Never Mind the Juice; is that Birdhouse for Sale?


"Birdhouse" is a painstakingly detailed spot about a relatable life chez bird, decompressing after a long day flying from branch to branch or whatever it is birds do.

He watches TV, gets the paper (from a pigeon!) and rifles through the fridge, ultimately settling for a bottle of Robinsons' Be Natural -- "Squash made from naturally sourced ingredients").

We have no idea what that tagline's all about, but the drink itself looks suspiciously like Tang.

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by Angela Natividad    May- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Traditional Marriage's New Poster Girl, Hipsters Destroy World, Learning Tolerance from Tellers


- One of those things we would've been happy to never, ever have to see.

- AdPulp and Jeff Tachis riff on David Armano's riff on the future of advertising.

- Google and goats.

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Vodafone Unleashes Mad Zoozoos on India


To promote Vodafone's wares in India, Ogilvy dreamt up a small community of incoherent, maniacally laughing, wingless birds called Zoozoos.

Mostly the Zoozoos do terrible things to each other and laugh. Each piece ends with some trite tie-in back to Vodafone.

The spots debuted during the Indian Premier League cricket tourney. (Appropriately, "Cricket Alerts" is embedded below. See more ads here.)

The magic of the Zoozoos lies in that they look animated but aren't. They're actually played by real people wearing white. You can find out what kind of Zoozoo you are at the Vodafone microsite. (Uh, diggin' how response 4 in question 1 automatically assumes you're a guy. But I guess if all Zoozoos have a package like this one, it goes without saying.)

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

If Your House Can't Keep Up with the Joneses, Your Utilities Should at Least Try.


This is neat. To remind people of their changing energy needs (and increased use of it), Colorado's Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association launched a wordy print campaign with look-twice imagery.

Each depicts an old-school domestic power setup that's been retrofitted or reused to (clumsily) accommodate technology like mobile phones, laptops and widescreen TVs.

Ads read: "The way you use power has changed. Doesn't it make sense to change how we provide it?" Yes, TSGTA, in fact it does.

Work by Cactus.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Poster

Tweets on Rich Media, Meaty Love Messages, Jobs on the Wire


- Finish the sentence: "Without advertising..." (LOL at "I'd have a savings account.")

- French agency Pourquoi tu cours (trans: "Why are you running?") is selling itself -- and its services -- via eBay and Facebook. The founder claims bids have exceeded 2,010 euros.

- Following fast in the footsteps of Volvo and Land Rover, Universal Studios will start incorporating live tweets in its rich media ads for certain films. Expect to see them in late June.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Online, Packaging, Social

Consumer Reports Gets Its Snark On


Consumer Reports is having a lot of fun these days with its online video product reviews. So much so the staid organization is...OMG...copping a 'tude. In it's latest video, Teresa Pinetta examines claims made by ShamWow, a rag-like product that's supposed to whole 20 times its weight in water. In other words, it's the Super Sponge.

Sadly for ShamWow, that's really not the case. CR determined the product holds no more than a typical sponge which costs exponentialy less than a ShamWow.

"It's like a rag!" "Make up your mind, ShamWow!" "So...this opposed to this twice as hard. Gotcha." "Or you could splurge on another ShamWow." You go girl!

by Steve Hall    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Even More Exciting Than A New Refrigerator!


If you replace the words "laundry detergent," "washing machine," and "dryer," this video for Purex would take you in an entirely different direction. We can't wait for the spoof. Anyway, there's some interesting stuff brewing in the world of laundry detergent and Purex is on the front lines.

Change is coming to laundry, the campaign touts. So what's the big deal? The product, which isn't shown, is a stiff version Bounce. It's three in one action performs the duty of detergent, fabric softener and antistatic agent.

We just wish this campaign was running in the 50's or 60's. Can you imagine how much more elated the women in the ad would be? Yea. Back in the day, women would practically have an orgasm when they got a new refrigerator. We can't imagine the reactions to a new laundry product as cool as this.

by Steve Hall    Apr-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Video

Sexist Pots/Pans Spot Upsets Australians


We had to laugh when we saw this spot for Madison Avenue Cookware ("The only thing that cooks better ... is a woman!"), which uses an old-school sexist tenor to push its shiny pots and pans -- the perfect after-hours treat for a tired lady.

The piece aired in Australia after CEO Roger Hudson of Madison Avenue Products concluded the tone "worked very well for us in America."

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

When All Else Fails, Hire an Internet Celebrity


Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, sorry. And no, we weren't just....oh come on! Get your, not that one...out of the gutter. OK, now that we've got the required Adrants Filth for the Day (FFTD?) out of the way, we can tell you that, yes (not that kind of yes), it's time to celebrate yet another brand hooking up with an internet celebrity.

This time the brand is Marshalls and the internet celebrity is Liam Sullivan of Kelly Shoes fame. In the video, What R U Guys Talking About?, Liam just can get..her? his?'s look right. His family and and a trio of mean girls trash on him but, in the end, the day is saved by...wait for it...yes (no, not that...oh, we said that already), the new, the hip, the oh-so-very cool...Marshalls? Wait, what? Did What Not to Wear just jump the shark? Wait, what? What are we talking about? Um, we forget. Doesn't matter. It's time to get all hip and shit with Liam and...yes (no, not...oh forget it), Marshalls.

Mr. Youth created the video which has achieved 100,000 views since Monday.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Social, Video

ABSOLUT World Replaces Currency with Kindness


Imagine buying movie tickets with kisses instead of cash, or repaying your local streetside violinist with embraces and not cold change.

ABSOLUT Vodka builds upon its "In an ABSOLUT World" campaign with "Kindness as Currency," a soul-warming snapshot of a parallel universe where human contact is the end, not merely the means.

The charming piece is a jarring departure from past "ABSOLUT World" efforts that depicted Times Square slathered in costly art, or everyone alive winning the lotto.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Video