Nivea Fetes 100 Years of Skincare with Pure Reliability Message


Laden with the immense responsibility of promoting Nivea's 100-year anniversary, DraftFCB/London decided to veer from its existing "Beauty is..." position and bring the brand to basics.

Visually, the ad favours purity and it depicts people in intimate situations of all kinds. This is clearly also a good opportunity to see skin of all kinds -- young, old, pregnant -- while reminding people that Nivea's been the trusted brand for those you touch the most. Blended in nicely is the subliminal message that it is pure and nourishing enough to support both young skin and old.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

T-Mobile Takes Angry Birds Offline, Expands Its Size By 1000


T-Mobile makes another cultural coup with its ongoing and highly social "Life is for sharing" campaign. On May 11 in Barcelona, the firm set up a huge live Angry Birds installment inviting people to play.

A few curious stragglers were drawn to a booth, where they found a smartphone with Angry Birds loaded. They'd casually draw the slingshot back (the birth of an addiction) -- and find to their surprise that the result was replicated in real life. It goes without saying that a crowd formed fast.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-11    
Topic: Best, Brands, Campaigns, Events, Games, Guerilla, Mobile/Wireless

Because When Last Did an American Apparel Ad Make You Want Kids?


...yeah, we said "want kids," not "screw maniacally" (which can sometimes lead to weebs, but ones this awesome? Less likely.)

This Tony Kelly-directed piece of beauty is about two boys, their intimacy, their engagement and their differences. The story is loose at best but you're not watching it for that; you're watching because it's beautiful, and because it all slips by you to the tune of Debussy's Clair de Lune.

If it feels aimless and ephemeral, that's part of what makes it precious.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

Marc Jacobs Makes Sailor Backpacks Now, and If You Get One, You Could Be Like This Guy.


Quirky yet delightful Spanish firm PeSeta has partnered with designer Marc Jacobs to produce the Marc Jacobs PeSeta Sailor Backpack, a harmonious marriage of sailor utility and sailor kitschy-chic.

And what better way to promote a line of sailor bags than with a sailor having an ass-shaking bag-inspired fetish fest all over a dock? At least that's what one of their ad people must have been thinking, and evidently the whole world unanimously agreed, because they gave us this magnificent piece of work.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Aldi Tea Will Float Hubby's Boat, Even If You Get Your Happy Elsewhere


We like to make cracks about English humor, but to be truthful we love it. There's stuff that passes in the UK that just never could here, especially when it comes to advertising.

This Aldi ad is one example. Its whimsical and decidedly naughty approach to competitive pricing falls together with an equally epic tongue-in-cheek tagline: "Aldi. Like brands. Only cheaper."

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Diesel Takes 'Likes' Off the 'Net and Onto Jeans


Here's an idea with interesting potential. For Diesel, European comms firm Fullsix had a baby burp of an epiphany:

Facebook's Like capability has become an online content standard. If Liking pages, content and brands online is so successful for spreading brand equity around, the Like ought to be replicated in the real world.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Mobile/Wireless

You Mean Flashmobs Still Happen...?


I know. You're thinking, "Why haven't all the perpetrators of this kicked-to-death gimmick been banned to an island yet...?" The easy answer is, brands still pay for them.

We give you Dodge's Rock N' Roll Marathon Flashmob. The brand was a title sponsor for the event this year.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-11    
Topic: Brands, Events, Guerilla

Go From Intern to WINtern With Little Debbie (Deux!)


Agency interns, take heed! Observing that you are hard-working, underpaid and apparently extremely hungry, Little Debbie's holding its second annual Intern Hero contest.

The prize: piles and piles of breakfast yummies. The demand: create a sign asking Little Debbie to send you breakfast -- the more creative, the better. Snap a photo of yourself with the sign inside or outside your office.

The conditions: you must be an employed intern, over 18 and a US resident.

Entries wrap July 18, 2011, so whip out your Sharpie quick if you want to win you some Blueberry Creme Rolls! Here's more on how to enter.

Good consistent social work (not in the Precious sense, though) by Luckie & Co.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Social

Because Guys Should Dress Like Guys, Not *That* Guy.


This country's drowning in cowboys and glamour goths. And to show today's fashion-strapped men that it knows what the real priorities are, Old Navy's enlisted Camp + King, which in turn produced two fashion spots for two fake brands: Supar Tool and Corporado Menswear.

The ads tear a new asshole out of two douchey mainstream aesthetics: the Eurotrash vampire metrosexual and the cowboy complex.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials

ING Direct's Fables Probably Won't Survive a Retelling


Beattie McGuinness Bungay's fables campaign for ING Direct UK are inviting at first glance, bearing a vague resemblance to The Wind in the Willows, but are most readily compared to Aesop's Fables -- except with "morals" only loosely tied to unmotivated plotlines.

The ads try compensating for this with an occasional stab at tongue-in-cheek humour, but that fails to compel. (Maybe it's the British/American divide?)

Otherwise, the work is beautiful -- typical Psyop. There's a lesson for you: without actual substance to the idea, even the best production firm can't save you.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 7-11    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Television