Bored With GoDaddy, Danica Patrick Now Pimping Watches


In her every GoDaddy appearance, Danica Patrick always looked as if she was sleeping or bored out her mind with the silly antics which accompanied every GoDaddy outing in which she appeared. So now she's off to pimp watches. Where does the girl find time to drive anymore?

Patrick hooked up with GQ to appear in a four page advertorial (pdf, sadly) for Tissot Swiss Watches in the September issue. So there she is All glamor girl-style. In the pool wearing a bikini and getting some hunk boy love. Against a wall in a dress and heels getting pulled away by a mysterious arm which has "I want to have sex with you" written all over it. Sitting atop an old school newspaper man as if to...I don't some form of mini-skirted feminine superiority. And presumably naked and embraced by a dude while watches the size of a person's head grace each of their wrists.

Well, at least she's moved beyond her car model days.

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Westin Touts Sleep Over Sex in Times Square


Not sure what this says about us but a recent survey found 51% of us would rather have a good night's sleep than great sex. Well, we all get tired once in while, it seems, and do need a really good sleep. And the Westin is there to give it to us. In public. In Times Square.

Hmm. Times Square isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind when one thinks of getting a good night's sleep but, then again, hosting a promotion in the privacy of a hotel room isn't likely to be seen by many people. So Times Square it is.

The Westin has partnered with the National Sleep Foundation (do we really need such a thing?) to launch the National Sleep Foundation Hotline where, presumably, people can discuss their sleeping problems with professionals. Hmm...we can just hear these "professionals" offering up the prepackaged advice, "Have you stayed at a Westin lately? They have really comfortable beds. Give it a try and call us next week."

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla

The McDonald's Anus Burger is Always A Good Laugh


We know we're (actually it's just me) spelling challenged here at Adrants but our typos are usually pretty boring. While this typo (intentional or not) sent to us by a reader is certainly not the first time it's been made, it's hard to pass up a little bathroom humor every once in a while.

by Steve Hall    Aug-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Outdoor, Strange

Samsung Offers Photo Tips Hoping You'll Buy Their Cameras


Well here's an interesting way to pimp a a new video: "We've not pushed these out to any websites - just a hushed public launch, because they're so heavily branded and we don't want people to feel like we're trying to trick them in to watching the campaign"

Fair enough. So the video is for Samsung and it's actually six videos in one. Each video displays the magic of Samsung cameras' ability to transform subjects into, well, something other than they really are. And that's a good thing. Some of these subjects are pretty creepy.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Creative Commentary, Video

Kentucky Mad Men, Queen Latifah and Woodstock Love

- Need a date? Mad Men need not apply.

- KFC wants you to Go f... fry yourself.

- More real fake designer bag bargains.

- Naked Netflix.

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World's Largest (Fake) Water Slide Hypes Microsoft Project


Smack atop the category No Fucking Way comes this video of Austrian engineer Bruno Kammerl tearing down the "world's largest water slide," catching serious air and then making an impossibly perfect landing in a small blow up swimming pool.

And yea, it's sponsored, of course. By Microsoft Project.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 7-09    
Topic: Brands, Video

Marina Orlova Added to Stable of GoDaddy Girls


If we didn't know GoDaddy was in internet service provider, we'd think founder Bob Parson's was running some sort of modeling agency or, heaven forbid, an online brothel of sorts. But no. GoDaddy is just an ISP with a propensity for hiring hot-looking female spokesmodels.

The latest addition to the crew is Russian model Marina Orlova. Orlova, who's been dubbed the Sexiest Philologist in the World and the World's Sexiest Geek (the LA tech scene might have a thing or two to say about that), will join current GoDaddy Girls Danika Patrick and Candice Michelle.

Marina was selected to be a Go Daddy Girl shortly after her appearances earlier this month on Go Daddy CEO and Founder Bob Parsons' video blog and weekly radio show, where she was, reportedly, an instant hit.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity

Dick Cheney and Tupac Attack Fashion-Challenged Chicagoans


Beware Chiocagoans. Do not get caught walking the sidewalks wearing bad fashion lest you get jacked by Dick Cheney and Tupac. OK, so it's not really Dick Cheney and Tupac but it's a team of guerrilla-style fashion police from apparel brand Fashion Geek who accost people on the street dubbed to have less than a clue about fashion.

At points, it gets pretty violent. Hence the giant disclaimer at the end of the video. So...this is how we sell clothes now?

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Strange, Video

Remember the Svedka Fembots? Now You Can Become One


We're written a lot about Svedka Vodka and their fembot-based ad campaigns. For the most part, they've been good (to be sure, you'll have to check the archives). We've even begun drinking the stuff. Why? It's half the price of Grey Goose and just as good. At least we think so.

Anyway, the folks over at uber-awesome Barbarian Group, working with Oddcast, have put together the Svedka Bot Builder which, after uploading your face (from your computer, your webcam of from Facebook) and choosing what you want your bot body to look like (and even give it a drink to hold), lets you to turn it into an IM icon, a widget, make an e-card or send if to Facebook.

by Steve Hall    Jul-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online

AT&T Slammed in Spoof Spot


AT&T is dreading the day its iron-clad, exclusive contract with Apple expires allowing Verizon to carry the phone thereby causing million upon millions of iPhone owners (yes, they'll likely need a new phone) to switch from ATT&T to Verizon all on the same day.

This spoof spot by Pat Lee gleefully craps on AT&T for it's terrible service, dropped calls and general crappiness. Sadly, it's unlikely ATT&T will be able to get its shit together before Verizon steps in causing, perhaps, one of the biggest cell service defection rates of all time.

If only Verizon would just buy AT&T then we could all stop worrying about this crap and go back to using our phones instead of bitching about them.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Spoofs