Uniqlock Scores, Gawker Goes Gorilla, Rio Sees Future, Ludacris Flows Mobile


- Repeating successes at One Show and the Clios, Uniqlo's "Uniqlock" (agency: Projector) won the Cannes Cyber Grand Prix. "Year Zero" for NIN (agency: 42 Entertainment) took Best Viral; "Sol Comments" (Mediafront Oslo) won Online Advertising.

- Gawker chose Gorilla Nation to sell its ads in Canada. The deal is exclusivo, no word if it's multi-year.

- Diggin' R&R's Tarot-style print campaign for the Rio Suites Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Adfreak isn't sold, though.

- WeMix and VoodooVox enable anyone to "drop a flow" (THEIR WORDS! NOT -- MINE!) from their phones and broadcast them. Ludacris is sponsoring. More cringey self-laud: "VoodooVox is the leading In-Call Media revolution." What does that mean?

- MTLB is upset about PETA, the one-sidedness of 30 Days (esp. the carnivore-meets-vegan episode), and changing people via persecution instead of supplying appealing alternatives to destructive lifestyles.

'Music is' a Fusion of Good Beats, Pretty Sights and Heartstrings


To promote its all-music TV network, Fuse.tv launched "Music Is," a $15 million ad campaign that taps into emotional connections with music.

The tagline ("Get your music on") is pretty lame but the the videos are good. Haven't seen any bad ones but I'm partial to Soulmates, probably because Lamp Chop died before I could grow out of his show.

Videos below.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Television, Video

'Son, I'm Glad You Like Your New Phone, But Let's Discuss Your Window-Wanking.'


To promote the Secret touchscreen and 5-mp camera phone, LG puts it in the hands of a stalker who uses it to "interact" with a sleeping woman in another apartment. Wait for the part where he sighs, and the phone shakes, and the covers come off!

Engadget's take: "early-90s softcore voodoo porn." But it gets better. No promo porn is complete without the cheap comedic ending that makes everything feel safely commercial again. Well, unless you're P. Diddy.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Brands, Promotions, Racy, Strange, Video, Worst

Royal Enfield Attacks Indian 'Mama's Boy' Mentality


Having previously exploited the latent tripper and pastel-lover in unlikely motorcycle buyers, Royal Enfield finally hits 'em where it hurts: love of mother.

From the pressie: "The campaign is based on a big social truth that most Indian men are 'mama's boy'."

The campaign: "Leave Home" for the Thunderbird Twinspark, by Wieden+Kennedy.

The prints:

o Revolution. One man's trajectory from baby to slacker to biker.

o Kid. This is supposed to be a man in the womb, but at first it just looked like a naked guy doing sit-ups in the dark. Which I guess might be another reason to "leave home."

Mama's boys can expect to be outed this month in all major Indian auto and lad mags. Retailers are advised to keep tissues and milk out of reach.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Orangina Makes with the Dancing Handplay


With the debut of "Handmade," Orangina joins a stockpile of brands that've already used wiggly fingers (and that wildcard of a thumb!) to further their agendas: HP, Guinness, Bye Helmets, Phaeton, Nokia and Elle Macpherson, among others.

In the spot, wild animals sing, play and rumba to I Like It Like That. It's like being in the Amazon, except the animals are fake and the real jungle has better taste in music. Sort of like how drinking Orangina is like having orange juice, except the juice is actually soda, and it's never as sweet as you expect it to be.

PS. Did that spot really need to be two minutes long? I vote NO.

Hat-tip to AdFreak.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

'Get Smart' Whored, Mommy Scolds McCain, Man Conceives Soda, Jack Hits the Track


- matrixx pulls a fast one: to score coverage for a cross-promotion between Vespa, Subway and Get Smart, it produced a write-up for us. "Please do feel free to use or rewrite the whole thing," the matrixx rep said generously. What a nifty guy. And here we were thinking we had jobs to do.

- David and Goliath put together Jack's Track, a racing game that makes the most of Jack Daniel's NASCAR sponsorship.

- MoveOn says this anti-McCain ad is its most effective ad EVAR. It involves a baby. Meh.

- Bun in the oven? Learn how to troubleshoot.

- What a strange way to market a cola. I'm disgusted. But also sold.

Dashboard Rock Could Excel a Bit Better at Rocking


Dashboard Rock, which represents Mazda's attempt to cash in on the popularity of games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, vibes like Dance, Dance Revolution for your fingers. You can also download 15 songs as you move through the game.

Now here are all the setbacks.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Games, Online, Worst

Enlarged Ego? Patchy Facial Hair? Plain Awkward? Adrantsarax May Be Right for You


This is awesome!

For client Cedra, Door Number 3/Austin put together Get Your Drug On. It confirms a suspicion we've had for years: that making a drug, or at least the ads for a drug, is as easy as Mad Libs.

Also, gotta love that waiting room music.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

Hermione Isn't A Little Girl Any More. She's the New Face of Chanel


Back when the first Harry Potter movie came out and, while on the train bound for Hogwarts, Hermione, played by Emma Watson, responded to something Harry or Ron by saying, "pleasure!" in the thickest of English accents, I was hooked. Then I slapped myself realizing she was like 12 at the time.

Fast forward to 2008. Watson, now 18, has been selected by Chanel as the new face for the company's Coco Mademoiselle fragrance following Keira Knightley. Watson has, no doubt, grown up to become a beautiful woman certainly worthy of appearance in a Chanel campaign, albeit with the proper repackaging. Yes, she's got one more Harry Potter movie to do but the girl's gotta get on with her life, don't you think?

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity

Heartburn Drug Sponsors Racing Sweepstakes! And There is Absolutely Nothing Wrong with That!


Prilosec, the "official frequent heartburn remedy of NASCAR," is sponsoring the Winner's Circle Sweepstakes. Entrants could win a free trip to Florida to watch the Ford 400 NASCAR Cup race.

Faint of heart? Hop in anyway, trooper. Hell, maybe Jeff Burton is, too.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Events, Promotions, Sponsorship, Strange