Tim Gunn Touts Tide. Consumer Reports Corrects Him


Tim Gunn knows a thing or two about fashion. By association, he knows a thing or two about laundry detergent. Strike that. He only knows what Tide pays him to know. In a recent Tide Total Care commercial, Tim touts the anti-fading qualities of the product.

Taking Tim's Tide claims to task is Consumer Report's Theresa Panetta who examines the commercial's claim Tide won't fade clothing after 30 washes. After testing the claim against two other detergents, Consumer Reports found Tide Total Care faded a test dress "just a little bit" compared to All Small and Mighty.

But the big insight was discovering the third detergent, Tide 2X Ultra Coldwater, did just as well as the other Tide detergent, Total Care, at half the price.

So while Tide's commercial claim is technically true, they'd rather us not know they make another product that does just as ell but costs half as much. Greedy bastards.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials

Emma Watson Brings Charm to Burberry


Fresh out the Harry Potter franchise, Emma Watson returns to earth on behalf of Burberry, which managed to score her in full postpubescent splendour.

She's clearly not the geeky kid witch we all took her for -- although this Mary Poppins-esque carpet bag leaves us with the sense she may have a few tricks yet. Or maybe she's just hiding an oversized umbrella that conjures the east wind when she needs to make life-changing nanny trips.

Brought to us by the incomparable Jeremy Dante.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Magazine, Poster, Sponsorship

Soften Their World -- Before They're Too Big to Fight Back.


We've heard it said that we'll always be about five or six years old in the eyes of our parents -- no matter how much we accomplish, how old we really get, or where on our bodies our hair starts to grow.

Which is why this campaign for UK-based Fairy hits home in a manner both awkward and charming. Each spot depicts a generic Gen-Xer getting infantilized by his mom, who despite old age (and complete senility?) hasn't lost any of the maternal instincts she possessed in the prime of motherhood.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Mini Markets to Vampires for True Blood's Season 2


@AskACopywriter managed to catch the phone booth ad at left, fruit of a liaison between BMW's Mini Cooper and -- oddly enough -- HBO's True Blood.

You may have noted that, in July of last year, True Blood orchestrated this pretty cool YouTube effort where vampires worldwide apparently produced their own amateur videos and tried demanding suffrage from the narrow-minded living.

This Mini partnership is another way to work that "vampires among us" angle: Mini is among a handful of brands that will be targeting their campaigns to vampires through June 14th, the start of Season 2.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Outdoor, Promotions

Qdoba Burritos Smack of Stop-Motion Freshness


There's something about stop-motion vegetable videos that: 1) soothes us, and 2) convinces us anything the associated brand says is true, including the oft-repeated lie that the food involved is fresh.

Not that we're in any position to judge the freshness claim tied to Qdoba's handmade burritos, which we've never tried and which actually look appetizing, actually. Would be nice to sink our jaws into some cheesy beans and warm tortilla right now.

Work by Amalgamated, best remembered by us for its final-frontiersy attitude toward bodily fluid's true colours.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

'Local Porno Buyer Jim Scott Has Been Taken Hostage. Along with His Pornography.'


This shit's over-the-top, but we got one or two dry giggles out of it.

It's embarrassing enough to get called out for mumbling your porno mag of choice to an old Asian cashier with no sense of empathy, but then your high school crush shows up -- and the cashier starts offering you self-pleasure freebies, too?

Things only worsen from there, Judd Apatow-style. Think hostage situation, daytime TV, publicly humiliated mother, the whole nine: in other words, a morality tale parents tell their starch-collar boys when they're young, to keep them from wanting to touch their wees.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Blow-Hardy Shuttleworth Brings the 'Tude to Yorkshire Tea


John Shuttleworth appears in this BMB-created ad for Yorkshire Tea, just pompous enough to nicely serve up the ad's two themes: tea and Yorkshire, whose inhabitants are "a joyless lot," says Sell Sell.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Dank!: Aesthetic Imperfections Cut the Pain Out of Price


Here's a clever little campaign for Dank! Second Hand Furniture. Each print zeroes in on a piece of furniture; whatever defect mars it visually also mars the ostentatious price that made the item unattainable.

Also see Table and Chair. By the clever visual acrobats at DDB&Co./Istanbul; via.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 5-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster

Gain: So Sweet-Smelling, You Might Attract Hop-Ons


This print effort for Gain could probably have done with better execution. I had to read the tagline -- "It smells that good" -- and even then I had to look hard. And it was like, "Oh, it would appear that there's a person stuck to that other person."

But it isn't immediately clear that they're trapped there because they're smelling, and not because, oh, they got sat on and taken-with when their host got up again.

Variants include Gallery and Airport. Work by Leo Burnett/Toronto.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 5-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster

The Crime Isn't in Napping, It's in Napping Indiscreetly


BreatheRight keeps you snoozing soundly without leaving the auditory evidence in your wake, promises CBGrey/Paris in "Theatre."

In the piece, a man snoozes quietly in a packed audience. Meanwhile, onstage, some melodramatic Vagina Monologues-meets-beat-poet stuff folds brains into various shapes of comatose.

Nice that Napping Ned is considerate, but that's gotta be one hell of an expensive siesta.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 5-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television