Corporate Idiocy: Verizon Slams Phone It Will Sell in Two Years


In the latest version of its iPhone-bashing commercials, McGarryBowen compares the Verizon Google Droid phone to a robot. A robot that crushes rocks. A robot that punches holes walls. Why? Because we don't need smart phones. We need robot phones. Why? Because robot phones do.

So...the Droid is an un-smart, idiotic brute that can kick ass and take names? Is that really what we want in a phone?

This ad is so far off the mark it falls into comical territory. The comparison to a rock crushing robot is absurd. Phones don't need to crush rock. They need to smartly do digital things with ease. Kinda like this thing from Apple called the iPhone. Heard of it?

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by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Worst

If You're A DD Cup, Victoria's Secret Will Make You A G Cup


Victoria's Secret is out with its new Miraculous push up bra commercial which claims to add two cup sizes to any woman who buys one. We once worked with a woman who, shall we ever so politely say, was flat. But that never stopped her from going to freakishly painful looking efforts to squeeze together what little flesh she had on her chest into what she perceived to be attractive cleavage. All it did was make her look like she was wearing a rubber band around her chest.

It's all about size, people. Thirteen inch erections and DDD cup breasts. Much like food, many people go to extreme efforts to super-size various parts of their body in an effort to adhere to the impossible standards we've place on what constitutes looking good.

If you have huge boobs, be pleased with them. If you have small boobs, be pleased with them. Get over the obsessive urge to super-size.

Wait, what? Did we just say that? Who doesn't love big breasts? Not Victoria's Secret which, as it has many times before, is hyping a new push up bra. This one claims to add two cup sizes to what you've already got.

And the bra is available available in DD cup size. So if you're already big, you can be even bigger. See? Isn't America great? We like everything bigger. And Victoria's Secret is here to help.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Racy, Strange

There's No App For That


As we continue to digitize everything in our lives, we need to remember not everything is meant to be digitized. And that's the point Tinsley is making in this new commercial for The Florida Keys. In the commercial, we see the usual finger flip action sliding us from one beautiful photo to another while an announcer reminds us, "There's no app for this."

He's right. There is no app for a great tropical vacation so put down that iPhone and enjoy, people!

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

What Is Southern Comfort? It's New Orleans' Savior


If you ever wanted to know everything there is to know about New Orleans - well, an overly stereotypical version of the place - you need look no further than these new commercials from Southern Comfort created by Arnold Worldwide.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-28-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

'The Switch' Has John Hodgeman Depressed


Three new Apple commercials debuted last night and they directly address the launch of Windows 7. In one John Hodgeman humorously breaks his promise over an over again for each previous Windows release. In another, Hodgeman pretends to be a news anchor interviewing people making the switch but it's not the switch he'd hoped for. In the third, a woman decides not to stick with what she knows and hooks up with Justin Long.

You can view the commercial here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-23-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials

Where the Hell is Matt...Uh...Oops...Coke?


Joe Jaffe's Crayon (among other companies including Adam Brown at Coke) is behind a new program for Coke called Expedition 206. Beginning January 1, 2010, Coke will send three ambassadors around the world to visit 206 countries in 365 days. The purpose as Jaffe writes is to "seek out, discover and celebrate the epitome of 'happiness' as it presents itself across different people, places and cultures."

Sounds a bit like a corporate version of Matt Harding's work for Stride but hey, you can never leverage and monetize the power of "world happiness" enough. So it's all good.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-22-09    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Podcast, Promotions, Social, Weblogs

P&G Wants You to Take A Dump and Blog About It


When did we arrive at a point in time when it was OK for a brand to essentially say, "Please take a shit in public and tells us about how it felt, what it looked like and how effective the toilet paper was at wiping it off your ass?"

Thanks to Charmin's Enjoy the Go promotion, we're in that moment right now. The toilet paper brand is seeking five people to spend five weeks in a Charmin-branded bathroom in Manhattan and blog about dropping a log.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-22-09    
Topic: Brands, Promotions, Social, Strange, Weblogs

The Perfect Life. Brought to You by Martini


Not that anyone really knows but a real martini used to be made with this stuff called vermouth. And it was made with gin. Now it's all about the vodka and olive juice. Well anyway, in the Netherlands, according to this long form commercial, it's all about the vermouth. Namely Martini vermouth.

Yea. The same stuff we wave over a glass of gin so we can prove to ourselves we're not just consuming a shot of gin is the same stuff some people drink alone. Personally, the stuff tastes terrible but after viewing this video, it sure seems to be a catalyst for a wonderful time.

The video, called Martini Moments, is filed with pretty people in search of the next great party. Of course, they find it and life is perfect.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-09    
Topic: Brands, Video

All Kinds of People Eat at McDonald's


We'd have to agree with AdFreak's assessment of a recent Leo Burnett-created McDonald's commercial currently running in the U.K. With rhyming, almost Beatnik-style poetry, the kind of people who frequent McDonald's are highlighted to illustrate the place is for people from all walks of life.

It's really quite well done and a welcome change from the run of the mill McDonald's commercial which, for the most part, is about price and item or some stupid promotion.

by Steve Hall    Oct-21-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good

We're All Wiping Our Ass Wrong According to Charmin


Step aside Mr. Whipple. Apparently, we are no longer embarrassed by or nervous about discussing the act of wiping our butts after we take a dump. Nope. We now can have frank and open discussions about the act and the products which can help us do a better job at cleaning our rear ends.

This video's
been out for two months but, if we are to believe YouTube counter information, not many people have seen it. It's a product demonstration for Charmin freshmates. Basically, baby wipes for grownups. Using toothpaste as a stand in for, well, the brown stuff, a spokesman shows us why dry bath tissue doesn't completely accomplish the job. Nope. We need wet wipes to completely rid our ass of the annoying brown stuff.

by Steve Hall    Oct-20-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange