion, we have mixed feelings. See. There's this little problem America has - the expanding waist and butt line - that wasn't such a big issue back in the day. When you couple that little problem with the apparent obliviousness of some as to amount of bulging flesh that billows outward between their low rise jeans and short belly shirt, the return of short shorts sounds like nothing short of the worst fashion disaster since the leisure suit.

Oh sure, the models in Nair's new, updated version of its Who Wears Short Shorts campaign are bootyliciousness perfected but we're not looking forward to watching the explosively bulging ass cheeks of those not in the bootyliciousness perfected category but think they are.

by Steve Hall    Apr-23-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Nike Bitchslaps Imus with Big Fat 'Thank You'


Ad-love is fickle. Shortly after dropping the slanderous Imus, advertisers decide they want him back.

That is, with the exception of Nike, which happens to be a major sponsor of the Rutgers' men and women's basketball teams. Duncans has an exclusive interview with the talking heads that matter, but essentially what happened is Nike released a print ad thanking Imus for reminding us we've still go a long way to go before ignorance is dead.

Typically the tastemakers for victory, postivisim, etc., Nike demonstrates they do even righteous rage better than most. Nice.

Wieden + Kennedy, Portland, put this bad-boy together.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-07    
Topic: Best, Brands, Celebrity, Magazine, Social

Verizon Addles Goldfish with Mean-Ass Gz'One Type V


Why is the bulky screw-ridden open-grilled Verizon Gz'One Type-V so ugly? Because it is tough. So tough it is waterproof and shock resistant. So tough it merits a name that can't be pronounced without a platinum inlay across your teeth.

McCann, New York threw together a promotional event called "Call the Fish" in a New Jersey store. One of these bad-boys got tossed into a fishbowl while people called the phone and watched the aggravated fish react to the phone's musical ringtones, flashing lights and vibrations.

How far we've all come from tapping incessantly on tanks.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Promotions

Reebok Explores the Jogversation Landscape


mcgarrybowen/180 Amsterdam and anonymous content/Gorgeous get together to create this neat spot called Run Easy, part of the Run Easy campaign Reebok recently launched.

While Nike and iPod nailed the intensity and exhiliration of music and the dash, Reebok slows the pace and captures the conversational camaraderie that occurs between runners. The use of snippets to tell tales out-of-context adds to the effect, considering runners tune in to some weird convos in those instances of jog-by earshot.

A far cry from the hip-hop effort of last year.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Crashed Hood Blimp Garners Agency Top Print Award


Last September the famed (in New England, at least) Hood blimp crash landed in the appropriately named Massachusetts town Manchester-by-the-sea. After the crash the dairy company placed an ad thanking the residents of the town for their patience and cooperation during the blimp's clean up. Either out of sentiment or true adoration, the ad, created by VIA, was handed The International Dairy Foods Association's "Best Overall" award in the print ad category at the organization's Smart Marketing 2007 conference held last month in Las Vegas. Did that blimp really crash or was that planned all along? OK. Just kidding.

VIA also won a Best Radio Ad for their Hood holiday eggnog spots and a Best Public Relations Campaign award or its press conference with Boston Red Sox star Coco Crisp as well as an award in the "Best Promotion" category for their Sox Tops for Kids program.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Industry Events

Sally Spend-a-Lot Nets New Clientele with Silly Song, Credit Tips


Apparently animation is a wildly effective means of chaining co-eds to debt.

For the credit card peddlers at Chase, Superfad puts together a new spot called Sally Spends-a-Lot. It would be cute if it weren't so garish.

The promotion is running heavily on Facebook instead of MySpace. Le gasp.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-18-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Volvo Turns Opinions Into Ads


For its Free Will campaign Volvo takes a bunch of user opinions about the C30 and turns them into ads. Check out a few. The last one, entitled "Mother," was wildly jiggly.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-18-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Online

Axe Does Million Dollar Homepage, May Regret It


It had to happen and who better to do it than Axe. We're sure you're familiar with Alex Tew's Million Dollar Homepage phenomenon that actually did make a million and with the thousands of other copycats that made nothing close. Now, Axe has done what it does best: find a way to work a scantily-clad babe into every piece of marketing they do with their own million dollar homepage-ish effort. While we think Smash My Viper did a similar thing better with their own collection of scantily-clad babes, this Axe effort has extended itself to answering machine foolery and a video in which a Portuguese Brazilian model strips on webcam. This being YouTube, and not Dailymotion, she, of course, does not strip all the way down to nothing. No matter, the 15 year olds will love this one.

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Opinion, Racy, Trends and Culture, Video