Did Weiden + Kennedy Really Copy Young & Rubicon's Milk Ad?


So yea. Another copycat accusation. As malicious as these things can be, most of the time, they are pure coincidence. Most people aren't stupid enough to blatantly rip of another's work. Well, at least we like to hope that's the case.

Anyway, the current copycat of the month is, allegedly, Weiden + Kennedy which has been accused of copying a 2002 Israeli Yotvata milk commercial created by Young and Rubicam. The ad in question is W+K's Sleepwalker ad for Coke.

For its part, Weiden + Kennedy said, "When we created the Coca-Cola 'Sleepwalker' commercial we and our agency were unaware of this other ad," Coca-Cola representative Susan Stribling wrote in an email. "Now that we've seen the ad, we think both commercials are equally entertaining. While the two share a few common elements, any similarities are coincidental and unintended."

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by Steve Hall    Feb-12-10    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Policy, Super Bowl 2010

No Slogans. No Sequins. This is The Man


Love this new French Connection video called "The Man." It casts aside all the over the top blather we see in far too many fashion ads. In this one, we have a man. And he has clothes. And he is a regular man. Well, a regular man with a (fake?) beard who can't seem to get the elevator to work. But a man with a fashion sense none the less. Just, thankfully, not for sequins. Which is really code for over the top fashions brands try to sell me but only end up selling to the three people who actually respond to their ads in GQ.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Brands, Good, Strange, Video

Pepsi Refresh Commercial Dubbed Plagiarism


So here we go again. Someone claiming a big brand stole their idea for a commercial. Occasionally, this stuff has merit. Occasionally, it's just sour grapes. In this particular case, we're going with sour grapes. After all, it's not like showing a collage of images is a patented idea or anything. Although we will admit the Pepsi commercial is quite derivative of the original video.

Bryan Chang, who submitted both videos, wrote, "When ad agencies rip off work, is there an obligation to inform the client where the ideas are coming from? I imagine so."

What do you think?

by Steve Hall    Feb- 5-10    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Policy

Anti-Bacterial Kitchen Cleaner Most Effective Ad of 2009


Most effective ad of 2009? Dettol's Surface antibacterial spray according to a TNS Research International study which measured how "motivating" ads are. And this ad does motivate. Mostly by graphically illustrating the problem the product solves - the killing of potentially harmful bacteria in a kitchen.

The survey, which measured more than 250 ads over the year, used an "early warning tool" called Mercury to measure how likely consumers are to buy the product or service after watching an ad. TNS claims the study can determine whether the consumer engaged with the ads and how they felt emotionally when they viewed them.

Paul Baker, the head of Mercury at TNS Research International, said: "In 2009, Swine flu dominated headlines and directly affected a lot of people. The awareness of how to keep the flu bug at bay was exceptionally high and Dettol pitched its ad just right."

We love a solution that involves chemicals. We wonder what Method's Shiny Suds would have to say about this product. Oh wait, let's not go there again.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 5-10    
Topic: Brands, Research

Diesel Wants You to be Stupid


Smart may have the brains but stupid has the balls. Smart listens to the head but stupid listens to the heart. Smart had one good idea and that idea was stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret-free life. Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories.

And so there you have it. That's the wisdom emanating from Diesel's latest campaign. Don't be smart and boring. Be stupid and have fun. Wear Diesel and be an idiot. Now there's a brand that isn't afraid to associate itself with morons.

But if you drink in the entirety of the campaign, it does begin to make sense. Take risks. Have fun. Don't be overly cautious. Life is an adventure. Live it and love it.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

St. Pauli Girls Wants to Know if You Like Boobs or Booty


Stop the presses! This is amazing news! "Unprecedented" as the release screams! I mean, really. Can you believe it? St. Pauli Girl has, for the first time in its history, named the same woman to serve as their busty barmaid. Yes, Katerina Van Derham, who was chosen last year, has been chosen again to serve as the brewer's cleavage...uh...spokesmodel.

For those who like to drool over and objectify women who, for no other reason than being born with good genes, have big breasts and a hot body, the brand is asking people to vote for the official 2010 poster. Basically, the two choices boil down to whether you like boobs or booty.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-10    
Topic: Brands

DISH Network Says Celebrity Endorsements Make DirecTV More Expensive


Last night during the Grammy Awards broadcast, a DISH Network commercial touted the fact it's prices are lower because it doesn't pay for expensive celebrity endorsements. Which is kind of funny because if DISH Network didn't advertise at all, it'd be even cheaper. Of course no one would know that because, well, that's what advertising is for, right?

by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-10    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

Panties in a Bunch Over Nike 'Gun Reference' Ad


Make the Logo Bigger's Bill Green takes a long look at that "gun reference" Nike ad featuring Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. Some are offended Nike would allow such a reference. Some, such as Lebron (in a hilarious contradiction), defend the ad claiming the notion it's a gun reference is ridiculous. Some, like us, don't give a shit and think people should move on and not read so much into stuff. Not you, Bill. All those other conspiracy theorists and cause group kooks.

Of course NBA players bringing their guns into the locker room isn't so smart either.

But seriously, give it a rest. Move on. There's nothing to see here. Go live your life and appreciate it. Don't waste it whining about advertising. Oh wait...

by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Opinion

Apple Introduces New Feminine Protection Product: The iPad


According to an explosion of tweets following Steve Jobs' announcement of the iPad, the device's new name isn't going over so well:

- For now the iPad's really exciting, but wait until they release the iTampon - PhloxLombardi

- iPad: You only need to plug it in once a month - DieLaughing

- Wow - its the iPad. Wonder if it comes in 2 sizes (maxi and mini) - donthorson

- I guess it's Apple's "time of the month" - mcafiero

- The Apple iPad: for all your heavy (work) flow days - ch33rs

- Our little iPod has hit womanhood - cubanalaf

- To recap: the iPad will come with an iRag (to keep it clean) + some iBruprofen (to keep it working smoothly) + iWings (protection plan) - fourchickens

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by Steve Hall    Jan-27-10    
Topic: Bad, Brands

GM Embarrasses Itself With Painfully Bad Video


OK so yea, a car company has to do crazy things at a show to get attention and attract people to their booth. But this dance routine performed last month at the LA Auto Show is a disaster. The music is awful. The lyrics are corny. And the dance routine looks like it was choreographed by a kindergarten teacher.

This is how you promote a new car? Maybe GM should go out of business just for horrifying us with this stuff. At least the person responsible for this disaster has been "reassigned" according to AutoBlog.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-10    
Topic: Brands, Video, Worst