Sheepeye GoDaddies Taxslayer Up in Spec Ad


Here's a concept that never gets old: getting sex symbols to strip while deluging transfixed watchers with your brand name.

Following in the footsteps of brands like GoDaddy, which is literally milking Danica Patrick for every last pheromone, enlisted former Miss Switzerland Nadine Vinzens to undress while pushing the company's merits. (Think Cleo but slightly less seedy. And we say "slightly" with some reservations.)

This gimmick comes stock with a surprise ending. In a moment of irrational compulsion, we looked down at our junk just to make sure we weren't growing anything ... unexpected.

Work by Sheep Eye Productions, which is soliciting ad work in exchange for 25 grand.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Consumer Created, Online

Clarins Paris Nails the Perfect Way to Illustrate Lift.


We were dropping someone off at the Charles de Gaulle airport last week when this gigantic image dwarfed us at the check-in line.

Questions of imminent discomfort aside, we were forced to admit that bare ass on a bike seat is probably the best way to plug lotion that lifts.

Seriously, though. Can you think of a better comparison?

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Poster, Strange

Giant Orange Balls Are Coming


Hey, that's all the information we have for you. Except for the image which clearly screams Cheetos. Perhaps a new product is ready and we can expect even more Cheetos advertising oddity. Time will tell. Be patient. It will come.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Strange

Colorgasmic Drill Plugs Kiddie Aviator Line


Ray Ban's promoting a technicolor melange of plastic Aviators with a Cutwater-orchestrated ad called "Drill," where a big plastic drill with crayons strapped to the front of it wreaks havoc on a sedate canvas.

It's a fun watch. We wouldn't mind seeing it again and again, all over network TV. (Not nearly as engaging as "Super Chameleon" though.) Kinda reminds us of the Nano Chromatic campaign.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television, Video

Sears Appeals to Techie Moms with New Media Push


See it all on, which is pretty much just a frame wrapped around a Facebook page, slathered in Twitter media for good measure. Work by IZEA.


When last we covered Sears, it was getting all cozy and whatnot with Vanessa Hudgens and the rest of the tween-tastic High School Musical crowd. Gag us, man.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Social

Swiss Elevator Riders Get Unexpected Skydive Experience


Swiss Skydive, a skydiving school in Switzerland, commissioned Wirz/BBDO to outfit high-traffic elevators with a vertigo view.

Using branded shots of the city from a dizzying perspective, the objective is to give elevator-riders the sense they're going into freefall. The effort resulted in some free TV and print news coverage, which is always nice.

In an economic climate like this one, we're vaguely sure the average 9-to-5er -- even Swiss ones -- don't need help getting that plummeting-from-great-heights feeling. Their employers probably accomplish that just fine.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Poster

Amnesty International Takes Pulp Comic Tack


Vaguely Russian kitsch and vaudevillian melodrama infuse this new spot for Amnesty International/Portugal. It's the usual global atrocities, all in-your-face and extra-extra, but tempered by a comic-book feel. The tagline seals the deal: "EVERYBODY IS AGAINST EVERYBODY BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO BE FOR THEM."

It's a big message, delivered in a heightened reality, given appropriate weight without vibing like overbearing charity bullshit. We likes.

By Leo Burnett/Lisbon and Lobo, a Brazilian production co.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Television

New LG Technology Removes Unpleasantries from Television


What do you get when you combine a keynote with some new technology from LG? This ridiculous video highlighting the company's new language filtering, happy time feature and cartooner. Right. Funny. Sort of. But definitely different.

by Steve Hall    Mar-26-09    
Topic: Brands, Strange, Video

Honda Insight Commercial's Carbon Footprint Not What It Seems


A hybrid vehicle is supposed to save energy and be kind to the environment, right? Honda hopes to drive right up that alley with its new Insight hybrid vehicle. All good.

But, while watching this new W+K Amsterdam-created commercial, Let It Shine, we can't help but wonder how much gas was used to power all those cars in the commercial. But wait, wait. You will be pleased to know that while the agency intended to shoot the commercial "live" with real cars flashing real headlights, the were concerned with the carbon footprint and opted for another solution.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-26-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

KFC Mascot Gets Community Service-Savvy


When we first heard that KFC Colonels were circulating Louisville and filling in potholes, we had this horrible mental image of street cavities being retrofitted into giant buckets of fried chicken.

The reality behind KFC's road-refreshment project is more benign, if not as nice-smelling. To celebrate its dedication to freshness, KFC plans to re-tar potholes and refresh roads in five major cities across the nation.

Instead of luring stupid-hungry drivers out of their cars with chicken in dangerous places, the filled-in holes will feature a road-stenciled "Re-freshed by KFC." (Temporary chalk, natch.)

Oddly satisfying to see a corporate mascot don a yellow vest and do something for the community. What are the odds we could get Karl Lagerfeld to re-tar roadsides?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-26-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Good, Guerilla