Aquafina Pins Piniella for Daily Words of Wisdom


If the bobblehead starts talking to you, squeeze the wheel and look straight ahead. It's probably just an Aquafina promotion.

To celebrate its snappy new designation as "Official Water of Major League Baseball" (sorry, there's an official water?), Aquafina has launched Lou's Daily Affirmations, featuring Lou Piniella.

Put together by Tribal DDB Dallas, yesterday's affirmation was "Life is always more interesting with a bat in your hands."

No need to tell me twice. The pinata might need convincing though.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-31-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Sponsorship

T-Mobile Asks Engadget Mobile to Stop Using Magenta


In yet another display of corporate legal idiocy, T-Mobile parent Deutsche Telekom sent a letter to Weblogs, Inc.'s Engadget Mobile asking them to stop using the color magenta in their logo. The letter states T-Mobile uses the color magenta in its logo and, as a result, people might somehow become confused as to what T-Mobile does and what Engadget Mobile does.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-31-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Policy, Strange

Because We All Need a Little Gay in Our Day


If you love Daily Candy but can't get it to jive with your Y chromosome, maybe it's time to subscribe to Gay List Daily.

The email list is "dedicated to making the trendy, gay individual even more trendy and gay." Now serving the nation -- but mainly Dallas, LA, Chicago and Atlanta. (Did we mention they're dying for advertising?!)

To get cozy with our slightly gayer side -- but mainly to find more new stuff to make fun of -- we registered for the email list today. The "thank you!" page graced our eager eyes with a pink cowboy (and oh, how we squealed!). It was almost too sassy to stand.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online

Gorgeous Hair Comes with Responsibilities. Yeah, Well, So Does Branding.


Watch some catty females try outdoing each other with violent voluminous hair-flips.

Cheesy as hell, but in a way that could have sparked many a feel-good spoof. (You know, like the Herbal Essences ads.)

Produced by Identity for JWT, NY and Sunsilk, the ad aired last year and was followed by that horrific diva thing we hate so much. Too bad. It could have been the beginning of a beautiful gimmick.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television, Video

Because Wouldn't It Be Awesome if Alkies Had a Holiday?


One more reason to join AdGabber: Hearing about Proposition 3-17, Guinness' (childish?) attempt to turn alkie shenanigans into a legit holiday, well before St. Patrick's Day.

Failing that, you could always hit your nearest college town and go hashing every week.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Disney Sponsors Boobs and Blowjobs


Whomever is responsible for buying Disney's online media is - or soon will be - getting an irate phone call from Mickey. Again.

Last Fall, some contextually placed Disney ads appeared in a webcam video of "Andrea" fondling her breasts. Now, a series of banner ads are appearing on celebu-porn site Egotastic next to Keeley Hazell covering her breasts, images from a Kristen Davis "sex tape," images from a Lindsay Lohan sex tape, Denise Richards displaying her crotch and more. Screenshots are here. No nudity per se but possibly NSFW.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Racy, Weblogs

iPhone Doesn't Just Want to Be Your Expensive New Friend; It Wants to Be Your Lifestyle Companion


Engadget says Apple has applied for six patent applications that reveal plans to turn iPhone into a "lifestyle companion." (Is that anything like a domestic partner?)

The patents would make iPhone the only product of its kind with the ability to scan product barcodes, track workouts and suggest new ones.

This probably doesn't mean the days of Nike+ are numbered, but we still want to say something ominous like, "Watch out, Nike. When you dance with the devil..."

Not that Nike ever needed help being bad-ass.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Brands, Mobile/Wireless

'Will You Ever...?' is Probably a Better Question.


Here's a tense, exhilarating survey of things many aspire to do, but most never will (even with two weeks paid vacation):

o Freefall into a bottomless canyon
o Dive into mysterious ocean depths
o Glide across the Antarctic plains
o Drive a Land Rover

One of those things doesn't belong. We're just not sure which.

The spot was put together by HSI Productions and a52 (which did the VFX) for agency Young & Rubicam, which was commissioned by guess-which-company.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television

Little Minx Experiments with Exquisite Corpse


...and no, not in the PBS kind of way.

"Exquisite Corpse" is a game where words and images are assembled to make a new whole. Players must adhere to certain rules to keep the game going.

Thus inspired, invited directors Chris Nelson, Josh Miller, Malik Hassan Sayeed and Phillip Van to play "Exquisite Corpse" with short films. Two rules:

o Each must respond to the last line of text from the last director's script, and
o Each film must feature the Little Minx brand somehow

View the results of the game. If you just want a taste, here's a lovely sad one about the death of innocence, which follows this one about a man who cheats at cards. (And that's a really, really short synopsis.*)

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

Scion Doesn't Just Speak; It Speaks for You


In keeping with Scion's build-your-own identity, StrawberryFrog launched Scion Speak, where you can create a Scion crest.

The site was developed after the agency interviewed Scion lovers in urban areas like LA and New York. Graffiti artist Tristan Eaton, who designed the options for the coats of arms, called the campaign "one of the most rewarding art projects I've ever created.

"I love that what I've created can be pieced together, in thousands of variations to become something no longer mine, but yours," he added.

We can identify with Eaton. Scion's campaigns aren't just creative; they tirelessly conceive creativity without deviating from Scion's gritty brand feel or relinquishing too much control. And because of that, a car we considered to be ass-ugly is now strangely desirable.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online