Who Needs A Foreign Language When McDonald's is Universal?


So...this is either wonderful news for McDonald's or a sad statement about the commoditization of just about everything in this world. McDonald's Canada did a video in which they send a guy around the world who discovers that to eat, he doesn't need to know the local language. He just has to utter "McDonald's."

This is all wonderful for the brand but here's the thing. When you're traveling the world, isn't the point to experience whatever remaining local charm there is that hasn't been tainted by a global brand? Then again, this wouldn't be much of a McDonald's commercial if that were the case.

Thanks Cossette Toronto for causing us to ponder the plight of the planet.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-14-12    
Topic: Brands

vBulletin Helps Power Content Marketing For Brands


Our roving video reporter, Murray Newlands, attended ForumCon in San Francisco yesterday and interviewed Internet Brands CTO Joe Rosenblum. Rosenblum explained to Newlands how the company's latest release of vBulletin can help brands create and manage content online and how brands can more directly connect with their online communities.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-14-12    
Topic: Brands, Social

Trader Joe's Examined, Lorem Ipsum Recruited, GoDaddy Gets Agency


- Former ad exec Mark Gardiner, who had been in the business for 20 years, quit last year an took a $12/hour job at Trader Joe's to see how the brand became a success without an ad agency or PR firm. The result is a book, Build a Brand Like Trader Joe's.

- Here's a case study video on Jung von Matt's Lipsum.com campaign in which they buried a recruitment ad within Lorem ipsum text generated from the site.

- Here's how Fitzgerald + Co got that vintage 1972 MINI up to its 11th floor offices as part of their failed bid for the MINI business. Incumbent BSSP retained.

- GoDaddy, which for years has created its own advertising has, wait for it, hired an ad agency. Yes, a Deutsch New York campaign called Inside/Out will break this summer during the Summer Olympics on NBC.

- If you're into the NBA, you might like this. If you like basketball footage with block type messaging, you might like this. For all others, feel free to skip.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Publishing

Apple Touts New MacBook Pro With Simplistic Ad


Hmm. It would seem when a brand has a product as the seemingly amazing new MacBook Pro and a rabid brand following, there's isn't much that really needs to be uttered in an ad for said product.

In a TBWA\Media Arts Lab-created commercial for the new MacBook Pro with Retina DIsplay, Peter Coyote intones, "The radical new MacBook Pro with retina display. Innovation in every dimension."

And that's really all there is to say about that.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-12    
Topic: Brands

Cannes-Worthy Epic, 'The Drop,' Pits Perrier Against the Sun


It's like Melancholia but with a little feminine Buck Rogers thrown in. Remarkable new work from Ogilvy Paris for Perrier features a French woman, Earth's last hope, who boards a space craft and heads towards an over-heated sun to save the planet from certain doom. Called The Drop, that's all it takes to get the raging sun to back off and allow the planet to live on.

Upon arrival at the sun, the woman who, apparently, can't resist what may be the last bottle of Perrier in existence hesitates before offering the sun what would be Earth's savior. Torn between saving the Earth or enjoying what is obviously the most refreshing drink known to mankind, she caves and consumes the entire contents of the bottle while standing on a plank as the sun rages on destined to engulf the earth.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Commercials

VW Supports Independent Film With Movie Riffs


DDB UK is out with new work for VW's See Film Differently campaign which supports independent cinema. Each of three spots opens with "Some of the most famous moments in cinema were never scripted. They then veer off in three direction that riff on Taxi Driver, Silence of the Lambs and Jaws.

Stink produced the videos which were directed by Ivan Zacharias. The videos will run in 196 independent cinemas across the UK from May 25 and are the latest stage in Volkswagen's seven-year support of independent cinema.

Funny how the films chosen for this campaign are far from independent.

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by Steve Hall    May-25-12    
Topic: Brands

John Malkovich Gets Deep With Siri


Continuing what appears to be a current fixation with celebrity, Apple is out with two new Siri commercials featuring John Malkovich created by TBWAMedia Arts Lab. In one, he asks the usual questions such as the weather, what his evening looks like, where he can get linquicia and for Siri to tell him a joke. In another, Malkovich seeks the meaning of life. Siri has a boatload of advice including "don't get fat."

Malkovich follows previous star-studded work with Samuel L. Jackson and Zooey Deschanel.

Some have debated the "upscaling" of this campaign. We just find it amusing. Seeing celebrities asking Siri things they, in real life, probably just ask their assistants.

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by Steve Hall    May-24-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Ben Kingsley Gets Intimate With Prada


In this three and a half minute Roman Polanksi film, Helena Bonham Carter, playing patient to Ben Kingsley's psychiatrist, prattles on endlessly about drivel so mind-numbing that Kingsley can't help but become distracted by Bonham's Prada coat...which he dons leading us to believe he, too, needs therapy.

With the tagline, Prada Suits everyone, the fashion brand is having a bit of fun with itself lightening its stuffiness in a manner that doesn't detract from its elegance. Well done.

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by Steve Hall    May-24-12    
Topic: Brands, Video

Go Ahead. Hate the Kardashians. But They Are Way Hotter Than You!


It seems not a day goes by the Kardashian trio isn't in the news for one thing or another. Lately, though, they've been in advertising news quite a bit with their Sears Kardashin Kollection action. And, really, what's not to love? Khloe has deliciously curvaceous hips. Kim has gigantic, mouthwatering breasts. And Kourtney is just mezmerizingly hot beyond belief. It's enough to make a guy want to...oops...sorry...this is a business site. We keep things in our pants around here.

Anyway, the Kardashian sisters can be seen bursting out of their lingerie in a new ad for their Kollection. Enjoy.

by Steve Hall    May-22-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Marissa Miller Attempts to Sex Up Buick Enclave


Sports Illustrated model Marissa Miller has been tapped by Buick to lend a bit of sexiness to its Enclave. This behind the scenes look at the creation of the commercial gives us a glance at what Buick is going for. It's all about the distracting qualities of beauty. Although, if the commercial is to be taken literally, the Enclave is destined to cause disaster wherever it is seen.

What we love most about this behind the scenes look is the ceaseless verbal analogies the ad's creators spew likening the hotness of Miller to the hotness of the car. Of course their comments are politely couched and devoid of any tongue wagging that might normally coincide with the description of a supermodel.

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by Steve Hall    May-10-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Racy