Facebook Affiliated, House Decorated, Brazil Mapped, Intel Reviewed


- Ad Lab has a piece on how you can make money with your Facebook profile by adding an affiliate banner.

- TBS has a sneak peak of it's Funniest Commercials of the Year 2007 which will air December 26 at 9PM.

- Look! Look! You can decorate a house! You can play music! You can send it to a friend! Yes! Yes! It's an agency Christmas...uh...Holiday card!

- In Brazil, LIVE launched Google Maps with a Google map pin-shaped hot air balloon and tracked its flight on a map.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-14-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Commercials

Come On Now, Even Wales Got Schooled in Existentialism


Here's an ad for Brecon Five vodka that got people's panties in a twist because it plays on the stereotype that Welsh people are stupid. (We never heard that, but we did hear they were cannibals.)

Brecon Five is a label under the Welsh Whisky Company. It's not the only vodka ever to poke fun at its heritage to make itself look better.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-13-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Policy, Trends and Culture

Paris Goes Gold for Bubbly Blonde Beverage


We've spent 15 minutes digging through the filth and sludge of the 'net to try finding a copy of Paris' latest ad, where she crawls around naked and covered in gold as if she OD'ed on these. If you find it someplace, pass it over. (In the meantime, we found this glorious piece of work.)

The golden Paris ad is for a canned wine drink called Bubbly Blonde by Rich Prosecco -- which, as far as brands go, is pretty fond of the Hiltons' black sheep. (She even sings on their homepage!)

Packaging description: "The perfect 'starter drink' for your night or a special pleasure as a reward at the end of the day." We're guessing nobody read that out loud to check for "flow."

The "wine" comes in passionfruit, strawberry and original (uh, grape?) flavor. It launches in Berlin, Germany this week. Expect to see it Stateside in '08.

Nude Paris a la gold paint. We'd smack our lips and go "GRRR!", but that's Steve's thing.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-12-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Packaging

Microsoft's 'Hey Genius!' Tries Luring New Minds, Fresh Faces into Same Ol' Same


LOL. To help big, stodgy Microsoft reinvent itself for the creative kiddies, Wexley presents Hey Genius.

Hey Genius includes a jobcuzzi (for steamy interview de-stressing), a genius transporter, and brain massage stations for geniuses suffering from finals week.

If only these attempts to make Microsoft cool actually coincided with one another. (See Zune and Vista efforts.) And if only Apple didn't already have a Genius training program.

And how much do you want to bet that even if Microsoft did draw young, sexy (bedraggled?) talent away from Google or Facebook, those same kids would still feel a little jipped upon walking into Corporate? Uh, it ain't exactly Californication in the Pacific Northwest.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-12-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Packaging

Stay-at-Home Servers Model Dads in the Homefront


"You can't domesticate a server!" snarls one critic in this corny but clever ad for Windows Home Servers.

Adding uncharacteristic, and shyly controversial, color to a mundane office tool, Microsoft -- with (lots of!!!) help from Creature -- repositions the server as a domesticated animal.

The idea is that a stay-at-home server better assists remote knowledge workers in a more productive environment -- at home (a truly revolutionary idea, yada yada). The campaign also draws parallels between servers and stay-at-home dads. This side-snicker take on real-life issues reminds us a little of early Vista efforts.

See microsite. Promotional material also includes a book entitled Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?, for sale on Amazon.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Promotions

Billboards Throw Snowballs at Each Other on Toronto Skyline


Check out this video of a pair of projected "billboards" that flirt, giggle and throw stuff at each other. They were put together by BOS, Toronto for Fido, a wireless provider up thither.

Since everybody likes a shiny object that moves, the attention-getting spots will be projected on different buildings throughout downtown Toronto between December 6th and 29th.

The charmed projectionists are Media Merchants, based in BC. They are using "high-power light projectors," which we're guessing aren't the same as the ones that so tortured us in social studies class.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor

Dell Undergoes Brand Adolescence, and it Ain't Pretty


We can't help but notice Dell is using its XPS model to (ever so innocuously) try repositioning its brand as a whole.

For this decidedly complicated gig, it enlisted Mother, NY, which in August demanded that we reconcile a passel of mod devotchkas to our mental image of Dell. It was a brave and interesting effort, but an ultimately unconvincing one.

For the XPS One, Dell and Mother are pushing harder still.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Packaging

Oh Yes, It's True, Coke Goes There(.com)


Looking to sip a pop while engaging in island frivolity? Look no further than CC Metro, an entertainment-filled virtual isle on There.com, courtesy of Coca-Cola.

The island will be Coke bottle-shaped and features music, games and other piped-in stuff that execs think will draw hipsters to the flame. Better yet, they've come up with a new buzzword (because "virtual island" is so passe): "realistic environment."

That sounds almost like something that wants to be confused for real life, except it can't be, because it isn't.

There's a new one for the bullshit dictionary.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

McDonald's Stoops to New Low With Report Card Advertising


Hey kids! Guess what? If you study hard and get good grades, guess what you'll get? No, not a college scholarship, sillys. That would be too boring. No, if you get good grades on your report card, you'll get a Happy Meal coupon on the card that you can use to get fat...uh...have a free lunch.

Yea, people, you read that right. In-school advertising's idiocy has spread to report cards. Yes, report cards. For covering the paltry $1,600 printing cost of Seminole County Florida's 2007-2008 report cards, McDonald's was able to place the coupon on the report cards of kids who received all A's and B's. Yes, you also read that right. Only smart kids are allowed to get fat.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Specialty, Worst

Coca-Cola Gets Cozy with Wanderlust-Afflicted Octopus


Here are a couple of ads (Grip and Voyage) that promote the grips on Coke bottles. They involve a friendly green octopus that adds grip to the bottles with help from its handy-dandy suction cups.

Any campaign that improves the reputation of octopuses to children is a great campaign in our opinion, because we think they're a grossly underrated sea creature. (And to think -- every re-airing of The Little Mermaid will undo all this fine work.)

On the other hand, these might just freak people out and get them all sketchy about touching textured Coke bottles.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 5-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good