Nike McFly Effort Contunues With Petition Site


It seems the very dedicated Al Cabino just might have his way after all. For years, the man has been behind a grassroots effort to get Nike to manufacture the sneakers Michael J. Fox wore in the 1989 movie Back to the Future 2 during the year 2015 scene. A petition site McFly 2015 has been launched to collect signatures and convince Nike there's a market for the shoes. Oh, naturally, there's a MySpace site too.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-07    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Online, Social

FWA Wins, Runaway Bride Campaigns, WMA Calls, Goodby Scoops


- Chicago Tribune writer Steve Johnson thinks the U.K.'s Favorite Website Awards is the best online awards site out there.

- The Runaway bride is now an ad campaign for the Albuquerque, New Mexico Police department.

- The Web Marketing Association has announced its call for entries for its 11th annual WebAward Competition which judges website development against peer sites within 96 industries. The deadline for entry is May 31, 2007 and the competition Website is

- MDC Partners is merging Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners with Margeotes Fertitta Powell.

- Cisco is sponsoring the redesign of Slate's forum, The Fray. Forum members will have the opportunity to make design and feature suggestions and vote of potential designs.

- Goodby gets goodies in the form of $1.2 billion dollars worth of Sprint Nextel business.

- Patron Tequila gets slapped for using sexual imagery and innuendo to sell its wares.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Industry Events, Strange Launches 'Fuller Speculum...Uh...Spectrum of News'


With rss-fed online banners, 33 topic-specific print ads, an online game, screensavers, television and an in-cinema game, MSNBC has kicked off an ad campaign with the tagline "The Fuller Spectrum of News" "which exemplifies the captivating journey and multiple perspectives of news, entertainment and information consumers explore on the site." Hmm. whatever happened to just reporting the news? Oh yea, everyone else does that. Marketing 101: product differentiation. Silly us. Anyway, SS+K created the campiagn, BEAM is handling online executions and Fuel Industries whipped up "Newsbreaker" the RSS-fed online and in-cinema game. Check out the creative here.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

3D Orbit Ball Rolls Circles Around Our Spare Time


We have a love/hate relationship with Candystand, whom we've reviewed so often we ought to be on their payroll.

We think they know it.

To fully leverage our weakness for time-wasting single-person games and sell us candy at the same time, they've come out with yet another such offering called Orbit Spherez. (Guess what candy they're pushing.) It merits a NSFW rating. Be careful.

Our only big beef: what's up with the laggage? We are not fans of laggage.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 1-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Games, Good

Schick Thinks Sex, Big Reptiles and White Coats Sell Razors


Since Jurassic Park we are wary of anything involving labs, dinosaurs and the promise of sex. But for some odd reason Schick sees this as the perfect formula for their latest slew of homepage-worthy marketing schemes.

We're experiencing unpleasant early 90's nostalgia with this Dino Hunters thing they're doing. The promo page assures the uncertain that "Comedy, sex and nasty ol' lizards abound in this free game about hunting dinosaurs" - and we don't know how or why that sells razors (the thought of running one blade, much less four, over gigantor scaly skin makes our stomachs clench) but perhaps it does.

The sex component is a burden mainly carried by the token ditzy blonde Candy. In a perfect world hot cartoon characters would be smart and not vapid because the point of being able to create is to correct the shortcomings of reality, yeah? No.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 1-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Johnson & Johnson Puts Three Billion Up For Grabs


What's going on in agency land these days? Is it just us or has everyone else noticed the plethora of accounts being through into review? Now it's Johnson & Johnson throwing their $3 billion global media buying and planning behemoth into the ring for agencies to fight over.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-07    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Chuck Encourages Chucking. What?


We never cease to be perplexed by this running Converse campaign for Chuck Taylors.

"Get Chucked." Isn't chucking slang for spewing the vom? Is this some sort of lame attempt at reappropriating the term? Maybe Converse should talk to the clever societal puppeteers who managed to alter the meanings of "nigga" and "queer."

by Angela Natividad    Mar-30-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Magazine

Heineken Gets Classy With Beer Babes


Eschewing ill-fitting thong bottoms and bikini tops that struggle unsuccessfully to confine over sized, undulating breasts, Heineken has classed up the beer babe in this new Vidal Partnership-created, Resident effected Heineken Hispanic commercial in which models, elegantly dressed in flowing white dresses, lovingly decorate and present the product to the camera. OMG! We can't take it any longer! Give us back the Coors twins! The Miller Lite Cat Fight Babes! Anything. Please. Wake us up from this nightmare. Oh...wait. This commercial, apart from the already done beer babe fantasy, is actually good. Forget everything we just said.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Ad Display No Match for Bouncing Boobs


We already know that Wonderbra likes playing with the space between magazine pages, and they've taken that concept outdoors. This scrolling display can't seem to do its job because of all the, uh, baggage on Wonderbra's well-endowed model. Clever. Maybe Viagra or even Aussiebum should start paying attention, considering this isn't the first of the bra company's campaigns that can go both ways.

Do you know what kind of bra ad would really catch our eye? A dramatic expansion, a violent pop, and mass hysteria. Are you paying attention, Wonderbra?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor

Milwaukee's Best Brings Us Closer to Technology than We Ever Wanted


We're completely weirded-out by the T-Scan 2000 for Milwaukee's Best Light.

The TScan scans your tongue to gauge which beer is right for you. Because we're sharp as tacks, we didn't actually put our tongues on the screens, just clicked through the scanning process to the very end. But the system rejected us because it lacked sufficient tongue information. Okay, whatever. So we clicked through again. Again, insufficient tongue information, and could we please add pressure too?

OMGWTF, we said. So, ever so gingerly, we put our tongues on the monitor.

And still yielded no results.

And now our screen is wet.

We feel so douchey.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online