Cannes Lions: Ronald McDonald Cameo Ignites Deep-Seated Clown Rage


Clowns give me mixed feelings. Having seen Killer Klowns from Outer Space at too young an age, they terrify me. And having watched a clown dejectedly make unwanted balloon animals at a party where all the kids were too old, they also make me inexpressibly sad.

Anyway, Ronald McDonald was outside the Palais today, wearing jetpacks of all things. He was doing this big dog and pony show for whoever reared a camera in his direction. Seeing him made me frightened, and when I'm scared I get mad, hence the venomous video.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-22-09    
Topic: Brands, Industry Events

GoDaddy's Got Some New Snatch. And It's a Golfer!


Here's a new GoDaddy spot that will neither change your life nor get you off. In it, two preppyland hotties on a golf course find an enchanted genie lamp. One wishes for the world's longest drive, har har, and I'm sure you can imagine what happens next.

Bob Parsons stars as the somewhat seedy genie; the more vocal chick is model Anna Rawson, a new GoDaddy girl and LPGA player.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television

Unexpected Biological Changes Make Zack a Less Dull Boy


"V-Day" kicks off a new online video effort by Tampax that follows the story of Zack Johnson, a guy who woke up one morning to find he has a gaping vagina where his second head should be.

Don't know how it'll all pan out, but it promises to be occasionally funny in a banal teen angst kind of way. Follow the progression at, a site reminiscent of a teenage boy's notebook, complete with videos, a blog, Polaroid-styled images and a Twitter feed.

The tweets are kind of funny and appear to be getting progressively more emo. Apparently he's already had a period and now feels every guy should experience one.

Hear, hear. Although to be frank, marvelous breakthroughs in birth control make it so even real women don't have to endure random visits from Aunt Flo anymore.

Work by Leo Burnett/Chicago.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

UNIQLO Calendar, Lady Parts Auto, Nestle Copywriter Wanted


- Recapping Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World.

- JWT could use Nestle copywriter.

- Lady Parts. Auto services.

- VW tweetnalysis.

- Disney, Asus partner on kiddie Netpal comps. (Via @FredCavazza.)

- UNIQLO calendar.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Online, Opinion, Packaging

Yes, Stella Even PILLAGES Prettily.


The cool thing about Stella Artois is that it maintains a semblance of flair without ever forgetting it's still just a beer.

"Pirate Paper Boat" takes place somewhere French Riviera-like. A woman fails in her attempts to flag down a waiter for a Stella Artois Legere; an entirely-too-suave dude, separated from her by the breadth of a fountain, witnesses her distress and sends her his Stella in a paper boat.

It'd be a charming little piece if the ad stopped there. But it doesn't. They call it "Pirate Paper Boat" for a reason!*

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

Come On, Not Everyone's Cut Out to Work in Model Massage.


Instead of going down the office space ennui route and depicting depressed people with depressing jobs, Brazil-based Emprego Certo ("Dream Job") showcases a guy with a truly enviable metier -- but who can't stop bitching about it.

The "Massage Therapist for Models" complains about the long hours, the malcontents, his aching muscles and the lack of holidays. One day, he vows, "I'll quit this nightmare."

Tagline follows: "More than 140,000 job positions. One of them will make you happy."

Cute. According to the PR folk, the video hit over 1.7 million online views and was spread generously from inbox to inbox. Work by BorghiErh/Lowe films.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Video

Staples Hops the Cause Caboose.


To win both the youth and the responsible parent vote, Staples commissioned social marketing firm Mr. Youth to develop "Do Something 101," a cause program that's, at the very least, relevant to the office supply chain's MO.

Campaign elements, from what we can tell, are a Facebook Fan page and a Facebook app. (That's it?!) Participating students are encouraged to build a custom backpack by tagging their friends and then donate money to help the 13 million kids in the States that can't afford school supplies.

Every completed backpack makes participants eligible for a chance to go to New York and meet Ciara, who can teach you the one-two step*, which is as good a reason as any to drum up crayon cash for your less-plush peer.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Celebrity, Online, Social

Lancia, Noble Peace Laureates Summit Drums Up Love for Suu Kyi


Vehicle mark Lancia partnered with the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to demonstrate support Aung San Suu Kyi. The latter won the Nobel Peace Prize in '91 and has been imprisoned in her home country, Burma -- er, the Union of Myanmar -- for the last 18 years.

Suu Kyi is currently on trial; in the meantime, this video is seeking broader dissemination throughout Europe and the rest of the English speaking world. It's moving work that depicts past Nobel Peace laureates stepping out of cars and onto the red carpet. The last car opens to an empty back seat -- Lancia's way of pouring out the liquor, so to speak, for the absent Suu Kyi.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-09    
Topic: Brands, Cause, Events, Good

I Broker Mildly Complex Summer Promotions; What's YOUR Superpower?


So the Radisson is running this summer-long promotion called "FRIDAY IS FREEDAY," which is about as straightforward as winning FREE! timeshare. If you book at participating Radissons between May 15th and September 15th, you can score a free Friday, provided you stay two or more consecutive nights, including a Thursday or Saturday.

And as an added bonus, you also get free internet (ALL days!) and a buy one, get one free coupon for TGI Friday's.

To promote this truly cockles-warming offer, the Radisson is disseminating a web series about a little boy who's unwillingly taken on vacation by his mediocre dad and ditzy mom. He's rescued from total ennui by a Radisson employee with a heart of gold, who outfits him in free hotel gear and turns him into a FREEDAYS FRIDAYS! superhero.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions, Video

Toddler Does a Dance! And This is Why You Should Buy Designer Water.


Remember the Ally McBeal days when the whole dancing baby gimmick was fresh and new, then companies like Etrade and Evian decided to leverage that same creepy phenomenon to sell things?

Yeah, us too. Anyway, Evian sent us its latest baby video, "Baby Moonwalk," which features a cute toddler that suddenly, randomly moonwalks. Consider this the fine water bottler's contribution to YouTube's amateur vid bargain bin.

Can't get enough involuntary baby manipulation? Watch for the Evian Live Young baby film -- coming to a monitor near you!

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video