In the nine months since Hooters began working with Skiver Advertising in October 2012, the restaurant chain has increased its placement on the Nation's Restaurant News Social 200 Index from 56th to 12th. The NRN Social 200 Index determines leading social media brands by evaluating audience size and reach, brand influence, customer engagement, relative movement, and lifetime aggregates.
The increase spans all platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. In November 2012, Skiver launched the Hooters Instagram account, which has accumulated nearly 21,000 followers. Other social media efforts have included Hooters for Heroes, Wing Day Wednesday, and Step Into Awesome. The agency also reacted quickly to a Seth Meyers SNL Weekend Update piece on Hooters with video that countered Meyers' assessment of Hooters as a sex dungeon.
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While everyone is busy trashing Apple's new "Designed by Apple in California" campaign, Droga5 is out with new work for Motorola that touts the brand's new Moto X which is not just designed in America but also manufactured in America.
The print campaign hypes July 4th, American spirit, independence, freedom and, despite the challenge, the fact the phone will be designed, engineered and assembled in America. Which, if we were to nitpick, doesn't really mean that each of the phone's assembled components are actually all made in America.
But, hey, tomorrow's July 4th and that means lots of food on the grill, delicious drink, time on the beach in the sun (finally) and boatloads of explosive fireworks. Oh, yea, and no work! So rather than nitpick, let's just be happy the phone bbrand that used to be cool might actually be cool again.
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Along with its hugely successful and Cannes Lions-winning Real Beauty Sketches, Dove is out with Camera Shy, a :60 that focuses on the propensity of many women to shy away from the camera when it's aimed at them. Created by Ogilvy, the work is accompanied by ose Murphy's "Peek-A-Boo" as woman after woman hide from the camera until a super asks, "When did you stop thinking you're beautiful?"
It then shows images of little girls having no fear in front of the camera suggesting camera shyness is culturally induced. Which, of course, may be true. Except for the fact all one has to do is spend a little time on Instagram or Facebook or any number of other image-focused sites to find thousands of mirror shots and selfies.
Which, of course, is not to belittle the fact that, yes, many won are, in fact, camera shy and do question their beauty.
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It's really quite sad when soda brands even remotely imply their products approach something any sane person would consider healthy. Oh sure, we all want to consume a soda from time to time but to imply the crap carries any health benefits is ludicrous.
But that does not appear to have concerned BBDO Dusseldorf when they created this poster campaign for Pepsi which is said to deliver "refreshment and energy to all parts of the body." The image appears to be a body's veins and capillaries which are colored so as to mimic the brand's color scheme.
It doesn't take much more than a cursory Google search to determine study after study have determined soda is simply not healthy. Yes, it won't kill you if you consume it in moderation but for those who drink it like coffee on a daily basis, it would appear the prognosis is not good. Via.
in the nonprofit world, we strive to fund the causes we care about. And to do this, sometimes we need to think like a business--particularly with regards to branding.
In recent years, our sector has been using high volumes of digital materials to achieve strategic goals. Many of us are now swimming in servers of uncategorized photos, logos, PDFs, and videos. And many more of us are drowning in them.
There are times when we need to spend money to achieve engagement, awareness, and efficiency, and I argue that digital asset management (DAM) is one such expense.
Nonprofits brand, market, and advertise like businesses because that is how we raise awareness. And we have to do it well to stand out in an era of information overload. At our hospital, we've used cloud-based DAM to supercharge our marketing efforts. Over the past five years, the bump to efficiency, brand consistency, and collaboration have been immeasurable.
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- Bar Refaeli strips down to her lingerie again for a new Passionista ad campaign.
- This Digiday article explores the belief among young agency employees that it's the agency itself which causes them to job hop so much because staying doesn't allow them to move ahead. People...same shit, different decade. Nothing has changed in 30 years.
- Apple's new ad campaign isn't impressing the critics nor the public.
- The Sun has rounded up what they deem to be the sexiest TV ads of all time, all of which have been covered here on Adrants over the years (Except the 1992 Cindy Crawford Pepsi ad as that was before our time.)
- Social media erupted with joy yesterday in reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8.
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Continuing its quest to proudly tout the fact everything it does is Designed by Apple in California, the brand is out with a TBWA-created animation entitled "Intention." The work speaks to Apple's intention to perfect things versus just make them.
Designed by Apple in California an intriguing effort that shifts focus away from people's fixation with where something is manufactured to where it's designed. While brands will always seek out the lowest possible costs to make their products, they're less likely to outsource the design of those products.
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We'd venture it's a sure bet the brand McAfee is none too pleased with a recent video released by founder John McAfee in which he trashes the software he created because the people who have run the company without him for the last 15 years have "fucked it up."
In the video, he hilariously reads profanity-laden emails he says he still receives even though he is no longer associated with the company.
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Sharing, sharing, sharing. It's all the rage right now among brands that have discovered the power of social media and what it can do for them. But is there such a thing as oversharing? Can a brand become too active in social media channels for its own good? Can this harm any bond that has been made between consumer and brand?
Author, speaker and social media consultant C.C. Chapman weighs in on that dilemma: "Everyone assumes there is a magic formula to answer this question and the truth is that there isn't. I have years of experience developing award-winning content for clients and for myself and the one thing I know is that if it is one piece of content or a million, it doesn't matter if it does not create an emotional response from your hoped-for audience. If what is created doesn't educate, entertain or inspire them, then nothing else matters."
And so it would seem, oversharing is relative and to be determined based on a individual situations in which the brand participates - as well as how that content connects with a brand's audience. A slippery slope of sorts.
Timed to coincide with the Supreme Court's pending decision on DOMA and Proposition 8, Expedia is releasing "Find Your Understanding," a video about same-sex marriage created by 180LA, on television for the first time starting today. The online video, which debuted last October has been viewed 2,533,874 times on YouTube and has been featured in major media news outlets.
The film follows a father's journey, both literal and figurative as he confronts his conflicting emotions around his lesbian daughter's same-sex marriage. Through his trip to her wedding, he ultimately finds his understanding.
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