For all you perverts out there. Oh wait. Sorry. That's just us. And maybe the dude over at Where's my Jetpack who had some fun playing with Land O Lakes butter. No, not the product you sickos. The packaging. Apparently way bakc in the 30's, the designer of the packaging, Jess Betlach thought he'd have some fun by adding the visual hint or female aureola/nipple to the Indian woman's knees. The knees, you ask? Well, according the Where's My Jetpack, thousands of boys would cut the knees off, cut a whole where the Indian woman is holding the product and insert the image of the knees thus creating the illusion of an Indian woman holding her bare breasts.
Remember, this was before Playboy. Before Juggs. Before the Internet. Before National Geographic, perhaps. Apparently, a guy had to so what he had to do to get his daily moment of satisfaction. Humorously, Where's My Jetpack promises to post Land O Lakes' cease and desist when it arrives.
Brentter recently let us know that Crocs just inked a deal with the NFL and NHL. The liaison includes team-branded shoes for all 32 NFL teams and all 30 NHL teams.
Crocs depends on word-of-mouth to get its initiatives out in the open. Somebody's got to be buying them because they're all over the place but all the culprits keep them well-hidden. We'll admit on a recent trip to the beach that we bought a pair after a recommendation and found them strangely soothing. But couldn't they go just a little out of their way to make them look more like these?
Get ready for the return of the proverbed naked girl in the ice cubes of liquor drink ads. Or at least single frame brand blips on television shows such as the Food Network's Iron Chef America. YouTube user H20ay32 posted this video capture of a recent broadcast during which a single frame of the broadcast consisted of the Golden Arches and McDonald's tagline, "I'm Lovin' It." While McDonald's did obviously sponsor the show with on screen billboards, this subliminal placement by a major brand is sure to create debate.
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We know Microsoft wants us all to think its new Zune MP3 player is the MP3's answer to social networking what with its questionably easy method of song sharing and such . What we didn't know was just how social the staid monolith would get in order to convey its apparently very friendly social skills. Look at this banner ad for Zune found on Metacritic and ask yourself exactly what this particular sort of social activity has do to with song sharing. And before all you conservative types jump out of your seat and scream "Adrants goes for cheap salaciousness again!", ask yourself why Microsoft or the art director behind this creation cold not have chosen from 3 million other shots of a woman making love to a microphone before choosing this image which alludes to an entirely different kind of love making. Click the image to increase the size of the love making.
We stood behind Rosie after that Donald Trump nonsense. We like that she stuck by what she said even when the Trumpster threatened to fling a lawsuit in her direction on one of his ninja-star toupees. But this makes us feel funky about her.
Kimberly-Clark hits The View to push their room makeover sweepstakes. Rosie gets exhaustively excited and right when we think she can't look more insane she does a Broadway number complete with dancing K-C products. And that's not something we could have made up even if we tried really, really hard.
Rosie, we hate to be the ones to tell you, but you're not funny anymore. We can't remember whether you ever really were. You're a bit cartoony. And not in a neat Jim Carey way. You're more like, well, that Roger Rabbit villain who tried to kill the other cartoons with Dip.
He gave us the horrors. And these days, you do too.
Show Me Some Lube, a viral-intended love letter to us from our cars (courtesy of Serve Assist), is a handy demonstration of how even businesses on a shoestring budget can showcase their creativity and draw traffic to their services.
The language doesn't reek of cool-hunter. We can picture our cars lying propped up on a canopy bed with a feathery purple pen jutting out the side of its hood as it dreamily scrawls. We also like the use of car images to make sexual suggestions. But considering the potential of this neat hodgepodge of adolescence, low-riders and sex, it's pretty one-dimensional and we hope they do more with it.
The chums at Mortar point us to the eSurance hottie's latest ad. To say nothing of the eSurance ads in general, which are dramatic, well-animated and blessed with catchy music, Erin Esurance is hot. We've always thought so.
But until SpaceGhost confirmed it in a recent interview with the pink-haired incognito op (aptly labeled Daddy's Little Bad Girl) we might have kept our feelings for the curvaceous cartoon to ourselves. It doesn't quite matter what she says and she doesn't even really have to leap tall buildings; her pixels could just shift from side to side and most of America would still be paying attention. Is that pathetic?
To poke a semblance at serious, though, good execution on the eSurance/SpaceGhost collaboration. SpaceGhost is always a good way of gauging whether brands have a sense of humour about their work. And Erin passes with flying colours, broadening her appeal to a more cynical audience.
Beer takes the internet dive with Here's to Beer, an Anheuser-Busch/MingleNow collabo intended to bring beer's social merits to social networking.
Here's to Beer includes blurbs on which celebrities you'd have a pint with, as well as some beer trivia and brewing history. We thought it was a fairly coherent idea but upon mentioning it to a twenty-something beer aficionado he scoffed, "Beer trivia and brewing history? All you need to know is Anheuser-Busch makes shit beers."
For A-B and MingleNow's sake, we hope that doesn't speak for the whole demographic. Actually, that's a lie. Bud's fine for drinking in secret at home when you're all depressed about your life, but we can't remember the last time we ordered one on tap.
When someone sends us something they describe as "sexy and juicy," our attention perks up. So off we shot over to the Diesel site where, beginning today and running through Friday, two girls in their underwear are holding a guy, a Diesel sales rep, hostage webcam-style on a bed in a hotel room. The set up has five camera angles to choose from and the ability to chat with the two girls. Though intriguing, as with most live webcam set ups, the quality is bad and video and audio continuously cut in and out. That's no way to enjoy hotties of either sex. Perhaps they'll get it right after a while. OK, now it's working fine. Aside from pure tantalization, we're not quite sure how this is going to sell any product for the company. Oh wait. This is advertising. It's not suppose to sell. It's suppose to amuse. Our bad.
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OK. Now we know why a good commercial needs a talented agency and a capable production house. Otherwise, we'd end up with boring outtakes like this making their way to the screen instead of the finished product. As if to drum up some excitement for one of its upcoming Super Bowl spots, Budweiser has released b-roll footage of a spot that will feature Dale Earnhardt Jr. in what looks like a nod Mel Gibson's Road Warrior. You can view the footage here but you won't be missing anything if you wait until game day to see the final product.