10 Examples of Brands Newsjacking the Academy Awards


So while Advertising Age is critiquing the $1.6 million commercials that ran during the Oscars last night, we thought we'd take a look at something a bit less expensive and a bit more inventive -- the real-time newsjacking that occurred last night during the broadcast.

Newsjacking refers to the practice of capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to amplify your sales and marketing success. The term was popularized in David Meerman Scott's book Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage.

Check out the full list here in an article we wrote for HubSpot.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-13    
Topic: Brands, Events, Social, Television

Infographic Summarizes Burger King Hack


Honestly, we're surprised we haven't been flooded by agencies, metrics companies, social media pundits and research firms shamelessly latching on to Monday's Burger King Twitter hack for a little bit of publicity. But one company jumped on the trendlet. Social media monitoring company Synthesio cobbled together a few stats from Monday's shenanigans.

- Burger King gained 30,000 new Twitter followers (which everyone seems to be cheering)
- There were over 450,000 tweets on the topic
- There was a 300 percent increase in Burger King-related conversation

But here's the thing. Where's the stat that says Burger King Realized an X% increase in Whopper sales on Tuesday?

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by Steve Hall    Feb-21-13    
Topic: Brands, Research, Social

Designer Hijacks Client Site Over Non-Payment of Invoices


Web designer Frank Jonen, who did web design work for Fitness SF, claims he wasn't paid properly so he hijacked his client's site replacing it with a damning message telling Fitness SF customers the company doesn't pay its bills.

This might be the perfect example as to why no brand should completely hand the keys to its website over to a third party without retaining at least enough control to access the site and correct situations like this. Alas, not everyone knows how to manage a website. And besides, if Fitness SF hasn't paid its bill then this is probably what they deserve. We just hope Jonen requested payment several times through normal channels before resorting to this method.

Below is the full text of the website message.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-14-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Target Turns Tweets Into Everyday Collection Runway Show


Well this is pretty interesting. On January 24, Target had a live fashion show which involved models reading tweets from people while holding products from Target's Everyday Collection. To participate, people could tweet their witty commentary with the hashtag #everydayshow and the models would stut thr runway and read the tweets. You can see a highlight reel below.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 7-13    
Topic: Brands, Events, Social

Microsoft Hires Designer of Famed Microsoft Redesign Project


Back in July, LA Art Center College of Design student Andrew Kim proposed a redesign of Microsoft branding. His idea, encapsulated on this website, went viral and Microsoft took notice. And hired him.

Yes. Microsoft has hired Andrew Kim. Of the news, Kim wrote, "I'll be designing for Microsoft as of summer. I promise that I'll make the my greatest work ever while I'm there."

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by Steve Hall    Jan-22-13    
Topic: Brands

American Airlines Logo Must be Pretty Big to See From the Ground


- The new American Airlines logo is great and all but could people really see it from the ground?

- The One Club's Annual Creative Hall of Fame event that is taking place in NYC this coming Tuesday night. This year, Advertising Legends Steve Hayden, Martin Puris, Jim Riswold and John Webster are being honored for their lifetime of achievements in the industry.

- BBDO New York has, for the sixth time, placed number one on The Directory Big Won, a directory of most awarded agencies

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by Steve Hall    Jan-18-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

How Subway Should Have Responded to the 11 Inch Sub Kerfuffle


As you may have read, a Perth teenager, reportedly Matt Corby, posted a picture (which was Liked 100,000 times before disappearing) of a footlong sub with a tape measure on it showing the sub just 11 inches long. Predictably, an epic firestorm ensued on social media. And some responses by Subway don't seem quite as genuine as they should.

Subway Australia responded (post that begins with "Who LIKES the sound of free avo on their sub?!") to the swirling tempest in a teacup by saying, "With regards to the size of the bread and calling it a footlong, "SUBWAY FOOTLONG" is a registered trademark as a descriptive name for the sub sold in Subway Restaurants and not intended to be a measurement of length."

On its Facebook pages around the world, Subway is responding but many of its comments are simple deflections and reiterations of the fact the sub is simply called a footlong but that baking processes can affect actual length

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by Steve Hall    Jan-18-13    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Social

Do Target's New Ads Misogynistically Objectify Women?


Just what the hell is this new Mono-created Target ad attempting to convey?

Climbing a ladder in heels is difficult? Women are "challenged" by ladder climbing? Life throws many curve balls in a woman's path? Women don't know how to screw and unscrew a light bulb?

And how about the rest of the ads in the series?

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by Steve Hall    Jan-17-13    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Racy

Confess Your Creative Sins With 'The Creative Confessional'


If you've worked in advertising for longer than, well, a day, you have sins to confess. And what better place to confess your sins than on The Creative Confessional. Not only will you be able to rid your mind of your sins but you will also be able to commiserate with a brotherhood of other creative sinners. You can also vote to absolve or condemn your fellow sinners. Some recent confessions include

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by Steve Hall    Jan-17-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Please Don't Play With My V-Spot


As you may have realized, we're somewhat partial to the sex-sells approach to advertising here at Adrants. That said, there are limits and there are matters of taste. Writing on Venture Beat, Jolie O'Dell brings to our attention a promotional email she was sent by voice-control company Voco touting their booth at next week's CES in Las Vegas.

Next to a pair of disembodied legs, the ad urges the reader to "Play with my V-Spot. Another image of a woman's red-lipped open mouth carries the headline, "Because oral is better."

Created by Dirk Marketing, the ads shamelessly tie the the product to a woman's vagina and the act of giving a blow job. O'Dell, a classy and refined woman if ever there was one - something you immediately realize once you meet her - eloquently castigates Voco for it's seemingly out of touch approach to marketing.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-13    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Racy